What is with the new breed?

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Ive had people stand me up as a seller but I wouldnt expect a total stranger to send me paypal. Not after so many people get paid then you never hear from them again. Thats why I deal COD. I might act old school but im not gettin ripped off either. You have to look at both sides.

well from MY side (I sell a lot of parts and cars..been hoarding them since 1986) if I have parts that someone needs I will get paid BEFORE the parts leave here UNLESS I KNOW them OR that they have been here a while . A persons "word" is still king to me. When I get paypal'd the part goes out that day or the nexy morning!!
oh ya .. I still get the 50 pm's about a part.. they want it.. then they disappear :rolleyes: . I watch cafefulley and take note of people that have "problems" .. I don't deal with them ever unless they picked up the parts here with cash.
ahhhh the times they are a changing :redface:
I cant afford to throw away money either. I refused a check Saturday for something I had for sale. Because last time I took a check from a woman that had her 3 kids there to buy a cheap car I had for sale and the check bounced. So from then on only COD. I have been stood up before as a seller. It made me mad but I wasnt out anything but a little time and gas. Irvjr I wasnt talking to you I know you wont look at my side. You are a liar. You are a crook.

I said i agreed with you didnt i? So i see your side. I never lied to you OR stole from you so im neither a liar or crook. I suggest you stop while you're behind because you are really starting to look foolish.
I closed this thread for two reasons:

1) Member complaints about the thread

2) No new information added in the last rounds of accusation and rebuttal. It was spiraling downhill and we do not want to go there. :)

Thanks Chuck, the Outback sounds pretty good ;)
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