Whats the most memorable comment about your TR...

:rolleyes: It finally happened...
I have a pic of the GN as my desktop here at work and the new guy walks over and says, "Nice Monte Dan...I had a white one a while back."

3 years and that's the first Monte comment I've gotten.
I drove mine to work Friday, and one of he guys in the shop said, and I quote "Too bad that thing isn't a GNX I saw where those will drag the back bumper." He had seen that stupid show on Speed "Full Monster Overhaulin' Throttle". Anyway I set him straight on the performance differences between the GN and GNX.
I was at a local garage having rear tires mounted on my Turbo T and one of the technicians came out and said, "you know you need to let those things idle for at least 10 minutes before you shut them off or else the oil lines will explode." Needless to say, I won't be having any more work done at that place.
I had to go ahead and put mine up. One time a buddy of mine went out to a local car hang out to stir the crap talking pot and on the way, I had 110 in it left over from the night before at the track. I nail it from 30mph and the a$$ of the car goes all over the road! He goes "dude your car makes my butthole pucker up" I was crackin up. Another in the same area this dude wants to race me in his supra and his girl friend goes "don't do it, its a Grand National" I was like ooooooooooooommmyyyyyyy :confused:
OK, here's a couple of mine:

A friend told me that he had a SBC that I could have to really get the car moving. I told him, "Good! Throw it in the trunk. I need traction."

While at a track recently, I was asked if I drove the car alot. I said, "Yeah, I drive it to work everyday." He thought that was crazy, and I was only pulling low 13s. By the end of the weekend, I was pulling low 12s, with no traction, and I have been high 11s. And I don't even think low 11s is that crazy for a street car. Well, unless it isn't a Turbo Buick.

I've also had alot of Malibu comments, and had to show someone my registration to prove that it started out life as a Regal.

I also overheard some kid say,"I didn't know Buick made a turbo wagon." I told him, "They didn't. I did." At least he seemed like he knew what he was talking about.
Me and my buddy went to a car show one night and this 25 to 30 year old dude came up to me acting nervous. He said, "This is my favorite car ever, can I sit in it". I said, "Go ahead bro". A minute later he came out with tears in his eyes and said, "Thanks" and then hugged me.
About two days ago, I pull into a gas station, after putting gas in the car, I go inside to pick up a drink. I go to pay for it, there was a young lad at the cash register. He says to me; "nice car man! Is that a Camaro or new Mustang"?:eek: I said wow, the car has been called many things, but never Camaro or Mustang! :confused: He says ya, it looks like a Mustang, but the Mustang was a little smaller. I tried to tell him about the car and what it was, but I could tell he had never heard of the Grand National. I left shaking my head. I told myself when I get home I have to post this encounter. There is no way to make stuff like this up! :D
Like everyone else has already said I've heard them all. "What year monte carlo is that" but one of my favorites was o.c. cruise week when a guy in his 40's asked me "is there still a turbo in that thing" I kind of smiled and said yes. I kind of wanted to say.. no I took it off for better gas mileage.
Here's a couple.....

Filling up at a local station, a guy pulls in at pump beside me, I notice he is looking the car over. He finally compliments the car, I reply with a simple Thanks. He then proceeds to ask me why I had everything on the entire car painted black:rolleyes: I tell him that's the way all Grand Nationals came from the factory. He says, Grand Nationals? What are those. I simply told him to go home & Google Buick Grand National.

Just a couple weeks ago, a friend & I took my car to the track. On the way home we stopped at a gas station to get a drink & snack. We came out to find this guy checking the car out (strapped to the trailer) He was in simple awe of it, asking a million questions, asked if he could take pictures, etc. The car looked like $hit. Mismatched wheels (D/Rs on different rims that fronts) rubber, dirt, grime on rear quarters. He then had to tell us about him having an '87 442 that got stolen from his inner city Chicago house (there's a shocker:rolleyes:) We felt bad for the guy, he was really upset about it, as he shoulda been.

Finally, the best for last. One of the tellers at my local bank always flirts with me (I'm married, she's engaged) I know damn well if I wasn't married this one would be easy pickings;) She's got a funky, yet cute look about her. My wife doesn't care for her much, I just laugh it off. Anyhow, I drove the GN to the bank one Saturday to cash our paychecks. A used the drive-thru. Said flirt is who I happen to get. She starts asking simple questions about the car & then makes a comment about how comfortable the seats look:eek: (remember how I said easy pickings and my wife doesn't care much for her?)

And of course.... the typical Monte, my uncle had the twin turbo version, V8s have better torque, blah, blah, blah.
Had a gentleman stop by the house to buy an item and he noticed the GN in the garage. He asked if that was a GN, I said yeah. He asked if he could see it, I said sure. With both of us looking under the hood, he proceeded to tell me his buddy had one just like this several years ago but had to sell it. Said his had the '350 option'.....so I politely asked him if his buddy's car was a Monte instead of a GN, and he said it was definately a GN. At this point, I just said 'really', what else can you say?? lol

I think its great there are still so many misconceptions about these cars, 24+ years later! I can't imagine owning a TTA and having to explain to everyone that its not a white 350 GTA!
Just this morning at work one of the techs says " that car is fast as sheet isn't it?" as say ahh it runs ok. He says " Ahh fukc that !! that car is fast as sheet nobody drives around on drag radial's 24/7 with a car that sounds that evil and says its ok !! Stop bull sheeting me that fukcer is fast !!" cracked me up about 20 swear words in 30 seconds were used after that by him :biggrin:.
I'm not sure what it means... but the ladies always come up to me and ask, "is that a bulge in your hood, or are you just happy to see me?"
I had been driving my car less than a month after I got it. It's no show car. I had a chick follow me to the convenience store and waited until I came back out to talk turbo buicks. Her Dad at a T-type.

Also, I pulled up behind the stands at the local drag strip and everybody on the top row was turned around looking at it when I got out. That was pretty cool.
In 2004 My dad and I were at a car show in Year One's parking lot, when an older gentleman and his wife walk up and he grabs her arm and says "Honey.. That's a Mustang KILLER" We still tell that story.
I was out at the local "illegal speed contest" last night and had my buddy with me. Granted, he's got a 70mm turbo 5.0 coupe with about 500rwhp and its not slow. He couldnt believe how hard the TE-62 pulled and I thought he was gonna have a heart attack.

And I always get the Monte comments as well. Not soo much, but most people know what this car is. And everyone, I mean EVERYONE at the Ocean City, Maryland cruise weekend was looking at this car. And mine doesnt look that great...:(
I have had all kinds of comments just since i've got mine in Feb. Just yest. coming home from a cruise a guy in a Toyota Tocoma, pulled up next to me at a light.
Him: what year is that?
Me: 87
Him:I'll bet that thing flies.
Me: Its ok, its mostly stock.
Him:It looks Badass and clean as h*ll
Me:Thanks, its a lot of work to keep it this way.

So about a half mile down the road where it opens up after a stop sign i got into boost a little a bark the tires when it hits second. I look in the mirror and he gives me the thumbs up.