Don't get caught on the street with your GNX!

Well, furtunately there are not too many driving their GNX on the street.:rolleyes: I thught they were looken for Montes anyway.
If this law passes. Police can seize your car. Chirping your tires even under the speed limit can be considered street racing. It will be up to the cops to decide if they want to "deem" it street racing. They'll be looking for every big dollar street machine out here, just waiting for them to accelate fast or chirp the tires. The GNX phrase was just an example of a rare car that could be taken off the streets by them even if they were not actually street racing. For you to comment like must be a cop.
Any law that is left to the discretion of a Cop is a bad law. They have way too much power as it is.

Not a personal attack on any honest cop that would NEVER abuse his/her power.
That is true.:) But, if they don't know what exit you got off it really doesn't matter cause state and local around here work off of different radios.:)

Every law on the book is a descretionary law. All laws are unless they are Felonies or Domestic Violence. Now, around here "Racing" is still considered a Misd. Other places im sure it's a Felony. It all depends on where you live that will dictate how this law is applied.

If it's an area prone to street racing then.....well..... ur fuked basically. I think the tire chirping thing is a bit over zealous for sure.

But, these laws are normally passed in an area that recently had an innocent civilan killed as a result of street racing so it's not like they popped out of thin air.

Maybe some places needs that type of enforcement because the little chit heads in that particular area have not found maybe a safer and more responsible place to race. The little ricers are always notorious for bringing the police out. Same can't always be said for the muscle cars.
It looks like this bill is trying to be passed in only Ohio for now but i can see other states "cashing" in when the word gets out. I don't condone street racing but it would be pretty sad to see someone maybe just getting up to speed on a onramp too quick, getting their car taken away. In my opinion, the bill just needs to be rewritten or reworded before it becomes a law. Alot of police officers/not all of them, would take advantage of "deeming" something street racing. And yes you could go to court and fight it but in the meantime your big dollar car will be getting stripped/damaged in an impound lot somewhere.

Can't seize what they can't catch. Too funny. Guess i better get moving on my 9 sec build.
Ohio has to be the most gestapo state in America! First the speed cameras at Newark, OH (no more the BPG event for us) and now this! WTF are you buckeyes thinking!
I'll soon

have a system to prevent this from occurring..
Most of you have seen a fighter jet throw out flares, to confuse a missle...
Well, I have a driver controlled system that drops powdered donuts behind the vehicle...Should work well, except near Dunkin Donuts shops. [U R already fairly safe, there].:D
Ohio has to be the most gestapo state in America! First the speed cameras at Newark, OH (no more the BPG event for us) and now this! WTF are you buckeyes thinking!

The speed/red light cameras were voted out by the people and are no more. Feel free to come back without fear of ticket from one of those stupid devices!
have a system to prevent this from occurring..
Most of you have seen a fighter jet throw out flares, to confuse a missle...
Well, I have a driver controlled system that drops powdered donuts behind the vehicle...Should work well, except near Dunkin Donuts shops. [U R already fairly safe, there].:D
lol... nice. Jelly is much more slippery.:p
The speed/red light cameras were voted out by the people and are no more. Feel free to come back without fear of ticket from one of those stupid devices!

That may be so locally but they're still up and in use in Cleveland. They have them in Perkins Twp, which has the shopping area for Sandusky, but they're not being used for any enforcement there. Maybe just observation. Also there are camera's on the Edison Bridge crossing the Sandusky Bay that aren't used for enforcement. They just want us used to big brother looking at us.:mad:

Ohio's always been a law and order state. When the Repubs got tossed out recently for excessive corruption, you end up with more 'nanny state' laws to be enforced.:rolleyes: Keep it under control.
That may be so locally but they're still up and in use in Cleveland. They have them in Perkins Twp, which has the shopping area for Sandusky, but they're not being used for any enforcement there. Maybe just observation. Also there are camera's on the Edison Bridge crossing the Sandusky Bay that aren't used for enforcement. They just want us used to big brother looking at us.:mad:

Ohio's always been a law and order state. When the Repubs got tossed out recently for excessive corruption, you end up with more 'nanny state' laws to be enforced.:rolleyes: Keep it under control.
What do u mean by cameras? Red light cameras or speeding cameras? Cause I've never heard of speeding cameras that will actually take a pic of ur license and mail u a ticket like the red light cameras do.
Hafta get back to ya on that but I'd swear the guy who works next to me got mailed a speed ticket when going to a recent family wedding in Cleveland. Wasn't that the deal with the camera's in AZ also?
You may be right. I really have no idea. They are not used here in CT but maybe elsewhere. I guess either way it will make you think twice before letting someone else operate ur vehicle.

Find out cause im really curious to know. If that is the case I can only see more and more people putting plates on their cars that don't belong like they do in NY City and Jersey to get around EZPass.

Sometimes the government does not take things like that into comsideration.:rolleyes:

Looks like it's time for this when ur foot feels heavy......:cool: YouTube -
NOPE! Not in OHIO! I've already been hit for "obscured license plate" ORC reads that "NO" material may be placed in front of the license plate. They even sell the plastic covers at the BMV! But if you get a guy who's intent is 'the letter of the law', they are illegal here even if they can't conceal your ID. It took the damn judge 5 Months to render his judgement when I fought it. I then became known locally as "The guy who fought a ticket" if you can believe it! Amazing... I din't even win...:rolleyes: