You Know You Drive A Turbo Buick When...

When you buy new parts, you add 2 more for future repairs. I just bought 3 governor springs to fix one.
You think 4000 miles is a long time for your tires to last.
When I bought a Grand National in 1986 my father said to me;

"Son, your alligator mouthed dreams will ALWAYS manage to out spend your canary assed wallet........"

My father was brilliant!
You actually try to get cought at a red light, so you can be the first to leave it.

Then hope a motorcycle comes up between the cars so you'll have somthing fair to race.:)
...Its still referred to as a late model even though its 25+yrs old. (actually this happens to most 80's cars but I thought I'd throw it in here).
You know you own a Turbo Buick when you keep a track quality tire gauge on floor behind the driver seat.
When your on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck:D I dont think I have seen this one yet
....when you spend $80 on 10 gallons of race fuel to run mid 12's
....when your car has the appearance of a fast car, but runs mid 12's