Where Would You Vacation To... Any Opinons?


Starvin Like Marvin...
Aug 9, 2009
Im saving my money, and as soon as I get my car audio hooked up... IM GOIN TO BRAZIL... and many of you can probably guess whats gonna happen;):biggrin::cool: (what happens down there, stays down there.. people got stories... but im a fool:biggrin::biggrin:) But I was also thinking of going to Belieze, Dubai, Tokyo (to give those Wangan suckers some American Muscle) and probably Hit Haiti for some ahem..... 5 starred goodness, and maybe Cape Town South Africa to see some culture on the way home.

Where do YOU guys want to take a vacation to... and if you come to washington... Ill show you a good time, but you gotta work on my car;)
I would go to the place where they filmed couples retreat! The water is unreal....
Join the Army/Marines travel the world ,meet interesting people,and kill them.....:biggrin: J/J
Right now, I'd take somewhere that its above 65 degrees and no freaking snow on the ground. Every day for the past week, go out, unbury car, freeze butt off, go to work... ugh. I'd even settle for mid 50s and no snow..lol.
England, Eygypt, Germany. U can find a beach anywhere in the world. I'd go somewhere to see something u cant see in ur own country no matter how far u traveled in it.
I would caution you about wearing anything AMERICAN anywhere you go in the world tho. Blend in no matter where you go and do not wear any visible jewelry either.

Sounds like common sense but ud be suprised how many go to a place like Eygypt and wear gold chains with NY Yankee pendants while wearing a shirt with a big American flag on it.....:rolleyes: Anywhere other then the US I would strongly advise against wearing items like that.

In fact, I would even be cautious about telling strangers where you are from.
I like the GS Nats but haven't been in over a decade. I hear that a website is promoting an event. Might try to check that out.
I'm going to Brazil on the 26th (i've been there before). I have traveled to alot of countries, but my favorite place I've been to is Austrailia. Absolutely georgous country. It is the only other country I would consider living in.
Right now I would do ANYTHING to Get out of these 20 degree days. Even if it meant vacationing in NC LOL! JK :biggrin:
Actually, I've never been out of the country myself. Would like to someday. Both my sister and my dad have been some neat places. My dad has gone to Australia, had a great time there. Also to Greece. There's a place you see a lot of things you wont see here.
Same for my sister. She did a semester abroad in college. Mainly in England, but they got to travel all over Europe, including Spain, Germany, Italy, France. She loved Italy, and shes got some great shots of the architecture in some of the older cities. Really amazing to see some of that history. I'd love to go someday. Of course, both dad and sister did their traveling before 9-11, and I haven't been on a plane in 14 years.
Where oh where....

My first choice would be Bora Bora, second would be Italy --- sigh --- One day Ill get there. :)
I take it you're single

Im saving my money, and as soon as I get my car audio hooked up... IM GOIN TO BRAZIL... and many of you can probably guess whats gonna happen;):biggrin::cool: (what happens down there, stays down there.. people got stories... but im a fool:biggrin::biggrin:)

Split, Croatia-Potentially ugly women are killed at birth
La Coruna, Spain
Cali, Colombia-Hot women that LOVE Americans
Santiago, Dominican Republic-Women are VERY CURVY
Halifax, Nova Scotia-not the best looking women in the world there but they are aggressive,numerous, and horny
St. Martin, Netherlands Antilles. Dutch is side better than French side IMO.
Limassol, Cyprus-great beaches and cool stuff to see. Don't get mouthy with the locals.
Couracao-good times
Palma, Spain tons of clubs and women
Ibiza, Spain-Clubs and women for miles
Dubai-Made Las Vegas look like a hick town.
Bermuda-lots of cool stuff , beaches, and big boob english girls with bad teeth.

Some of those places would sill be good places to go even if you were married. Some...... not so much:eek:
It may sound tame, but my family and I like Maui, HI. It has all of the exotic things a foreign country would have but you are still in the USA. If I or one of my kids get sick we can go to an American doctor and be treated. Also the areas near the resorts are not exceptionally poor and dangerous as in many third world countires.
If I had a ton of money to spend I would go Heli-skiing in Canada for a week.
The north Shore of Minnesota in the summer time. Lake Superior is freaking Beautiful. Swimming, hiking, fishing, wildlife, scenery. If you every go once youll never forget it.
Been going every year since 2000.
Tofte, Lutsen, Bluefin, Grand Marias...etc
Seriuos mountain snowmobiling for me.

Saw some cool youtube videos of snowbilers in Utah and Wyoming, as long as I have the right machine and equipment, im there. Nothing better then gettin away from the wife and kids every once in a while. If anybody reads this and lives close enough to do that anytime they want then I say ur a lucky bastard and U suck!:mad:
and probably Hit Haiti for some ahem

I think you should start with a little more non hostile, or safer environments before you hop off to some questionable places in the world......:biggrin:

I love to hear people talk about other places in the world like it's utopia.
I am telling you right now I have gotten off airplanes in the U.S. and wanted to kiss the ground......... Don't get me wrong there are some great places to
visit and good people. But there is a world of bad,dangerous places.

The best way to see any country is to go with some one who has been before. As Brett mentioned a necklace you are wearing may be worth what they make in a year. Your life has no value to some of them.

Before you go abroad contact the state department and find the the Consulate and read the sheets on where to stay away from and what current tensions or atrocities are going on at the time. Your pleasure has nothing to do with their politics or way off life.