jason mcguire affordablegn,what a joke


Id be interested in some pics myself. Sounds like a piece of garbage tho. For $250 it should be in good or very good condition to say the least. Should posted in the feedback section tho. GNBRETT
For $275, the dash included a complete cluster, a dash plaque, cluster trim, and all the braces and duct work, plus free shipping and delivery. It was in decent shape or he wouldn't have taken it in the direct exchange!!!

There is always two sides of the story and the truth lieing somewhere in the middle. GNBRETT
This is the most accurate post on this whole bs thread!!!

But id say ur SOL unless seller wants to send it back to you. Like Bison said, someone should have bought a flashlight to inspect them. Why would you send a deposit on something you never saw? GNBRETT

We met right under a bright light in a McDonald's semi-truck parking lot. There was plenty of light to see and examine the parts!!!

Did the seller refuse to send you pics? If that was the case then you should have looked elsewhere. If you didn't request them then shame on you.
I offered to send pictures before I set up the deal. He acted like he didn't want or need pictures. I requested a deposit since it was out of my way on the trip and didn't want to be stood up. It is now Monday and I still haven't received the deposit that he said was sent out???

I am a lot pissed off since the purchaser didn't even give me 24 hours to respond or resolve the problem before posting in the feedback section. What do you expect from a f***in newbie. I was out of town and on the road when this transaction took place. He picked up the parts in person and had every chance to thoroughly examine them. It was even nice and warm out when we met in Tennessee. Maybe I should just say go F*** yourself!!!!!

Thanks for the pain in my ass and all the trouble and wasted time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

newbi? lol look howlong iv been on this site guy, iv been on this site a long time and have never had a problem with anything iv bought or sold on this site, except for now with thease junk parts that was puschased from you friday, it s a shame all day fri when you was selling thease parts your phone was answered, then sence then all the voicemails we have left and nothing in return, all the perfect parts you have lol, its a shame how you can even sell any parts on this site with the junk your trying to sell here. pics will be posted on here in just a few minutes then everyone can see allthe perfect parts your selling, you prick
affordablegn JUNK

Here are some of the pics promised. Plenty more to follow. How could a person even offer to sell parts like this. It is my own fault for buying something without thouroughly checking it. No pics were offered before buying (wonder why). I still have had no calls requarding him returning my money (wonder why).


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More affordablegn Junk

Here are more pics. Beware of Jason Mc Liar (Mc Guire)


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affordablegn JUNK

Here are some more pics!!!


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Affordablegn junk

this was supposed to be the nicest dash i could ever find on turbobuick,com jason mcguire told me, lol this it what you guys get when you buy parts from the jason mcquire guy, what a f###ing joke
My Own Fault Not(ha ha) affordablegn JUNK

Here are some pics of the car that I am currently working on. The dash that was purchased from affordablegn JUNK by me was intended to be installed into this 84 Olds Cutlass because of the wiring issues involved with the cluster in the Olds. After getting the dash back to the garage and seeing it under BRIGHT lights I was extremely mad at myself for taking someones word and buying this kind of S**t (Nobodys fault but my own). I decided to install the factory dash back into the car and try to work out the wiring issues which I did in about 14 hours on Saturday from 1:00pm until 3:00am as the pics show. I only posted all the dash pics to help keep someone else from making the same mistake I did. If these pics will help one person from buying f***ing junk like this in the future it will be worth it to me. Oh yeah, I read another post about a chip that affordablegn bought and then made fun of the guy working at Autozone becaues he was wanting his money. He said he must need money because he worked at Autozone. Everything you currently have can be taken away alot faster that you got it. I have news for everyone reading this post. Anyone that has a job and WORKS for a living (not sell junk like affordablegn) has NO reason to be made fun of. It appears affordablegn needs money pretty d*mn bad seeing how he will not respond to my e mails. He said in his first post "Listen A**hole send the parts back and I will return the money". I'm always happy to help someone in need out but I never thought I would be buying parts from Fred Sanford (Junkman). Another thing maybe affordablegn can take some of the money he made from me and buy himself a EZ read tape measure so he can tell the difference between
2 1/2" and 3" cat back exhaust he sold some other poor fellow. Still waiting for the phone call or email affordablegn. I'm sure I'll be waiting when I take my last breath.



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Well, it doesn't look like the nicest dash you could find the board. That much I would agree with.

Aside from that, all the pics do at this point is reiterate the fact that you or someone on ur behalf should have inspected the dash closer before handing over the cash and driving away. Day, night, really doesn't matter. It was seen before it was purchased.

Now if you were looking for your $50 deposit back after being told it was a mint piece sight unseen and then you saw it in person and was no longer interested then that would be a completely different story. That's not how it went down tho.

Item was seen and bought. A refund of any amount at this point you are not entitled to. End of story. Lesson learned. Car comming along nice tho.
Pics show a giant turd, They could have all been in a box under them bright McD's lights and the trust factor takes over, ya figure guy is cool... a buick guy and wouldnt even think about passing junk off... pulls up.. quick hello and peek, load the stuff and cant wait to get home.
I didnt see anything in them pics worth 10 bucks
Don't send people to sign off on your parts. Lesson learned, move on.

I'm sure Jason will make it right.
I have a court case pending against Jason because he is a liar and a fraud... It won't even see court until probably the end of the year and I'll have to fly from NJ to SOUTH BEND INDIANA where this piece of **** lives. He is a liar and a thief. He had the balls to effect my buyer rating after he violated our contract and lied about 1000 things. Buyer beware with him. If you guys still choose to deal with him good LUCK.
You know what is sad, someday these people that are doing this are gonna screw the wrong person over and something bad will happen, trust me it is gonna happen.

Way to much of this stuff going on lately.

I mean comon guys, look at the dash, it is a total P.O.S. and he was trying to get, what, $275 for it. :rolleyes:
You know what is sad, someday these people that are doing this are gonna screw the wrong person over and something bad will happen, trust me it is gonna happen.

Way to much of this stuff going on lately.

I mean comon guys, look at the dash, it is a total P.O.S. and he was trying to get, what, $275 for it. :rolleyes:

ya this is sad... BUT I have been there and had it done to me to. Sellers idea of nice is one thing and yours is another. Stevie Wonder could tell ya that dash was a POS .. I just don't understand some people AND ya its happening more and more :mad:
Still Waiting

I have communicated with Jason via E mail and he has said if I return the parts he will return my money. He confirmed via E mail that he recieved the parts ten days ago and he would send out a cashiers check for the returned parts. Still no check, I hope it comes soon or I will post all the E mails I have from him and make it even harder for him to sell parts. If someone tells you something that is what they should do, if not they should keep their mouth shut. Hopefully everything will work out and I can have something good to say about Jason.
I have communicated with Jason via E mail and he has said if I return the parts he will return my money. He confirmed via E mail that he recieved the parts ten days ago and he would send out a cashiers check for the returned parts. Still no check, I hope it comes soon or I will post all the E mails I have from him and make it even harder for him to sell parts. If someone tells you something that is what they should do, if not they should keep their mouth shut. Hopefully everything will work out and I can have something good to say about Jason.

He scammed me but mines in mid legal system process. I actually have a civil case against him so I can't get into detail but when all is said and done he will come out as one of the biggest selective scammers of this forum.:mad:
He scammed me but mines in mid legal system process. I actually have a civil case against him so I can't get into detail but when all is said and done he will come out as one of the biggest selective scammers of this forum.:mad:
Was there a gag order issued by a judge? If not, you can talk about anything you want.