JDPOLZIN is the BEST!!!!! I love him, I want to make out with him

Lol random question.... Perfect!!

I am sure we can answer that. I am not 100% sure off the too of my head so I won't say anything. I don't want to give you a wrong number.
Stock wheels are 7" wide with 3.5" backspace. Though I'm not sure why you asked us. We are just a bunch of drunks
You may have killed her when you shoved all those dollar bills down her throat, you may have killed her when you hit her with the stool... I don't know, I'm not a doctor. But I'll tell you what didn't kill her....DICK!
Maybe I should try tonkohbjbbjndervdineknev else's name. What's yer passwords?

Damn auto correct failed me there lol

Bout haveta be crazy to cut that melted connector apart and crimp on a Metripack connector.....

....but I got it done....:)