what has happened to TurboBuick.com??

Listen up slim, don't confuse my personal responses with my responses associated with my position within the GSCA. I guess that anything that you might have done or might do that the Navy doesn't consider proper conduct should be punishable under the UCMJ regardless of it being done on your personal time and not acting in an official Navy capacity. We are not talking about actual crimes but things that may not be done the with the most taste. I know better. In the future I will curb my responses so as to respect Shane's policy regarding the board but don't try and put my personal responses off on the GSCA. They are not one in the same period.

Jim C.

"Listen up slim"??? You love demeaning people dont you?

I appologize for offending your sensibilities. You however must also realize, intended or not, you are an officer of the GSCA and you represent them and your decorum should reflect that, whether or not you are trying to keep things on a personal or business note.
Again, I appologize, it's just that those threads are going too far. I would expect to see language and threats like that on the other board, but not here.
"Listen up slim"??? You love demeaning people dont you?

No one was demeaning you Dave and if you took that way then I appologize. "Slim" and "Chief" are too words that I use regularly. The "listen up" is simply an attention getter, that is all. Nothing was meant by it either. As for the other issue regarding my GSCA position my stance is the same but I do understand what you are saying. The language I have appologized for and as for the promises well... That has been brewing for a while and but after some introspection I have let it drop here.

Jim C.
This thread is &*%&%*(#*(^#*^#*&$^#*&$%*^#()@#^)(^)($^#&*&
# pooppyy pants blankity blank!!''

Sorry I "thought" this was funny! Why can't we all just pop in some Chris Isaak :( and just get along??
Thats all i'm saying!
You know, guys.. we're damned if we do, damned it we dont here.

We remove stuff and people cry we're censoring. We dont remove stuff and people cry the board is going in the toilet. You cant have it both ways.
You know, guys.. we're damned if we do, damned it we dont here.

We remove stuff and people cry we're censoring. We dont remove stuff and people cry the board is going in the toilet. You cant have it both ways.
like i said,i think your site is clean...some people need to just open their eyes to today's world..imo...its like when people thought elvis was evil to their kids...open your eyes or be left behind....if you dont like it dont read it...
To me, that's the problem; first a little is tolerated, then the envelope gets pushed more and more......

Totally understand that the world is nothing like it was even 20 years ago- but how far is the limit of decency? Moral relativism is the thing today- quite sad.

I'm glad that Shane and Jay have the "G" rated policy here. My 7 year old loves to look at the pictures of cars doing burnouts, and watch the videos. I'm not that old, but I teach my kids the old school way of thinking- "What would your mom and grandma think?"
To me, that's the problem; first a little is tolerated, then the envelope gets pushed more and more......

Totally understand that the world is nothing like it was even 20 years ago- but how far is the limit of decency? Moral relativism is the thing today- quite sad.

I'm glad that Shane and Jay have the "G" rated policy here. My 7 year old loves to look at the pictures of cars doing burnouts, and watch the videos. I'm not that old, but I teach my kids the old school way of thinking- "What would your mom and grandma think?"
just keep your kids watching bambi or the disney channel for ever and things will be fine...but if they change to any other channel they will see and hear worse things than ive ever seen on this site...
my theory is try your hardest to accept and move with the "whole world" or stand and complain and be left behind...the world is nuts past your front door,so you need to plan them for that...
You know, guys.. we're damned if we do, damned it we dont here.

We remove stuff and people cry we're censoring. We dont remove stuff and people cry the board is going in the toilet. You cant have it both ways.

Well then... pick one, and stay consistant. :biggrin: lol, I know you guys work hard with this site, just giving you a hard time. Seriously, Thanks for keeping it clean as you have.

Theres billions of websites we can visit without even leaving the front door if we wanted to "prepare myself or my kids for whats out there". But instead of going to "www.watchtheworldsmoralitygotocrap.com", I like coming here so I can enjoy talking and learning about my favorite automobile with others that for the most part seem to be above alot of the typical filthy show-off trash talk thats on so many forums.

plus... I don't have internet at home, and this website and a couple others are the only ones my boss doesn't mind seeing come through the firewall from corporate that aren't work related. :p
just my 2 cents.
You cant stay consistent. There is a human factor involved in every decision. All you can do is handle each situation the way you think it should be handled.
I too, am a square, :redface: and like that tb.com is pg. Seeing people get creative with swearing on here like jr. high kids does get old, but I ignore it. I don't really think its a big deal,...yet. My respect for this site did take a hit when I saw it now has a moderator (political section) that I've seen post obscene pictures on other turbo buick websites :rolleyes:
Turboindian, Wouldn't your sex joke I saw you posted other day be pushing it as far as, "parents want children reading" stuff on this board?
I mean no offense to anyone

Why don't you just confront the person you have a problem with, rather than sitting here on your high horse making judgements. If you love this board, and it functions the way you like, why would you give a crap what someone who belongs to this board does elsewhere?
Maybe we should follow you home one day and see if we can find something we don't like that you do outside this board, then we'll come on this board and bash you for it.
You know, guys.. we're damned if we do, damned it we dont here.

We remove stuff and people cry we're censoring. We dont remove stuff and people cry the board is going in the toilet. You cant have it both ways.

Could not be better said !!! On another note, I am gonna start charging Shane for the posts that I am involved in due to the hits I see on them. LOL. Sometimes I feel like the Jerry Springer of the Buick community. :D In all seriousness Jay ya'll do a great job and even if I would have gotten the boot for my antics I would have still said the same.

Jim C.
just keep your kids watching bambi or the disney channel for ever and things will be fine...but if they change to any other channel they will see and hear worse things than ive ever seen on this site...
my theory is try your hardest to accept and move with the "whole world" or stand and complain and be left behind...the world is nuts past your front door,so you need to plan them for that...

My kids (19, 17, 16) are very well balanced, and aware of the big bad world outside. We did the best we could, and I'm very proud of them- no drugs, no drinking, respectful of authority, etc. My point is that when you let a little crap in, after awhile it's tolerated as normal- and the lines of decency have been moved that much further away. Repeat the process over and over again, and you have today's society- disrespectful, obnoxious, tolerant of everything.

It's nice to come to this site and not have to censor everything. If I want porn or foul language, I'd go elsewhere.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks this way- I'm just vocal about it:) .
I'd rather swim upstream and hold fast to my beliefs and morals, than flow downstream with the crap.

Go Fast With Class.
I'd rather swim upstream and hold fast to my beliefs and morals said:
i'm 28 and i was raised with those same morals.

like someone commented above on is that people change and so you just got to try and make the right decision on how to make those same changes.
You cant stay consistent. There is a human factor involved in every decision. All you can do is handle each situation the way you think it should be handled.

I see what you mean. I have no idea whatsoever what it takes to run a website, especially one of this size, so keeping a g rating on it to me would seem like its as easy as making black and white rules, and strictly enforcing them. But I know its probably not that easy. and I certainly don't expect turbobuick.com to meet my so called moral standards, I just find it nice that it keeps everything for the most part pretty clean compared to a lot of the other car forums. (and I'm sure alot of us do). I know you'll never please everybody. I am currently very happy with it, and enjoy most of the forums you have on here.
i could try and hide my kid from the real world "todays time"or guide him threw it.....shelter them and they will be worse...imo,i think this is one of the cleanest boards aside from a nuun's board..imo..and yes i would let me 9 year old on here and feel safe anyday..i couldnt say that with any other forum boards including my own!

Tommy they must have never seen that need2bleed website. Every thread is GD this and F that and it stinks. I hated that place because of the bias they have with popular members and then treat others as if they were living in hitler controlled germany. Most of the time it is a bunch of pimple faced kids sitting at the keyboards jabbing away. Out of all the boards I have been on tb.com is the most car specific based site. It mainly focuses on the car we all love and build. The specifics of it and such. There are sections where alot of drama has started and it came from that lame buick site where alot of people have 94,000 post all fighting with vendors and such. I think this place is as good as it gets. There will never be a perfect board but thanks to all who try to keep this place running smooth.
Why don't you just confront the person you have a problem with, rather than sitting here on your high horse making judgements. If you love this board, and it functions the way you like, why would you give a crap what someone who belongs to this board does elsewhere?
Maybe we should follow you home one day and see if we can find something we don't like that you do outside this board, then we'll come on this board and bash you for it.

Didn't see this earlier.
If I had a problem with somebody and it affected me in a way that made me upset, believe me, they would be the first to know.
Probably not a good idea for you to put me up on a high horse, Its just not healthy, I'm only human, eventually I'll fail you.
Your more than welcome to follow me home :confused: , but honestly, I think thats kind of creepy. I'm not following anyone around and coming on here and bashing them. I wasn't trying to give turboindian grief about the joke he posted, just sort of calling him out I suppose. He politely responded and then gave me a clear example of what he was talking about. I agree with him.
run along
Didn't see this earlier.
If I had a problem with somebody and it affected me in a way that made me upset, believe me, they would be the first to know.
Probably not a good idea for you to put me up on a high horse, Its just not healthy, I'm only human, eventually I'll fail you.
Your more than welcome to follow me home :confused: , but honestly, I think thats kind of creepy. I'm not following anyone around and coming on here and bashing them. I wasn't trying to give turboindian grief about the joke he posted, just sort of calling him out I suppose. He politely responded and then gave me a clear example of what he was talking about. I agree with him.
run along
