what has happened to TurboBuick.com??

Turbo Indian

worlds quickest 6cyl bird
Sep 25, 2003
believe me I'm not trying to sound like a whinnier, BUT, what has happened to this board in the last few years? it use to be a great family oriented clean message board. but lately people just keep pushing the envelope to see how much cussing they can get away with, even if the substitute letters z for s or what ever the case may be. believe me I sometimes cuss like a sailor, but I get tired of hearing it all the time. yes I can stop coming here, but this was about the only Buick board that you could come to to shoot the breeze & it was clean. it is slowly turning into the Jerry Springer show. I know there are others out there that feel the same but probably wont speak up due to peer pressure. I just find it sad that todays society just keeps getting runtier every day, yes when I was a youngster I cussed but I did not do it in front of adults because I knew I would get the crap slapped out of me. parents would you want your children to read some of the words on this board?

I'm just venting.
Seems like the more liberally minded folks from the other board drop in and leave their refuse............
believe me I'm not trying to sound like a whinnier, BUT, what has happened to this board in the last few years? it use to be a great family oriented clean message board. but lately people just keep pushing the envelope to see how much cussing they can get away with, even if the substitute letters z for s or what ever the case may be. believe me I sometimes cuss like a sailor, but I get tired of hearing it all the time. yes I can stop coming here, but this was about the only Buick board that you could come to to shoot the breeze & it was clean. it is slowly turning into the Jerry Springer show. I know there are others out there that feel the same but probably wont speak up due to peer pressure. I just find it sad that todays society just keeps getting runtier every day, yes when I was a youngster I cussed but I did not do it in front of adults because I knew I would get the crap slapped out of me. parents would you want your children to read some of the words on this board?

I'm just venting.

i could try and hide my kid from the real world "todays time"or guide him threw it.....shelter them and they will be worse...imo,i think this is one of the cleanest boards aside from a nuun's board..imo..and yes i would let me 9 year old on here and feel safe anyday..i couldnt say that with any other forum boards including my own!
also if you want a safe place for your kids to learn the net safe,i made a great web-site for kids,its monitored and safe and has lots of info on cats dogs,skunks,fish,and fishing and my boy runs it and he is 9...take a look,this is a great starter place for kids..
i apologize if i have ever afended anyone with what i have said. my mouth has gotten really bad over the years being in the miltary. i always try to respect everyone but sometime i dont even realize that i say it.
I too, am a square, :redface: and like that tb.com is pg. Seeing people get creative with swearing on here like jr. high kids does get old, but I ignore it. I don't really think its a big deal,...yet. My respect for this site did take a hit when I saw it now has a moderator (political section) that I've seen post obscene pictures on other turbo buick websites :rolleyes:
Turboindian, Wouldn't your sex joke I saw you posted other day be pushing it as far as, "parents want children reading" stuff on this board?
I mean no offense to anyone
this board is clean cut compared to ls1tech, and i don't let it bother me. i get the technical information i need from any message boards, surf some vendor sites and get out without trying to cuzz up a storm. i still get in trouble with the mom for accidental cussin and I'm 30:eek:
this board is clean cut compared to ls1tech, and i don't let it bother me. i get the technical information i need from any message boards, surf some vendor sites and get out without trying to cuzz up a storm. i still get in trouble with the mom for accidental cussin and I'm 30:eek:

I agree, but the other guys do bring up valid points. It isn't that hard to take an extra second or two to think about our choice of words before hitting the "Submit Reply" button. You can get your point across just as well, if not better, with a well written and clean message. And, people may respect you more for that. :)

Just my $.02

also if you want a safe place for your kids to learn the net safe,i made a great web-site for kids,its monitored and safe and has lots of info on cats dogs,skunks,fish,and fishing and my boy runs it and he is 9...take a look,this is a great starter place for kids..
fishnchance.hqforums.com :: Index

That is a very nice site you have there. My daughters eye's popped out of her head when she saw the snake on the first page. Priceless moment. :D
The board is "SUPPOSED" to be G rated... We have done alot to enforce this but it takes a little self moderation by people themselves to maintain that level.

We will continue to keep it as clean as possible, but it is hard to re-invent the wheel.....
The board is "SUPPOSED" to be G rated... We have done alot to enforce this but it takes a little self moderation by people themselves to maintain that level.

We will continue to keep it as clean as possible, but it is hard to re-invent the wheel.....

I sure hope so!!! I used to frequent 3 Buick boards, but it's pretty much down to one now, plus the time I spend on FTtech board.
This seems to be the only board left that still has a HUGE following and that's a GOOD thing, however, with the increased population comes the "more liberal" folks that spend a lot of time on the other boards, and bring those loose values overy here. I'm simply amazed at a couple threads going on here by a so-called GSCA officer! I figured I'd only see that kind of language and antics over on TB. It bothers me to no end that it's made it's way over here. That kind of childish behavor, threats and language needs to be stopped somehow.
My wife can't even stand browsing the other board anymore not only because of the abuses, but there's some pretty nasty avatars over there that even I don't care to see on public forums (and I'm a 23 year Navy veteran).
That is a very nice site you have there. My daughters eye's popped out of her head when she saw the snake on the first page. Priceless moment. :D
thanks he was happy to hear that comment,he is allways looking on for new members,but its just word of mouth and some kids arent too good on the computer yet....
but if she want to join and post up pictures of animals and funny clips of animals that would be great,it will be kept looked over alot to keep clean...
My wife can't even stand browsing the other board anymore not only because of the abuses
if I see something funny on here I show my wife, but when things get out of hand I don't even mention it to her. I was brought up old school. I tell my wife dirty jokes & things but when someone goes to cussing & every word is a cuss word I don't like it 1 bit. nothing more irritates me than going out in public & listening to some punk kids flap there jaws cussing, & yes I say something to them. the same goes for reading it I don't think a woman or child needs to be subjected to it all the time.
I'm simply amazed at a couple threads going on here by a so-called GSCA officer!

Listen up slim, don't confuse my personal responses with my responses associated with my position within the GSCA. I guess that anything that you might have done or might do that the Navy doesn't consider proper conduct should be punishable under the UCMJ regardless of it being done on your personal time and not acting in an official Navy capacity. We are not talking about actual crimes but things that may not be done the with the most taste. I know better. In the future I will curb my responses so as to respect Shane's policy regarding the board but don't try and put my personal responses off on the GSCA. They are not one in the same period.

Jim C.
For offending any of you (with the exeption of two.) I do appologize and do so on my own accord not because anyone asked me to. In the future I will curb my language.

Jim C.