Don't get caught on the street with your GNX!

For those interested here is a link to the ohio bill:
Laws, Acts, and Legislation

The main concern for most people is that they want to change the definition of street racing and give police the authority to "arrest without warrant".

"The bill expands the definition of "street racing" to also include "any exhibition of speed or acceleration that is inconsistent with the normal operation of a vehicle on a public road, street, or highway."

This bill was created by Ted Celeste, it was inspired by a wreck in Columbus Ohio in which a motorist (Monica Dublin) was hit by a car that lost control and went through the median. Monica has since recovered. The driver of the other car was killed. It was dubbed "the Monica Dublin Law" House bill 191

The ironic twist to this particular bill is that when the case went to court a jury detrermined that street racing was NOT the cause of the accident. The driver that hit Monica Dublin was a Drunk Driver.
Yet all the media coverage of the event says it was caused by street racing. Ted Celeste is a friend of the Dublin family and still used this case as a platform to push his bill.

Here is a quote from an article I read:
Monica Durban said she will be as involved in supporting the bill as she can be.

"I love the impounding of their cars," she said. " … All they care about is their cars."

Better build a fast car then. Can't seize what they can't catch.

Radio frequency is faster than any car :eek:

They put up cameras to get red light violations but I've seen cops sitting on corners where there haven't been cameras and they let bmw's go blowing a red light and they don't get them. However you see them turn their lights on to blow a light then shut them back off. I mean what was the excuse? They were on a 1099. Dunkin Donuts had a sale 10 for .99? Can't they do their job and earn the $$$$ instead of picking on people then allowing red light cameras to pop up to bone people? So with this law they can seize a vehicle if they feel like it? Just like major league umpires make horrible calls but MLB allows it and says sorry. What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong. There is no gray area. Cops are notorious for acting as if they are above everyone. I've seen in many of times. Sad state of the country we used to live in that at one time was free.