Anyone Here Ever Quit Smoking?

Thank you so very much for the kind words and support. They really mean alot and I'm sure I will need all the support I can possibly get! ;)
I'm not a smoker, never been interested in it for several reasons, which I consider deterants too:
1-My granddad smoked a pipe, he died w/ only half a lung remaining. Not the way I wanna go.
2-In high school science class we had to look at a cadaver....whoever it was was a smoker. The lungs were completely black, it was disgusting.
3-Money, I have so little money that I dont want to spend it on something that will ultimately hurt me.

A helpful thing to keep in mind is your body will heal itself once you quit. Even if your lungs are in bad shape, after like 7-10 years it will be as if you never smoked at all. Or so my bio professor says. Good luck...
Originally posted by vicious6
Thank you so very much for the kind words and support. They really mean alot and I'm sure I will need all the support I can possibly get! ;)

Just found out an aquaintance of mine is now fighting throat cancer. He made it through the transplant process, but the downside to the anti-rejection drugs is that you're more prone to cancers.

It's a shame the tobacco industry can still exist. I guess like prohabition, America has it's addictions.....
I do not smoke cigarettes but know a few very heavy smokers that quit. They all did it cold turkey - just stopped. Guess that is what they mean when they say you must want to stop.

I can relate to the weight loss comments - it is real easy to lose weight, just have to not do something - eat and drink so much. It is the start doing it part that is hard.

Good Luck!
I quit in July 2003.

This is how I quit- Set goals for each day.

Smoke only 4 cigs per day at a set time. Before work, at lunch, at dinner, and before you go to bed. ONLY smoke at those times and do this for 2 weeks. At the end of the 2 weeks, just stop. It's that easy.

The 2 weeks will be tough, but not unbearable, then when you finally quit, the next 4 days will be hell. After the 4 days, the nicotine will be totally out of your system so the actual physical addiction is gone. The mental addiction takes about 2 months- You will have certain 'things' that trigger you to want to go smoke. Now I don't even think about it.

I posted when I first quit here-

I smoked for 20 years. I was up to 2 packs a day, bought Smoke Away and quit within a week. It cost $50.00 to buy it, but I was almost spending that in a week smoking. Haven't smoked for the last 15 months. It worked for me. Good Luck
Kinda repeating what others have said but #1 thing is: You MUST really WANT to quit. When you want to can.

I had smoked for almost 10 years and was up to 3-4 packs a day...made sure I had at least 2 full packs of cigs with me before I went to work...lite up before I got out of bed and putting a cig out while in bed was the last thing I did at night.

Tried all sorts of things to quit....kinda turned into some sort of weird self punishment or something. Wasn't effective though.

The "moment" for me was coming home from work at about 11:30PM one night. It was a beautiful fall day when I went to work...felt great. On the drive home I felt like ****...light a cig and the crummy feeling was magnified...I realized that it was the smoking that had made me feel bad.

Threw the cigs and my lighter right out the car window ontp the street....11:30 PM, Nov 4th, 1976. Thought I was gonna explode on the 5th, and at about 1PM on the 6th I went to the BX and bought 2 packs. Smoked the first cig in about 1 drag and got dizzy as hell...felt personally embarrassed...and wondered about the dizzyness...did cigs affect me even more than the obvious?? Walked into parking lot...started to light another and just threw both packs away. Haven't smoked since.

The physical part is over in 3-4 days....the "habit" part lasts much longer but diminishes with time. Missed checking for my lighter, missed the cigs in pocket, missed lots of physical things (putting hand to face 300 times per day) etc. Years later I'd find myself doing something that I used to smoke doing and I'd feel kinda "empty" or then I knew the symptoms and kind of chuckle at myself.

When you want to quit you can do it....until then work on the reasons you should want to quit....think about effects on family (2nd hand smoke), cost, health, etc....all legit.

Good luck...sorry for the length.

Yeah, I still have not quit. But realize I will have to sooner than later. They smell bad, make you feel like crap and are expensive as well. Last but not least....if you don't you WILL die from it. :(
I started in HS and smoked for 10 years. I made a New Years resoloution and quit cold turkey while in the Army. Have been smoke free for 21 years!:D
Yep, more of the Word!

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I am not going to give you my life story but maybe a few helpful hints.

I smoked for 20 years, from 13 to 33. I JUST stopped. The 4th of Jan will be 4 weeks. I have quit before (3x, this is the 4th) and only tried Wellbutrin once (Zyban) and it worked OK. But because of the above verse I did it for the last time.

I had a small heart scare 4 weeks ago and threw the pack away! Even thoguh there was 17 left in the pack. That's a lot of money. Went to the hospital and everything. I wanted to quit anyway and I found that

A: throwing the pack out and not "I'll stop when i run out/finish this pack" was more effective.
B. You really have to want to quit REALLY REALLY REALLY. Almost to the point where you want to beat the poop out of yourself
C. Having tried to quit before gave me experience. I knew what/where/when/why made me start smoking again and I was able to get myself out of the situation
D. If you do quit (And I think YOU WILL) don't think you can have "just one" I thought I could do this, 1 every day or so. It is like being pregnant, either you are or you are not. Either you smoke or you don't
E. It helps if the people you pal around with don't smoke. If you buddies smoke, take a hiatus from them if they do. Take as long as you need, it's your health!!!!

Think of all the money you will save. I can smell a smoker from 15 feet away now. Also health insurance will be cheaper too.
It has been exactly 1 month today and things are going well.I still get a killer nic fit in the morning after my coffie but I now use a little smokeless tobbaco in the morning and even though it is not that instant kick a cig will do it helps.I smoked for 15 years and 1 morning after hacking up brown flem I told myself ENOUGH it was hard at first but it was the right decision. My mom passed away sept.6 after her second primary cancer and even though she had not had lung cancer the bad genes might be there running in the family and I like life to much to throw it away on self gratification. even though smokeless is also bad this is only temporary.It is the best decision I ever made.I dont want cancer and man I miss my mom
Re: Yep, more of the Word!

Originally posted by wlaukaitis
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I am not going to give you my life story but maybe a few helpful hints.

I smoked for 20 years, from 13 to 33. I JUST stopped. The 4th of Jan will be 4 weeks. I have quit before (3x, this is the 4th) and only tried Wellbutrin once (Zyban) and it worked OK. But because of the above verse I did it for the last time.

I had a small heart scare 4 weeks ago and threw the pack away! Even thoguh there was 17 left in the pack. That's a lot of money. Went to the hospital and everything. I wanted to quit anyway and I found that

A: throwing the pack out and not "I'll stop when i run out/finish this pack" was more effective.
B. You really have to want to quit REALLY REALLY REALLY. Almost to the point where you want to beat the poop out of yourself
C. Having tried to quit before gave me experience. I knew what/where/when/why made me start smoking again and I was able to get myself out of the situation
D. If you do quit (And I think YOU WILL) don't think you can have "just one" I thought I could do this, 1 every day or so. It is like being pregnant, either you are or you are not. Either you smoke or you don't
E. It helps if the people you pal around with don't smoke. If you buddies smoke, take a hiatus from them if they do. Take as long as you need, it's your health!!!!

Think of all the money you will save. I can smell a smoker from 15 feet away now. Also health insurance will be cheaper too.
I used to smoke 3 packs a day and I quit cold turkey. I found out that for me smoking was not so much an addiction as it was a habit. First week was difficult but I lived through it.

What I did was have to break the association of things I did that would lead to lighting up a cig. I used to "reward " myself with a cig after completeing a phase in a project and things like that.

Main thing in it though is that you really have to want to quit. also consider that amount of money you will free up to spend on your Turbo Buick once you have quit spending it on cancer sticks.

After smoking for over 16 years .... I have to say the best thing about quitting smoking is that I can breathe now :D Also its nice not to sweat out nicotine any more more ugly, nasty, disgusting brown sweat stains on clothing.

Finally anyone that says they can't quit smoking ... well they just don't want to. You can do anything that you want as long as you put your mind and will to it.
I smoked from 13-18. I quit the day my grand mother pulled my pack of Marlboros off my dash board, crumpled up the almost new pack and said to me very sternly "These goddamn things killed your grandfather!" Havent had one since.
on the lighter side of things

Danielle asked Travis,,,,,
Do you smoke after sex..................?
Travis replies,,,,,,Dont know, I never looked:D

But sincerely I wish you the best in quitting smoking.
I was stealing cigarettes from my uncle when I was about 11 or 12. I was buying cigarettes when I was in 8th grade. I was smoking 5 or 6 a day when I was in HS. Iwas smoking a little under a pack a day when I went in service at age 18. I was smoking over a pack a day when I got out of service. I smoked somewhere between 1 1/2 and 2 packs a day almost all of my adult life. I went to work for a company that was smoke free when i was about 47 or so. and even then, somehow I managed to do a;most a pack a day in a smoke free enviorment. I went on the patch programs after I had been there about 1.5 years. My lung capacity was so bad I could hardly walk between the buildings without sitting down and resting when I got to the other building. I went on the "a patch a day for 14 or 21 days, don't remember which. I can't say that it was easy, but I did do it. The longer that you nicotine in your system, the longer it takes to get it out. Don't go for this stuff, Gee, the very next day, I felt better. After a month, I knew that I definitely felt better. After a year, I could taste food again. Even after a few years, you might find yourself being envious of someone that you see smoking. I damn sure did. I have been smoke/nicotine free for about 12 years now. Do whatever/anything/everything that you have too to quit the nicotine habit. It will probably be one of the hardest things to do in life. You can do it, saying that you cannot do it is just a lame excuse to continue. If you think that your life, and the life of others, such as your loved ones depends on it, you are correct. Are you married? Does your wife smoke? Do you guys have any kids? If you answer yes to all of these questions, you are basically teaching your kids to smoke. If you want to smoke, take up smoking after the kids have left the nest, so at least you do not teach them that it is ok top smoke.
Hi i have a girlfriend who is 30 and has been smoking since she is 16 she wants to quit . I think she might be able to do it if she puts her mind to it anyway she said her problem is after coffee she has cravings ,she says she only smokes half a cigeratte at a time but she needs every one she has and she smokes about a pack a week you guys got any tips . I told her the only smoking i like to do is smoking the competition thank's in advance . Laz