what has happened to TurboBuick.com??

You started with the personal attacks; I called you on it. If you don't want people to call you names.....don't provoke them.
I apologize for my initial confusion. Have you thought about maybe putting "moderator" in your signature? I don't know who you are and didn't care to. and you call me a coward through a internet website from behind your keyboard? :confused: So I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box when it comes to internet stuff, :p I'll admit that, but I know how to search post on this site by clicking on their usernames, and I see your a moderator, in the polit section. Why didn't you announce who you are and why your "calling me out" before you start making personal accusations and analagies about following me home in you pst?
now then,..explanation. I'm not a member on any other boards. Everyonce in awhile I'll click on linkback or thread when doing search and am directed to another buick site, I'll be straight up and man up to the plate and confess that I have never actually "seen" any porno pics on any of other buick sites. So writing that I've seen any in my first post is a flat out lie. and had anybody called me out on that, I would have no facts to back that up, and don't know how to, (other than maybe trying to find other buick sites, become member, and searching for them.)I would have owed turbobuick.com a apology obviously. I had came across a post from someone stating along the lines of "now turbbuick.com has a childish moderator in its polit section that likes to post disgusting porno pics on the buick sites". (I think thats the quote. Nobody challenged it in that thread, so I assumed it was probably true.) Did I care? no, did I get upset and go emailing tb.com owner or anybody else? no, Do I ever go, or have ever posted in the poly section anyway? no. Did my opinion of turbobuick.com take a hit morality wise for giving what I consider a "grown up" or "mature adult" title and position on a g-rated car board to somebody who does this on other turbobuick car websites? yes (I mean come on, really now, surely tb.com owner does a little research on someone before doing that, right?they gotta kno) well, so what, big deal, nows I come across a post in tblounge dealing with tb.com maybe sinking in standards, and I throw out my opinion too, I didn't mention names, but I thought I was specific enough. Why? lets face it, anytime rules and general guidelines start getting ignored, and more and more people who are publicly open about their lack of respect of decency are put in charge,... then the more immature and childish things get, and decent people won't take the site seriously anymore. (thats my dealings with such, so its jmo).
So you think its no big deal what you do on other buick web sites. great, then don't worry about it, cause apperantly tb.com doesn't think so either. Maybe ask yourself whywould other people show concern? (like me) I still like the site for what I use it for, and will thank the owner/admin for the hard work they do nevertheless.

and remember, its the "turbo lounge" not the polit section, so kick back, stay calm, and straighten me out if you think necessacary. :cool: I'll hear ya out

and again, if tb.com currently does not have a moderator in polit lounge who is guilty of posting obscene pics (ie graphic porn) on other buick sites, then I owe huge apology.
ok ok, I get the picture. I've just been emailed (that was fast) some links with some of gothmogs postings on other turbobuick sites. If your the same one, then i definetly have no desire to converse with you anymore. Not gonna say I'm better, or worse, in any way. we're just definetly going to be on 2 differant character levels. and I certainly don't owe turbobuick.com that apology. ;)
I'm officially out of and not returning to this thread. I see no point now that I'm partially responsible for turning it into crap. Sorry turboindian.
no offense gothmog.
take care.