Stupid Things Others Do!

Since most of you guys don't live in rural Texas I've got a few myself. Being a farming area the main road from my hose to town is fairly wide. live in a "hose?" What type? Garden? Intake? Turbo? Must be pritty, pritty cramped in there.:tongue: Do you have to leave everytime your wife waters the flowers?:D

Bruce '87 Grand National
Guys how about the Chick in the Jetta on the highway doing 50 in the fast lane not looking where she is going texting away swerving all over the place?:mad: Then when she almost hits you because she has drifted out of her lane she gives YOU the finger!:confused: Gotta love Boston drivers.

Man, that is scary! In one night of driving (tonight) I have encountered this, and also a tailgater. I have never been more annoyed in my life. Get off my ass! I'm just learning! I was doing the speed limit too. Oh and I merged into a highway, first try! Not damaged! Yea, I feeeeeeel goood :cool:.

New Driver
Heres another...amish people that pilot thier horse and buggy on hilly main roads particularly 55 mph know the kind that you cant see them till you crest the top of the hill goin 60 and have to put your brake pedal thru the radiator:eek: to avoid giving him a chevy badge tatoo on his a$$ !!!!!
Man, that is scary! In one night of driving (tonight) I have encountered this, and also a tailgater. I have never been more annoyed in my life. Get off my ass! I'm just learning! I was doing the speed limit too. Oh and I merged into a highway, first try! Not damaged! Yea, I feeeeeeel goood :cool:.

New Driver

You Learn quick! I was a VIRGIN driver in Mass once too.
Thats how I got my road racing training!.

Didn't read the thread yet but..... people that WONT PULL OVER FOR A EMERGENCY VEHICLE lights and siren means PULL THE FOCKING HELL OVER!!!!!! Tonight going to a call in the tanker I had a car try and "outrun" me on a back road for 4 miles they finally got the point when we left the air horns on for a good half mile :mad:

Also I live on a busy road and can be trying to pull out of my driveway with lights and siren on think they will stop.... no of course not but then when its there house that's having the emergency they will be the first to complain because it took "20 mins to get there" ummm you moved to the country and we are volly's give me a break :mad:
Since most of you guys don't live in rural Texas I've got a few myself. Being a farming area the main road from my hose to town is fairly wide. live in a "hose?" What type? Garden? Intake? Turbo? Must be pritty, pritty cramped in there.:tongue: Do you have to leave everytime your wife waters the flowers?:D

Bruce '87 Grand National

So my U key got stuck Bruce. I need a new keyboard.:biggrin:
With bans on smoking you now have people huddled around the exterior door smoking and it filters into the building anyhow.

For those of us still addicted to something, we are already treated like third class citizens with leprosy that people seem to avoid like we are holding a gun to their head. Being kicked outside can be just as annoying as someone sitting next to you blowing a cigar smoke right at your table. Unfortunately for this, there doesnt seem to be a happy medium for anyone so it all falls on the addicts like we are purposely trying to kill off the entire world.

Smoking bans irritate me, its taking away the right of a business owner to make their own decisions. If they want to cater to smokers then let them and the group of smokers outside the door will go away. If they do not allow smoking then the smokers will just go where it is allowed and everyone would then be happy. Instead we have bans all over the place and bars and nightclubs are shutting down like there is no tomorrow. The few that are left open have more people outside conversing than they do inside. A lot of good the ban did as some business owners have lost their livelihood to a government that thinks its best for them and treats addicts like trash.

Sorry being an addict, at least I gave up the stuff that would most certainly kill me or land me in jail.

Oh, and sorry for the rant, I just think it should be left to the owners and not the government.
farm tractors

O we get that here too:mad: Everything is supposed to stop for a damn tractor on the road.

I drive my farm tractors on narrow county roads usually pulling a hay bailer or a haybine of course hay wagons, i pull over and stop when i see a car comimg toward me, most of the time i have to pull off the road because the roads are narrow, most of the farmers i know are curtious , they cant pull over just anywhere , have to wait for a field or crossroads to pull over,
good luck oc,
I drive my farm tractors on narrow county roads usually pulling a hay bailer or a haybine of course hay wagons, i pull over and stop when i see a car comimg toward me, most of the time i have to pull off the road because the roads are narrow, most of the farmers i know are curtious , they cant pull over just anywhere , have to wait for a field or crossroads to pull over,
good luck oc,

OC, I know farmers like you that are aware and care about others. I am talking about the ones that a) are so big headed and think they own the land so they own everything else or b) the dunce they let drive that is either too stupid to realize what they are doing or simply don't care that there is a 15 car pile up behind them...
For those of us still addicted to something, we are already treated like third class citizens with leprosy that people seem to avoid like we are holding a gun to their head. Being kicked outside can be just as annoying as someone sitting next to you blowing a cigar smoke right at your table. Unfortunately for this, there doesnt seem to be a happy medium for anyone so it all falls on the addicts like we are purposely trying to kill off the entire world.

Smoking bans irritate me, its taking away the right of a business owner to make their own decisions. If they want to cater to smokers then let them and the group of smokers outside the door will go away. If they do not allow smoking then the smokers will just go where it is allowed and everyone would then be happy. Instead we have bans all over the place and bars and nightclubs are shutting down like there is no tomorrow. The few that are left open have more people outside conversing than they do inside. A lot of good the ban did as some business owners have lost their livelihood to a government that thinks its best for them and treats addicts like trash.

Sorry being an addict, at least I gave up the stuff that would most certainly kill me or land me in jail.

Oh, and sorry for the rant, I just think it should be left to the owners and not the government.

What about the non-smoking workers? Should they be forced to work in a unhealthy environment?
One thing that irritates me are the people that insist on bringing their pets (no matter wether it is a dog, lizard, snake, parrot, or whatever) to public events. I'm not talking about taking their dog for a walk in the park, that's fine, but for the people who bring them to street festivals, community events, block parties. etc. I don't care if it is your 80 lb. Pit Bull or your 8oz. tea cup that you say won't bite. I don't want to take that chance with my family. Pets are animals that have a mind of their own. They can be unpredictable and should not be at those type events.
This one really yanks my chain and I see it about once a week here in the OC.

Chicks that put their makeup on, while driving to work.:mad: I've been almost taken out more then twice this year because some twit had to have her eye liner just right.

Honestly, I have no problem with chicks that wear makeup. I say, "If the house needs painting, THEN PAINT IT".;)

Just don't do it next to me on the road.

Cool thread. I feel better now.:)

Happy spooling.

Mike Barnard
You go to a fast food place where u have to fill your own drink and there`s some guy pouring soda aliitle at a time taking a quick sip in between.
Oh here is ONE that I FKING HATE! When idiots spary thier windshield wipers on the highway getting your windshield and car splattered~:mad:.

For god sakes do it going at a slower speed before you get on highway.

ASH FLICKERS from Vehicle

HIGH BEAM RETARDS who can't even see when it is clear out at night.

BUTT THROWERS from Vehicle


People Who drag race at local strip with thier car and leave the track ID numbers on when they drive home.
People who toss trash out of their a matter of fact, anywhere in there's not a damn thing wrong with it. How much more low-class can you be, seriously.:confused:
Since most of you guys don't live in rural Texas I've got a few myself. Being a farming area the main road from my hose to town is fairly wide. Farming equiptment will go right down the road with the harvester nose on them. A 35 foot wide implement should never be allowed on the road with the nose on it!:mad:

oh we have that problem here as well in the rural areas of oregon. in fact, you know, Hwy 99W between Eugene area and Portland area, west of the I-5 corridor...I beleive some counties state that cars must yield for agricultural equipment.....(its also the law that requires them to have the orange triangles)

but it doesn't stop them from having accidents where people try to pass 20 cars to get around the farm equipment.....

another thing that bugs the hell out of me here

people cutting in front of me between lights when the lights are timed, and they';re trying to speed their way thru lights

everyone who drives 20 over speed limits but will not alow you to move into a lane where necessary (I-5 is HORRIBLE for this)

truckers who move to the middle of the 3 lane side to pass another truck, and have someone going maybe 4 mph faster on their left.

the merging lanes between Tualatin, Sherwood, TIgard, and Portland. seriously, this is like a 5 lane section, where to get into the left 3 for thru traffic, you have to go thru the 2 lanes since the far right 2 lanes becomes exits.
People bring dogs to a horse show where small children are riding their horses
the dogs bark and scare some horses, the rules are no dogs or pets but people still bring them,