a blast from the pass wants to say HI to everyone..

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dude, i met you once u seemed cool, but what the hell is up with this **** talkin? chill out, ur making a big deal out of nothing, there is a reason why Lou is considered one of the best in the Buick community, because reputation speaks louder than words. ur really making this place a big ordeal to go to, and its pissing everyone off! I liked the meeting at the parking lot idea if everyone wants to settle this bullsh!t so it just stops once and for all.....
Now that you mention it

[QUOTE: Ray, why does JayC keep deleting your post ( 2 of em so far here )

Whats up with this $hit! :confused:

It's hard to believe that my posts are offensive enough to get pulled

I must be in the "timeout " corner again...:biggrin:

Won't be the 1st, won't be the last


Your Welcome To Your Own Opinion Lou

Nordy! Even though I like you,I think that starting this worthless thread served no good purpose except to open up bad wounds. If that was your purpose congratulations it worked. Stop being Harold's pawn & wise up . He's only using you to continue to create dissension here. Damn are you & sytech ever gullible.Keep that idiot to yourselves.He's a piece of garbage that no one likes & way better off without.

What does being gullible have to do with anything Lou

I chose my friends not for what other people think about them, but for what I think about them. Certain people have bent over backwards to help me when I needed help, and I in turn have helped those same people and others when they needed help

None of us are perfect, we all have our pasts, but I'm big enough to not be judgemental and to look past the hard a$$ exterior to see people for what they really are

I don't judge you for the company you keep because I consider alot of them my friends also


Don't Worry About the Head Gaskets Andrew

Hey Andrew,

Happy Birthday

Consider the RJC HeadGasket set an early birthday present

Glad you could use them, all they were doing were hanging around in my garage collecting dust

Save your money and put it into the cost of your bearings, engine removal, re-install etc.

Hope to see you on the road soon

P.S.: And turn the damn boost down....lol


To those of you who got the point, cheers, to the continuing idiots (****vota & his butt****er cruz'n, etc) who never did get it. **** off.... LOL

Since we're all idiots maybe YOU should STFU, leave, and find your own kind.:rolleyes: Speaking of "fags" Last I heard Harold was lonely, maybe YOU can keep him company;)
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