Performance, Horsepower, Injector chart

Originally posted by Steve Wood
It's hard when your friend's know you! :)

You got friends in Jersey????? LOL :D

It's a nice chart and is close. Mine is 3650# and running a 9.40 at
142.7 is in the ball park. This pass was slipping and sliding all the way down the track. So I think that is why the little difference.

A couple of computer models show about the same brake horse power as in the chart.

Steve always has some good stuff stashed away :)
Got a lot less today. Was in town yesterday when the voltage dropped to 60 volts. took them 45 minutes to cut it off completely. 15 minutes of that was enuf to burn up the drives in my desktop. Refrigerator sounds a bit funny now, also....power was off for six hours....I guess the new, nice grocery store has a lot less frozen food today. Took me an hour to eat a half gallon of ice cream last night. Would have taken longer if it was not half melted.
Originally posted by Steve Wood
Got a lot less today. Was in town yesterday when the voltage dropped to 60 volts. took them 45 minutes to cut it off completely. 15 minutes of that was enuf to burn up the drives in my desktop. Refrigerator sounds a bit funny now, also....power was off for six hours....I guess the new, nice grocery store has a lot less frozen food today. Took me an hour to eat a half gallon of ice cream last night. Would have taken longer if it was not half melted.

Well as long as it was Blue Bell you got no problems except maybe slowing down the car a little if you keep it up.

I guess the coop power company you belong to will have to buy a few more armadillos to run in the cages to make your power. hehehe

Maybe you could hire Zap to ride the bike and make your own power :D

Sorry to hear the trouble
There's a lot of good info there. You just have to browse through the directories since the search isn't really great.