Other board sold!!

Why don't you set up a donation button so that us members can give back to this board!
Believe it or not, there is one, although subtle. And it doesn't cost a member a thing. As Shane mentioned, See those banners on the page? Click it every time you log in and/or out here. I believe it's just like having a donation button, but you donate someone elses $ to the site. Shane, Correct me if I'm wrong.
This, along with "supporting" contibuting vendors when dropping coin on stuff.;)
I was never a fan of the other board but why is everybody bailing out? It seems like it sucks for the new buyers to have a BB with NO members.

Because they started censoring avatars, and who wants to see ads about Buying a new Toyota and deals on Verizon fios i could give a crap about both of those and others, i go to a Buick board for Buicks and the community hard to do when the community goes away
What I will find amusing is if any of the negative nancy's from over there find their way over here. I guess the FBI jokes are gone.

I don't think the FBI jokes will ever be gone. :D Well let's just say I am so glad Shane is the owner of this board now. During that period was the only time I left this board for the other one. Things just wasn't run here during that period the way they should have been.
Out of all the Buick boards I've read on, this one has the most members and a lot of tech advice if one is having issues with there TR. This site is also a great place to find parts, accesories, and vendors who are TR specific. I've learned in the time that I've had my GN that the community is very, very tight knit. Not everyone will get along, not everyone will agree with each other, but in the end its about sharing an interest. In this case, its Turbo Buicks.

Shane, you and I aren't the best of friends. But I've said it to you before, and I will say it again, you have a great site here. It would be a shame if you had to sell your interests in this board, but I also think if that day came you would offer it to the Mods here first, and some of the members second (though I don't see this happening anytime soon).

Keep up the good work.
Because they started censoring avatars, and who wants to see ads about Buying a new Toyota and deals on Verizon fios i could give a crap about both of those and others, i go to a Buick board for Buicks and the community hard to do when the community goes away

Gotta agree here. I have add block so all I have to do is click on it and it's gone thank God.:biggrin: The board will die an ugly death and that's unfortunate. There's some real good tech over there like Earls timing cover mods and the cheap 4.1 turbo motor.:frown:
ok my 2 cents....the main reason I was a mainstay on that board goes back many years...I have met or called on the phone the majority of the main characters on that board...plus they had the regional sections such as MAGNA and the Toronto section...plus some other Buick Political issues which have been resolved....The main problem I had here was the non exeptance of newbies when I first joined...But the selling of the board without reaching out to its core members was a slight...Shane and I have talked a number of times and I know I am always welcome here....but with running the Buick Performance Group my posts on TBS have also dropped off...There is no winner or loser...Both Boards serve the needs of those that visit them...I will just not be posting there much anymore...
ok my 2 cents....the main reason I was a mainstay on that board goes back many years...I have met or called on the phone the majority of the main characters on that board...plus they had the regional sections such as MAGNA and the Toronto section...plus some other Buick Political issues which have been resolved....The main problem I had here was the non exeptance of newbies when I first joined...But the selling of the board without reaching out to its core members was a slight...Shane and I have talked a number of times and I know I am always welcome here....but with running the Buick Performance Group my posts on TBS have also dropped off...There is no winner or loser...Both Boards serve the needs of those that visit them...I will just not be posting there much anymore...

I have been asked to make a Toronto section, that will be done soon!

You know you and the BPG info are always welcome here:smile:

Thanks again for the kind words everyone!
It appears we have found some good in all this.Buick guys/gals stick together and like to support each other.:biggrin:Being moderated by a non Buick enthusiast seems to have struck a nerve.;)I think this might end up a good thing long term.I have always said support those who support us:cool:


Thanks Shane and Jay you are great enthusiasts:biggrin:
I have been asked to make a Toronto section, that will be done soon!

You know you and the BPG info are always welcome here:smile:

Thanks again for the kind words everyone!

If you get bored and its not too hard, would you consider an Oklahoma section or a central us section? - something along those lines?
It appears we have found some good in all this.Buick guys/gals stick together and like to support each other.:biggrin:Being moderated by a non Buick enthusiast seems to have struck a nerve.;)I think this might end up a good thing long term.I have always said support those who support us:cool:


Thanks Shane and Jay you are great enthusiasts:biggrin:

Very well said and I would like to thank Shane and the other owners of this board for letting us voice our opinions about the other site here without locking the thread or deleting any of the posts they didn't have to do it but they did cause they understand our frustration which only a TR owner or enthusiasts could
I was never a fan of the other board but why is everybody bailing out? It seems like it sucks for the new buyers to have a BB with NO members.

It really doesnt matter anyway. There were only 11 or 12 members on that board anyway. The rest were imposters with fake sign on names. I just wonder where those individuals are gonna go now? :biggrin:
I have been asked to make a Toronto section, that will be done soon!

You know you and the BPG info are always welcome here:smile:

Thanks again for the kind words everyone!

Actually Shane the new request is to open up the region a bit and create a "Southern Ontario" section so the surrounding areas of Toronto are covered.
You are freaking OFFICIALLY NUTZ!!!

Send me an email when you grow up...
post # 64 hits the nail on the head.

and even with the posting being nowhere as heavy as it once was. there was still way more than 11 or 12 members still posting over there. but as already stated, most post at both sites already
It really doesnt matter anyway. There were only 11 or 12 members on that board anyway. The rest were imposters with fake sign on names. I just wonder where those individuals are gonna go now? :biggrin:

This is one of the most moronic statements I've ever seen posted on these forums. :rolleyes:
Call me

I am up and around again for a bit now , getting stronger everyday. In fact last Doctor appointment today (hopefully) but I need to talk to you about being contacted by one of these co.'s the thread was started about wanting to buy it from me! I got a weird shiver and played dumb (I am good at that)
and got all his info. THAT is what I wanted to chat with you that one day we talked but they had me in never never land.(Remember, you wanted some of whatever the hell they gave me and I couldn't remember what I wanted to talk to you about.) He thinks I still have it cause of the domain, but that is our deal. That is why he couldn't and didn't get to you. But like I said, I have all his info and maybe we can band together with other sites to prevent this crap. I will forward you the info but how odd that this has been happening and we were targeted as well. I had NO intention of doing anything retaliratory until I spoke to you or if you wanted to have at him, go ahead. I haven't been around much sorry to say and I wish I could be. The health was just coming back great had about 2 good weeks then, blam the truck accident. Haven't been right since and this Christmas will be somber. Cindy and Kendra lost a thoroughbred horse (big dollar supposedly, hell iI do cars, remember what the last horse did to me) last Saturday and Sylvie was a $20K mare!. Kendra still cannot walk the stall. Died last Sat night due to Collick (horse people will know , the rest of us, it was colon plugged up is the english version and believe it or not not really treatable without major big dollar surgery). Well anyway, I know you all haven't heard much from me but it has been a very rough road and I am doing my best to combat it and win. Anyway enough babbling, Grimmy call me and also I will send you these emails from this guy I keep getting.I will let you decide how you want me to deal with it or if you want to deal with it or we could do nothing. But, doing nothing doesn't stop the cancer. If you guys out there want to save these type of forums, something has to be done and in BIG numbers or , like all else, bye bye baby. Ideas anybody?

I would like to wish all TB.com members and there families, Happy Holidays, Merry Xmas and be with loving caring families for the holidays. Be safe and pay it forward.....
