who weighs the most on this website...

6' 4" and 285......very little fat........thanks to the gym :smile:...........But @ 50 years old my knees wish I would loose some weight.
5'8'' 290 first time I have been under 300 in 6 years I plan on loosing more It be nice to fit into xxl stuff. I know Shane and some one else have me beat, but not to long ago I was at 365 and with High blood pressure and Diabeteis I knew I had to loose weight. Hope to be down to 250 by end of the year.

Other than the kidney stones I have been remarkable healthly! Thank the Lord!

All the men in my family are/were big... 300#'s is an average;) Five years ago I was 350 and could bench 350 and could go rounds with my trainer boxing...

Like Toby says, "I ain't as good as I once was":biggrin:
5'10 weights depends on the season...spring break is next week so bf% is less than 10...

Only reason the TTA is so fast. ;)

Some of you guys need to lose weight...it is all mental.

Well I may as well weigh in....Met my wife in 2002 6' 240# benched 315#. Got married, built our own home and had 2 kids. No more gym and weighed 367 last year, Got pissed and had gastric bypass (my whole family is big) I now weigh 235 and dont touch sugar or pop. Best thing I have ever done. BP is normal and so is life for once. Still need to get back into the gym routine.
I'm 6'0 to 6'2 depending on the convenience store I'm in and weight 260 in the summer and about 280 in the winter.
6ft. 230. I was at a heavier weight when I was drinking. I quit, went from 266 to 186. I used to lift alot, shoulder surgery, bad knees, Now I'm settling in around 230-240. I could lose 20 and it wouldn't hurt.
Well I am 6'7 275. Doesn't look like i weigh the most but looks like I am the tallest. ;)
Its tough because I love pop and icecream just watching what I eat and drinking water and exercise. My favorite comic is Gabriel Iglesias he has 6 levels of size

XL Big
2XL Healthy
3XL Husky
4XL Fluffy
5XL Daaaaamm
6XL Oh Hell No!!!!!!

I was fluffy now I am Husky tring to be Healthy
I was a 52" waist now I can fit into 48" it just takes a little will power and one step at a time. Plus I am tired of my Doctor giving me ****!!!
EXERCISE? Instead of laying off the bread and going for the ice cream and pop like you did here I would turn those things around and you will loose even more...:biggrin:
I am 6.0 180 lbs. I wish I could eat more burgers and junk like I used to but the jeans get tight:(

Not easy to maintain, just waching what I eat. As my grandmother used to say "the most important exercise is pushing youself away from the table":tongue:
6'2-3" and about 300lbs.:eek: I know, Ive been trying to get back into the gym. Also been working on my diet but that hasnt been working too well...:frown: Im active but just cant seem to keep my weight down. I lost 30lbs. when I first joined the gym. I guess Im gonna have to step up my game some.
There are a lot of fat a$$es on here that weigh a lot more than 310lbs whether they are willing to admit it or not. Weighing 310lbs@18 years old is nothing to be bragging about either. Time to start dieting and exercising. One fat bastard i work with is about 500lbs. He is about useless. Smokes like a chimney, horrible diet, missed more work in the last year than all the full time help ive worked combined in the last 10 years. He used all his 48hrs sick time already and its only Feb. Being a fat fvck is a nuisance to society. Costing tax payers billions a year
How do you know who weighs the most if you don't know what everyone weighs? We aren't psychics, there, chief. ;)
If the first post says he weighs 300+ pounds and wants to know who weighs the most probably means who weighs more than 300 right? Read the post again maybe:confused:
There are a lot of fat a$$es on here that weigh a lot more than 310lbs whether they are willing to admit it or not. Weighing 310lbs@18 years old is nothing to be bragging about either. Time to start dieting and exercising. One fat bastard i work with is about 500lbs. He is about useless. Smokes like a chimney, horrible diet, missed more work in the last year than all the full time help ive worked combined in the last 10 years. He used all his 48hrs sick time already and its only Feb. Being a fat fvck is a nuisance to society. Costing tax payers billions a year

I was going to tell you to watch your back after saying something like that, but you know as well as I do that they'll never be able to catch you. :D;)
I was going to tell you to watch your back after saying something like that, but you know as well as I do that they'll never be able to catch you. :D;)

Just the truth