Check this out! greetings from Obama motors !

Just curious... Aren't we all currently shareholders of this company? We pay taxes every year and last I recall Uncle Sam used our money to save GM...

Sounds good to me

I wonder if this crack down has anything to do with all the counterfeit parts being produced using reputable names & logos. Ripping of the general public after really after thinking about it can't blame them.
I wonder if this crack down has anything to do with all the counterfeit parts being produced using reputable names & logos. Ripping off the general public after really thinking about it who can blame them.
just curious... Aren't we all currently shareholders of this company? We pay taxes every year and last i recall uncle sam used our money to save gm...

Why not start some sort of campaign (letter writing or otherwise) to make ourselves heard? Realistically, any complaints would probably fall on deaf ears but, stranger things have happened... I don't see the harm in appealing to gm as a large group of concerned shareholders/product enthusiasts and expressing our concerns and maybe trying to work out a reasonable solution...

The worst they can say is no and from what i see happening lately that's what they're already doing... We've got nothing to loose but maybe a little time. Who knows, maybe we find a sympathetic ear and get some help from gm?!?!:p

Lou if im correct and you paid your taxes last year you are an owner of gm .Is it ok with you to put your logos on your website.You legally bailed them out of chapter 7 .It was mine and your monies its ok with me if you leave them up.
I wonder if this crack down has anything to do with all the counterfeit parts being produced using reputable names & logos. Ripping off the general public after really thinking about it who can blame them.

I'm sure that's part of it. My brother-in-law used to work for HP. They have a whole division devoted to hunting around China for factories making conterfeit parts. They get the China government to close it and the next day another pops up somewhere else. China dosen't respect the copyright laws at all. It's just profit for them.

I have now eliminated any reference on my website to running any kind of a business. I'm no longer paying any business tax's either cause I now technically have none. I also will not be renewing my corporate license either. There's another savings of $800.00 that CA won't see. Careful what you wish for here.
I have now eliminated any reference on my website to running any kind of a business. I'm no longer paying any business tax's either cause I now technically have none. I also will not be renewing my corporate license either. There's another savings of $800.00 that CA won't see. Careful what you wish for here.

I have now eliminated any reference on my website to running any kind of a business. I'm no longer paying any business tax's either cause I now technically have none. I also will not be renewing my corporate license either. There's another savings of $800.00 that CA won't see. Careful what you wish for here.

I'm going to post in Politics "Our Staginet economy" an article by Thomas Sowell, He tells how with the currant govt constantly changing the rules, mostly harmful to business, that business is not investing money, just sitting on it. And they are not hiring permanent workers, just temps. As such the economy is going nowhere and all we are doing is racking up debt with stimulas money that doesn't help.

I'm going to post in Politics "Our Staginet economy" an article by Thomas Sowell, He tells how with the currant govt constantly changing the rules, mostly harmful to business, that business is not investing money, just sitting on it. And they are not hiring permanent workers, just temps. As such the economy is going nowhere and all we are doing is racking up debt with stimulas money that doesn't help.

Exactly I don't know of one economist that will claim that this country is going in the right direction. Business runs on favorable long term projections. So when you have political uncertainty & corrupt leadership that's changing the rules almost daily this is the result. Our main problem is political not economic. Especially here in CA. the worst predicament one can be in right now is to be in business. I think anyone that voted for this administration should be arrested for treason tortured & hung.
Funny, that's how I feel about the previous administration...

The previous administration took the heat for the previous previous administration, so nanny nanny boo boo.

Bush was far from being the best pres one will argue that... (Reagan was the best ever:D).

Clinton opened the door for the finiancial meltdown when he reduced regulation right before leaving office in November of his final year.

Clinton can also be quoted as saying "Al Queda is not a threat" early in his first administration and he allowed the build up of that non-threat and the planning for 9/11 to happen right under his nose.

He leaves office and within a few months we have 9/11 fall into Bush's lap. A few years later we have the burst of the bubble Clinton helped to create by lifting regulation. We’re currently bailing out the “speculators” who drove up the oil prices in 2008 using the same loophole Enron used on California a few years back. This door was opened wide for them in 2000 by then President Bill “If my financial team were in control now this wouldn’t have happened.” Clinton.

Interesting statistic. Only 1/27 barrels sold in the US were actually consumed during the run up.
The Raw Story | CBS: Did Wall Street speculators create oil price bubble?

Now...on the heals of a unwanted healthcare reform that will kill an 80% effective system and turn it into a system that benefits only 20%... we have Obama releasing a toothless Financial reform that does not even address the issue at its root and leaves the biggest problems...Fanny and Freddy....untouched.

As for me...I recognized a sweet talking rookie talking head con artist as soon as I saw him do his first speach. Want change?
Boy....did you get "change"....

I voted for the old guy and the hot chick.

Now all the liberals will call me a racist bigot cuz I dared to challenge the qualifications and ethics of our Dear Leader.
I'm the furthest thing from a racist bigot there is...but I am kinda smart and can see a fake when I see a fake...

I better stop or I'll be writing all day...
I'm just pissed cuz The Man is harrasing Papa Lou.
That relly gets in my hair...:mad:

Also tired of watching Obama get a free pass from the press, Oprah and team Hollywood who manipulated the lemming cable TV voters into voting him into office.
What has he actually done that he said he would do?

The previous administration took the heat for the previous previous administration, so nanny nanny boo boo.

Bush was far from being the best pres one will argue that... (Reagan was the best ever:D).

Clinton opened the door for the finiancial meltdown when he reduced regulation right before leaving office in November of his final year.

Clinton can also be quoted as saying "Al Queda is not a threat" early in his first administration and he allowed the build up of that non-threat and the planning for 9/11 to happen right under his nose.

He leaves office and within a few months we have 9/11 fall into Bush's lap. A few years later we have the burst of the bubble Clinton helped to create by lifting regulation. We’re currently bailing out the “speculators” who drove up the oil prices in 2008 using the same loophole Enron used on California a few years back. This door was opened wide for them in 2000 by then President Bill “If my financial team were in control now this wouldn’t have happened.” Clinton.

Interesting statistic. Only 1/27 barrels sold in the US were actually consumed during the run up.
The Raw Story | CBS: Did Wall Street speculators create oil price bubble?

Now...on the heals of a unwanted healthcare reform that will kill an 80% effective system and turn it into a system that benefits only 20%... we have Obama releasing a toothless Financial reform that does not even address the issue at its root and leaves the biggest problems...Fanny and Freddy....untouched.

As for me...I recognized a sweet talking rookie talking head con artist as soon as I saw him do his first speach. Want change?
Boy....did you get "change"....

I voted for the old guy and the hot chick.

Now all the liberals will call me a racist bigot cuz I dared to challenge the qualifications and ethics of our Dear Leader.
I'm the furthest thing from a racist bigot there is...but I am kinda smart and can see a fake when I see a fake...

I better stop or I'll be writing all day...
I'm just pissed cuz The Man is harrasing Papa Lou.
That relly gets in my hair...:mad:

Also tired of watching Obama get a free pass from the press, Oprah and team Hollywood who manipulated the lemming cable TV voters into voting him into office.
What has he actually done that he said he would do?

Chicken, Liberals hate the truth & facts, they rewrite or con-volute anything that contradicts their twisted views. Our constitution & the bible to name a couple of examples.
Well, I guess I ruffled some feathers. I don't want to turn this more policital than it already has become so that is why I changed my response but I guess I was alittle too late. That is why I have quit the political forum. Too much hating. Mr. Lou, I'm sorry for your health issues. From the way you described your hand and the future surgury, I can see why you have to close your business. I would think that the severity of your health issue would qualify you for disability. Have you looked into Social Security to find out? A woman that used to work with part time with me collected disability from a car accident that left her with neck problems. She couldn't work in her regular full time job but was able to work this job p/t and collect some. Just a thought.

Well, I guess I ruffled some feathers. I don't want to turn this more policital than it already has become so that is why I changed my response but I guess I was alittle too late. That is why I have quit the political forum. Too much hating. Mr. Lou, I'm sorry for your health issues. From the way you described your hand and the future surgury, I can see why you have to close your business. I would think that the severity of your health issue would qualify you for disability. Have you looked into Social Security to find out? A woman that used to work with part time with me collected disability from a car accident that left her with neck problems. She couldn't work in her regular full time job but was able to work this job p/t and collect some. Just a thought.
There is nothing wrong with my health.My body is worn out from working on cars for 48 years. Plus if someone wants to pay me to work on their car I will figure a way around that I have been growing older for some time now & dealing with it.When you're 67 years old you qualify for social security not disability. For now I have some parts for sale & that's the extent of it. Every six months I get into a bad mood & put everything up for sale.
There is nothing wrong with my health.My body is worn out from working on cars for 48 years. Plus if someone wants to pay me to work on their car I will figure a way around that I have been growing older for some time now & dealing with it.When you're 67 years old you qualify for social security not disability. For now I have some parts for sale & that's the extent of it. Every six months I get into a bad mood & put everything up for sale.

I did't know your age so that's why I suggested disability. I understand about your body wearing out. I'm a dental technician and my wrists are failing. I'm 51 and will need surgury soon. I'll be out of work for at least a month and that will kill my boss since I'm the only full time employee that can do the job. Maybe you need to find an associate that can take over the business when you finally decide to get out. You could work less and still oversee the operation.