Turbo effect on engine performance


Oct 26, 2012
I've been toying around with the idea of turboing my engine (I have a full setup that I could bolt on and get working) but am a bit confused by contradicting information I hear and am hoping for some clarification. I like the way my buggy drives right now on the low end (I can lug it around a lot of the time and just hit the gas when I need power to climb, btu I'd like more power on the top end if I can. I have had some tell me that if I turbo it I'll lose most of my low end power. Others have told me I'll still have most of my low end but will gain mid to top end power as I build boost. I'm not sure if it just depends on the cam or what (would I need a different cam if I turbo it or could I keep the one I have)? Any enlightenment on the subject would be much appreciated.
If you build around the turbo you can easily double engine output on the same fuel and have almost instant response. Trying to get a turbo to work on an engine that is making good power without one will have huge limitations. All depends on how much $$$$$ you want to spend. With the EFR turbo technology and proper gearing, and combo you will probably over power the chassis

If you are talking about a early style draw-thru set up, I think the turbo lag would be too much for a buggy. You will loose a lot of throttle reponse. It takes a full couple of seconds for the fun to begin.
I do have an early style draw thru setup and I know I wouldn't be able to maximize the performance without building around the turbo. I'm wondering though- What would it do if I were to just bolt up the turbo without trying to maximize the performance? Would I lose my low end, gain some top end when it gets into boost (I know it would have a bit of lag but again my low end is fine so I don't need it unless I've already got my foot in it) etc? I know it might seem like a dumb question but I honestly have no idea what it would do (if anything) and am wondering if anyone who has experience with turbos and the 3.8 to help me gain some insight. Some day when the engine blows and I have to tear it down and start over I can build it to maximize a turbo (if I go that route), for now I'm just trying to see what it'd do the way it is.
Also, I wanted to thank you guys for your comments so far. I know it's a strange question and certainly welcome any input that can be/ has been provided.
The Turbo and non-turbo long blocks are essentially the same. The turbo has some stronger parts, but running-wise, there shouldn't be a differance. You won't loose low end power, but everytime you want to get on it, you have to wait for the turbo to spool. You'll find it great at full boost, but part throttle is somewhat hard to control.

In a buggy, with easy acces to the engine, swapping the turbo on should be easy, so maybe you should try and see if you like it. :)
Rich is in the right direction, my only suggestion would be to ditch the factory turbo for an upgraded one with a much more efficent turbine. that way you can get your low end spool... as that stock turbine leaves alot on the table in that area. on the flip side, a 50 shot of nos really gets that old turbine moving if you need the assistance for low end spool.
Thanks for the information. Maybe I'll bolt it up and see what it does (I guess that's the only rela way to know what it'll do). The only problem is if I like it, then I'll have to go changing things to improve it. :)
Dr.Frankenstein-What kind of turbo would I want to look for that would be more efficient and work for me? Sorry if this is a dumb question but I don't know a lot about turbos, beyond the basic idea of what they do and how they work. I'm just trying to get the stuff together to try this out since I'm going to be making some other changes during the winter and it would be a good time to give it a try.
the best upgrade right off for that stock unit is the turbine. a simple change to the HA unit with a compressor housing change will make a big impact. The turbine for the stock turbo is outdated, its too big and the wastegate outlet severly impacts flow with a ton of turbulence. Thats the cheapest easiest way for a small turbo upgrade. anything beyond that requires some custom work. But a HA TA33 would do alot for the ease of availability.