We are Back!

Jay thank you for all the work you put into this board, Mean alot to alot of folks. Maybe now you can stop some folks from beeyatchin so much :D
Shane and Jay....the new site absolutley rocks! Just like my guitar....loud, clear, and fast! Nice job, I really admire you guys in your intellectual ability to set up a system like this! I feel so......humble! Thanks for speeding this site up....it's terrific! No complaints at all. Everything works so nice, love all of the extras.....man....great job! Hope my hanging around smart people rubs off on me.....:rolleyes:

Bruce '87 Grand National
Maybe it's coming with the new background but as it is right now its hard to tell where a persons post ends and their signature begins and then where their signature ends and a new post begins. So maybe so more defined borders. Everything else is great so far.
Maybe it's coming with the new background but as it is right now its hard to tell where a persons post ends and their signature begins and then where their signature ends and a new post begins. So maybe so more defined borders. Everything else is great so far.

I agree.
Hi guys,

I have added a signature line so it should be more visible now and you can remove the ugly line now j/k

A step in the right direction Now just darken it a little (a lot) and the world would be a better place for all

It's there now.

It's the maxium allowed black lol for this current theme. The color must follow the color scheme overall.
Please keep in mind that this theme will be replaced soon by another one.

So these changes is temporarily. We are on xenforo, and for some reasons some of you may want to have the same looks as seen on vbulletin but please take your time to get use of xenforo, I'm sure you will love it.

It's much better than vbulletin about user interface.

The signature line just to seperate the post arena and signature part and I think it does what it made for atm.

Sorry buds! o_O I'm not gonna read back over 8 pages, do we currently have a trader rating system and how do I get to it ? ? ?
No trader system.That is another thing "They" decided that "We" didn't need.
You do know "they" own the SOB...... and with all the changes being made how do you know "they" wont bring it back...

Geezus I swear people have ni patience anymore... this does take time, it isnt done with lincoln logs and silly putty.
Let me give you my thoughts

- It's pretty easy to request a feature and I'm sure that you guys have a lot of interesting ideas to improve the site. But..
- like, imagine you are an iphone owner and looking for an app with some features that you think, that will be useful for you, and your friends, there're few options
1. Someone already thought about that before, a developer already made it and it's currenty available on Apps Store. Ok then go ahead, pay few bucks, and you got what you want.
2. You did a research and seems that there are amout of people looking for the same thing, but none of developer made it yet., so you will have to wait until it's available on Apps Store.
3. No one thought about this, none of developer made this. If you want to have st like this for you and right now, you will need to hire someone to made a custom apps for you. I mean, a CUSTOM app. Still want to hear the price?

The same thing happens to a additional mod for a forum. It's not just turn it on and it's there.

Please keep in mind, that running a forum is already cost a lot of money for maintenance. If there are any useful mod with a reasonable price, I'm sure that these admins here will glady buy it and make it real for you. But if the mod you are asking for will need a large of budget to invest, what will you do if you are in their position ? Of course, you will consider the +, and - for invest something like this. Asking for donate? Okay, that's an option but do you glad to see numbers of threads will being made and asking you to donate on new features, everytime you login on the site?

The ads is currently helping this site with some cash and in the future may be they will come up with something with will gain benefit for both side and paid member, when it's ready, they will surely let all of you know about that.

Just want to tell you that I know how this site meant to these current admin, if they could do anything to improve this site, they will. As owners , they want this site growing up more than anyone from both hobbies and business view.

If you are asking for some feature and our answer is something like, it will be consider/it's not going to be added at the moment. Please be patient, stay in touch, you are already support this site by posting/being a part of this community/make it bigger. These cool features will come when it's ready on right time. Just keep supporting this site and try to understand a little bit with the owners.

I'm quoting a post from JayC

I really enjoy working on this stuff. I just dont enjoy people complaining ALL THE TIME. It would probably be different if I felt like it was appreciated but like when I put up my MS150 bike ride posts and like 6 people donate, it doesnt really give me the warm and fuzzies. If I could just get $5 from every member, I could be the #1 fund raiser for the year. Instead I struggle to make my paltry goal of $1000 every year. A few years ago, I paid $250 out of my own pocket just to make my minimum. Oh well.... Ill keep at it.. more cool stuff coming.
