

Jul 27, 2005
Its snowing down here in south Mississippi!!!! Dan (Grumpy) , I know you're not impressed:biggrin: but we don't get to see this stuff but every 4-5 years if we're lucky and its been 8-10 years since it was this thick.

Man...every body shop in 10 counties must be licking there lips. These rednecks (myself included) don't have a clue how to drive in icy/snowy weather....LOL:biggrin: :biggrin:

Something about this just makes me want to put a little Baileys in my coffee and call the dealership and tell them I just can't make it there today;)
It's noon here, and the weatherman said it would start at noon... He's dead-on!
Here it comes...still well above freezing, but that too is going to change...Supposed to be in the 20's tonite.
We're totally getting screwed out of snow up here in N Alabama :mad:

It's all going SOUTH of us, wtf it always goes NORTH of us not south but nooooo now it's SOUTH of us, we never get snow (we need a :pOUT: smilie)
:biggrin: :p hey you guys have all sorts of room down there for it !! suppose to only get in the teens tomorrow :rolleyes: now IF you really want to have some fun in the snow I'll ship you some snow tires for the Buick :eek:
Snow was predicted today in the area of middle Georgia where I live but so far no luck. It might ran tonight though. I hope it does because it sure has been a long time since I've made a snow man or snow angels. As kids when it did snow,we used to sit on an old car hood while someone pulled us around with an ATV. Ah,good times. :biggrin:
These rednecks (myself included) don't have a clue how to drive in icy/snowy weather....LOL:biggrin: :biggrin:

If front wheel drive, put in reverse, one arm over, looking back, punch it then crank wheel to one side and hold on:D :D :D
If front wheel drive, put in reverse, one arm over, looking back, punch it then crank wheel to one side and hold on:D :D :D

Ya u MI drivers are a little to nuts at times. We here in ohio got to watch what we do. We will get in to much trouble. Johny law hate us.:frown:
Dang Global Warming!!! That Al Gore really needs to keep his mouth shut!! We have had alot of snow fall here in the Seattle area, but not much that stuck around. We will be real cold (for Seattle anyway) all next week. Highs in the low 30's. Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. We ususally just rain................ day in and day out! Drizzle........Drizzle.............Drizzle........
Even in the summer, we get rained out of the track often.:mad:
It was 50+ here last week. ALL the snow was gone, and a tornado landed 6 miles from my house. It felt weird walking around in a t shirt for 5 days in Jan.
I honestly wish it would just stay cold. At least I saved some on my gas bill.
It was cold here too.

I had to wear my LONG sleeve T-shirt with my short pants and flip flops to walk my dog this morning. Hope I don't have to go through that again any time soon:eek: .
Its snowing down here in south Mississippi!!!! Dan (Grumpy) , I know you're not impressed:biggrin: but we don't get to see this stuff but every 4-5 years if we're lucky and its been 8-10 years since it was this thick.

Man...every body shop in 10 counties must be licking there lips. These rednecks (myself included) don't have a clue how to drive in icy/snowy weather....LOL:biggrin: :biggrin:

Something about this just makes me want to put a little Baileys in my coffee and call the dealership and tell them I just can't make it there today;)

News guy said last night that it was suppose to be -12 this morning at 5 AM. I did not go out and check. I will take his word for it. Thermometer in my truck did not get over -1 yesterday, during the "heat" of the day. The hockey rink is "indoors" but the only thing that seperates "inside" and "outside" is a thick tarp. The kids took 5 min warming breaks between 10 min periods. You could of had the "outdoor" rink all to yourself if you wanted. Less than 2 weeks ago the outdoor rink was gone and they struggled to keep the indoor rink fit for play.

I guess -12 is a natural form of "intercooling" but again, I will let someone else find out how a TR runs in this cold.....


well at least its not 25 below wind chill down there, miserable in garage not enough heat to combat that kind of chill, aint left the house all day
I think the only darn animal that can handle this COLD is my 2 Siberian Huskyes.They love it. They don't want to sleep in there houses.They think it cool to sleep on the cold ground.:confused: