What's the strangest thing you found in your car (and kept)

Shortly after taking delivery of my car I found a garage door opener in the console. When I called the previous owner and told him I had his opener, he replied " just toss it,,, it was there when I bought the car twelve years ago and I just never took it out" ! Funny thing is,, it's still there....o_O

My grandpa still had the clicker in his old truck from when he used to live by me 15 years ago. I tried it on his old house, but it didn't work anymore. If it did work I was going to give it to the new owner.
I have no great stories but back when I was in Norwalk years ago BobbyBuick bought his grey T from a police auction (i think) and told about the empty 45 bullet casings under the rear seat when he tore it apart. The stories that car could tell... or any car for that fact...lol
Found this can of tuna in the passenger 1/4 while digging through the trunk of "skidmark"...


Can't find a date on it but I think the car spent 8 years as a roller and I highly doubt it fell in there the day before the powertrain was yanked. Where is it now? I left it in the trunk for the next owner to find. :eek:

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My car still has the lame a$$ CD the previous owners girlfriend must have made him in the CD player still. I never use the radio because I like to liten to the motor! I think bought the car back in 05 or so?