We are Back!

When you click a person's username, the screen goes opaque and a popup appears. One of the options is "Start a conversation." You've got permission to do so.
This is what I see when I click on a persons user name, nothing with the word "conversation" ...
Not user name Scot, look beside that at your "inbox" then the drop down menu at the bottom!
I don't see anything there either Shane that will let me send a PM to anyone.... Can you post a pic of what it looks like and I will see if it appears on my end?
Wow.. I would never have thought that would have fixed it. Its funny how different developers have their own idea about what things do.
Wow.. I would never have thought that would have fixed it. Its funny how different developers have their own idea about what things do.
The other things I noticed was:

1) When uploading an image, this site doesn't have a "Automatic" resizing format like the old one. That has to be done by the person who wants to post it.. I liked it when it was automatic because it cut out A LOT of time...

2) Also none of the old video's are working in any of the "Video" threads..

This is just a heads up at what i'm finding out as I browse through.... Great new site though!
The other things I noticed was:

1) When uploading an image, this site doesn't have a "Automatic" resizing format like the old one. That has to be done by the person who wants to post it.. I liked it when it was automatic because it cut out A LOT of time...

2) Also none of the old video's are working in any of the "Video" threads..

This is just a heads up at what i'm finding out as I browse through.... Great new site though!

The tagging is different so you can edit the threads to make the videos work. The importer did not do that.

I expect image resizing will come into play here at some point. Keep in mind this is version 1 of this software. VB was on version 4 with about a million releases in between.
I'm digging the speed. Since google did their privacy policy I ditched Chrome for Firefox again. It's pretty swooft.

I did notice that there were no <next thread> button. Maybe that's hidden somewhere
I still can't see how to delete conversations from my inbox. Not sure I've even been able to find my outbox.
I still can't see how to delete conversations from my inbox. Not sure I've even been able to find my outbox.
Go to your inbox, Click on the conversation you wish to delete, Then in the upper "Right" hand corner you will see the words "Leave conversation" click on that and it will be gone!
Thanks Scot! Quite a bit more cumbersome than the old board removal technique.
Things seem to work smoothly with the new format. BUT......the colors make me feel like I'm a hospital!
Things seem to work smoothly with the new format. BUT......the colors make me feel like I'm a hospital!
Well you are mental after all Jeremy.:D LOL

The only thing I'm having a problem with is email notifications. I get them for PM's but not for threads.
Email notification is working fine here.

Must be the hamster-powered Internet you have there, Chuck