WHo going to the Nats?

Motel 6 Rules....Can't beat white castle @ 1am.

Rooms are pretty cheap $49.99 a night. All I do is sleep and shower and im gone the rest of the day. I've stayed there the last five years.

See ya boys
Originally posted by troGNman
I never realized that there were other fellow GS Club members on this board.

Not to burst anyone's bubble, but if you intend to show or race your car, you must be a member of the GSCA.

I planned on going and perhaps entering the car show, but I'm not a GSCA member. Isn't there a non-member entry fee?
Originally posted by bishir
I planned on going and perhaps entering the car show, but I'm not a GSCA member. Isn't there a non-member entry fee?

nope, gotta be a gsca member.

better join now, they charge more as the time gets near
Buick Nats registration info

Originally posted by bishir
I planned on going and perhaps entering the car show, but I'm not a GSCA member. Isn't there a non-member entry fee?

Like was said, you MUST be a GSCA member to race or show your car. You have until March 20 to pre-register or pay additional after that date. The registration form should be available to download from the GSCA web site with additional info.

Spectators can buy tickets each day at the entrance gate.
Originally posted by Quick6'n'-K.C.


its the closest motel to the white castles :p


Sweet! i wonder if Harold or Kumar will be there?

I have never had white castle. maybe we should have a T.B. community Meet there and see who can eat the most!
Bummer about joining the club. :(

I'm not sure I'll even have my car done by then so I hate to pay for something I'm not sure about. What about just trailering the car up to drive around? People do that?

The hotel parking lot is like a big car show in itself. Buicks are EVERYWHERE. Just walk from parking lot to parking lot.. just be careful with your beer. :O
Originally posted by gn85

The hotel parking lot is like a big car show in itself. Buicks are EVERYWHERE. Just walk from parking lot to parking lot.. just be careful with your beer. :O
Exactly, watch the open containers, its a big no no there.
Just put it into a 60 oz cup or something that doesnt look like a beer can.


mmmm white castles mmmmmm
I'm already packed!

This will be 23 for me and I've never had a car that ran worth a damn at any of them except the first!
Book the room online.

We paid less than $40 for Motel V6 last year. This year we've moved up to the Ramada for $48.75 plus tax.
Originally posted by bishir
Bummer about joining the club. :(

I'm not sure I'll even have my car done by then so I hate to pay for something I'm not sure about. What about just trailering the car up to drive around? People do that?
Or just go to one of the other big Buick events like Salem, Norwalk or Reynolds where you don't have to be a member. It’s only the nats where you have to be a member to have the honor of racing or showing.

Or getting to run your car at a track rental for 4 days at $30 or so dollars a day.With only other buick guys to run with
Sorry to butt-in Otto, however.....

Originally posted by KLHAMMETT
Or getting to run your car at a track rental for 4 days at $30 or so dollars a day.With only other Buick guys to run with

Otto, if the 4 days you mention is at the Buick Nats in BG, it is actually 5 days of racing, Tuesday-Saturday.

Probably will be more Buicks at the Nationals in BG than at Norwalk, Salem and Reynolds combined?:)
I was counting sat as a rental day, as it will be race day,as teh other 4 are more test and tune days
See ya there
Dont forget the RMI:D