Another Member Ripped off!

If he owns the shop go after the shop
I would place an add in a local news paper stating that the owner so said shop stole x amount of money from you. I am sure that would get his attention. Or may be a local flyer type thing with the same info on it and even deliver some flyers to his shop.

If he doesn’t own the shop send his boss a letter stating that you are going to the above if he doesn’t pay the money he owes you.
Also send a letter to neighbors and a copy of the letter to him

that would be a waste of time an effort for me.. I'd be knockin on his door ..I would get better results :cool:
Someone in that area needs to go knocking.... and get the money back..... and send it to Robert.

This just makes my blood boil.:mad:
Robert gave me the all the info I need. Funny how things work out, I have friends and family about 50 miles away from this guy. Just so happen to be flying in on the 26th. I have his REAL address. Yes Mr. John Deer I do have the balls! :)
Robert gave me the all the info I need. Funny how things work out, I have friends and family about 50 miles away from this guy. Just so happen to be flying in on the 26th. I have his REAL address. Yes Mr. John Deer I do have the balls! :)

LOL I knew ya did I was just having fun man:biggrin: pics of this event when it happens LOL

I'm bringing the whole family to watch!:biggrin:
Maybe a local news station would like to interview this "Proud American" on how they rip off soldiers defending our country during the holidays.
kill for peace just make sure you don't get locked up i seem to remember you saying you were taking a vacation and this could make it longer if police get involved. hate to see that happen to a good guy.
kill for peace just make sure you don't get locked up i seem to remember you saying you were taking a vacation and this could make it longer if police get involved. hate to see that happen to a good guy.

Yea, I know. My att got my sentancing pushed back till after the holidays. My "vacation" officially starts the 23rd of Feb. I wont pull anything stupid. Thanks.
I once had a member try and say that they never received the DVD they ordered, but I always ship with delivery confirmation so when I ran the numbers it showed that the package had been delivered to to his address. When I brought this to his attention he never responded. Thats why I always take precautions, one to protect the buyer but mostly to protect myself! Beware out there!
It's begining to look a lot like Christmass.......everywhere you go, theres a tree in the Grand Hotel my foot up this guys ass as well........Dont worry Robert, he's going to get a little talking to. I'm renting a jeep while I'm in Min. just incase this bastard lives in some back country snow covered sh*thole
The pressure is working! Steve I know you read this, you have 5 days left!:wink:
that great to hear !!! it shouldn't have had to come to this :rolleyes: hope he follows threw.. nice Christmas present for ya :cool:
It's begining to look a lot like Christmass.......everywhere you go, theres a tree in the Grand Hotel my foot up this guys ass as well........Dont worry Robert, he's going to get a little talking to. I'm renting a jeep while I'm in Min. just incase this bastard lives in some back country snow covered sh*thole

The shop is right off a highway so its not back woods and Princeton is pretty much a normal little town north of the big city. If I were back in MN I would join you but alas I am stuck out on the west coast.

Also, he doesnt own that shop a guy named Tom Write owns it and is supposedly the one who owns a turbo Buick. All Steve did was order the parts with Toms CC# and an approval to do so from Tom. There is a chance Tom has no idea what is going or that Steve is a pissed off ex-employee trying to make a buck off parts that are not his.

My suggestion would be to anyone planning a trip to this shop. Ask for Tom, explain what happened calmly to him. If he acts up or tries to cover for Steve then let loose but first, be calm, it can get you further. Also, get the complete paper trail from Vader and contact the investigative reporters at MyFox Twin Cities | Fox 9 News | KMSP as they would probably love to cover a story of a soldier getting ripped off.