SD2/Powerlogger Pro general discussion

I'm not sure I understand. When do the F3, S(save), that only saves a data log.. Are you saying you made some changes to the tune pages/features, and then hit the download key on the tune page? You did all these things before you turned the key off right?

Please explain the exact steps you took.
Drove the car and boosted to 19-20 psi and logged it. Pulled in driveway and saved log with car running. I shut the car off and went into garage to see if that log looked good enough to save...Sure did!, so turned key on and connected. Went into tune page and clicked on upload. Saved it as a "Street Tune" in My doc's. Then I decided to download the file and see if it worked. I clicked download and it downloaded. Shut key off for 5 sec and fired it up. Started to back out and the car missed really bad (which it never has done before), so I downloaded again. same thing. Car idles and revs like normal, but once I put a load on it, it acts like it on 4cyl.
I set everything back to default and plugged in the numbers I had before and same thing. Im totally stuck.
I just saved a 19-20 psi tune and immediately downloaded it to play with it a little. Now the car jolts back and forth and barely moves. What did I do wrong?
my car has done the same thing to me 3 times now.i didnt do a save or anything.just changed a couple items while running.i shut it off and the next time the car smoked and sputterd,and finally wouldnt stay started.i reset the original chip settings(put 1 in the 16 block)and it fired up good .
i noticed yesterday i lowered my fueling in the 5 and six block ,started driving then i noticed the blocks i had just changed was reading 000.i pulled over as soon as i could and put the 110 back in them and it was ok.
i dont feel comfortable going anywhere without having my computer with me to reset it,when it does this again.
I'm guessing ya'll have a PL to ECM connection issue. I have not had so much as even a single glitch with mine.

Posted to from my RAZR MAXX HD
my car has done the same thing to me 3 times now.i didnt do a save or anything.just changed a couple items while running.i shut it off and the next time the car smoked and sputterd,and finally wouldnt stay started.i reset the original chip settings(put 1 in the 16 block)and it fired up good .
i noticed yesterday i lowered my fueling in the 5 and six block ,started driving then i noticed the blocks i had just changed was reading 000.i pulled over as soon as i could and put the 110 back in them and it was ok.
i dont feel comfortable going anywhere without having my computer with me to reset it,when it does this again.

Only time mine did that I was adjusting the injector size while it was running and a big number went and bam it quit but I looked at the number and set it back and cranked back up and it was fine .
Still not running right. The WB shows full lean as I press the gas peddle and stumbles down the road almost stalling out.
well, hard to say without seeing the files.

save whats currently in the PL, and send it and the old saved one to me (bob bailey-eng com)

Bob, I was too excited to wait until tomorrow, so I loaded that tune you fixed and OMG! Runs hard. No problems at all now. I will put it through the paces tomorrow tho. Thanks again.

Oh, for those who are curious, something went loopy with the air temp comp table.
what version of PLC are you running? I want to make sure you are using the current stuff.

For you E85 guys, we are testing the E85 sensor and software over the next few weeks. Ethanol % will be on the scanmaster display, and in the logs. Fuel, boost and spark will be tunable based on alcohol content.

the latest public stuff is available on the TurboTweak forum.

When the E85 stuff is ready, we will have another set of files that has the new stuff.

I will post it here, but generally the TT site is the place to look for that.

Made some changes to my VE table in the large cruise load areas. Boy, did I get it close!! I don't think I'll mess with that area anymore!!

Oh, for those of you that are wondering about the sawtooth look on the AfC graph, that's how SD2 does it's Narrowband Tracking. Sorta like the Integrator works in the regular chips. As you can see it's varying from a bit above the zero line to about 3-4% below the line. Me likee!!!

04-12-14 cruise.jpg
For you E85 guys, we are testing the E85 sensor and software over the next few weeks. Ethanol % will be on the scanmaster display, and in the logs. Fuel, boost and spark will be tunable based on alcohol content.

what flex fuel sensor are you using.