Skunk Works!


aka Smitty
Apr 4, 2003
No...Really! I've seen him waddle around the backyard when I leave for work early in the morning. Problem is hes takin up house keeping under my garage! I wouldn't mind too much but its really starting to smell. Anyone know how to chase this bugger away? Safely? LOL I also have a coon and a couple of ground hogs under there too. But they're not smelling up the place. :(
Didn't think they'd all play well together.
Well if the area isn't that ventilated you could always place a bucket of ammonia there. Hopefully the other critters won't mess with the bucket. Believe it or not but skunks don't like bad smells. He should be gone within a few days. But then again, if you have pets or little kids it is not really that safe is it? This method usually works but I am sure there are other ways to get rid of the stinker, just search the internet.

Good Luck

I use to be an exterminator in my past life and the only SAFE way to remove a skunk is to slowly walk up to it from behind. You have to be VERY quiet. Then JUMP on it while you scream LOUDLY! They will not spray you if you SCREAM LOUDLY! If they do, than retreat and try again the next day, but you must scream LOUDER the next time. If it sprays you again, then you are a wuss and shouldn't have left your nuts in your wifes purse! :biggrin:

Man! I really don't know how to get rid of them "french kitty's" Maybe get a black cat and paint two white stripes on it and have it run away from the skunk and MAYBE the skunk will chase it over to your neighbors house and it'll like it better over there?:tongue: How about lure it away with some perfume (the previous post claimed they don't like bad smelling stuff) and then shoot it with a 12 ga. in your neighbors yard.:D Ok I'm outta ideas. No wait!.......;)
In the middle of the night, take some dog food or something similar and make a trail over to the neighbors garage, deck, etc.

Then every night, leave a little pile there. It will take up camp at the neighbors house once it has been fed.... It works with coons. :D
In the middle of the night, take some dog food or something similar and make a trail over to the neighbors garage, deck, etc.

Then every night, leave a little pile there. It will take up camp at the neighbors house once it has been fed.... It works with coons. :D

Ya know I think he came from my neighbors yard. He had a huge pile of old skids behind his house that he recently trashed. It was just about then I started seeing my little buddy...I don't think hes getting along with the coon thow.:( ..LOL