Mom Tasered Repeatedly in Front of Kids, Arrested (Video)

I may be wrong but I bet Officer Friendly was iced without pay because cell phone records might show no phone usage. He only "observed" her going 5 mph over the speed limit, no radar. He must eat lots of carrots to see a 5 mph difference between 45 and 50.

Your wrong because she may have just put the phone up near her ear and not had the call connected yet and removed it and ended the call when she noticed the officer and it wold never show up on a bill.
First you say not to challenge the police and then you say what a BAD cop just did to you,but if we dont stand against them then when will they learn? If that cop threw something at me I would have called his Major on the spot and not just sat around waiting for Karma:rolleyes: its people like you that allow the tards to push you around,that keeps them thinking they are above the law..Report as much as you can to the "right" people in charge,get lawyers involved as much as possible and challenge authority,this is the only way we can stop what is escalating to a serious issue with police brutality!!!!

And like you clearly stated "people should be responsible for their actions" and the same goes with that cop that pulled you over.

What he did does not make him a bad cop. Maybe an a$$hole but not necessarily bad. Fortunately guys like Billy T and i have much more important things to do with our time than to report any BS that will not change a damn thing. Ive been pulled over for speeding (long ago) when i know for a fact i was not. He had no radar or any other means of clocking me since he was in a patrol car about 15 cars behind me. He pulled me over to break my balls then when he got my license and insurance card and came back to the car he said i was lucky and that he had an emergency to go to. He left with no strobe lights on and did not leave in a hurry. BS he had an emergency. Maybe his bitch needed some tampons or something:rolleyes: About an hour later i didnt really give a s hit anymore. Ive got much more important things to concern myself with. Keep challenging authority and see where it gets you. Forgot you already know.
Did you know that even just touching a police officer can land you in jail for assault? In fact, many police watchdog organizations (that usually have no problem toeing the line) specifically advise to never under any circumstance touch a police officer for this reason.

Clearly the threshold for "assault" is quite different for a police officer than it is for John Q. Citizen. Funny how the police operate like that. It's also worth noting that a lot of these escalations were driven by the police officer. Take this video incident, or the one in Utah just like it, or the thousands of others that happen without recourse to people who are poor or ignorant of their rights. It's not hard to see how police can be "assaulted" without any injury.

So I would suggest you take your figure on assault with a very large grain of salt.

What it still comes down to, like it or not, is that being a police officer is not very dangerous relative to many other professions. It's inherent dangers are exaggerated and used an excuse for escalation of force.

About the subject of freedom; The police do far more to enforce laws that simply limit freedom than to protect anyone's freedom. Tell me how that police officer that electrocuted that woman was protecting anyone's freedom... please tell me how revenue driven traffic enforcement protects anyone's freedom. Tell me how the drug war protects anyone's freedom. Tell me how coerced warrant-less searches for "illegal modifications" of vehicles protects anyone's freedom. Consider that in order to have freedom, you actually have to be free and not preemptively punished for crimes that have not been committed.
We have everything to fear from the police, they are the preferred tool of tyrants. The longer leash they are given the more they will take.

Why would anyone with any mentality touch an officer or anyone they didnt know? If some a$$hole intentionally touched me for no reason he would have a problem. You start referring to statistics then make a stupid comment that throws the stats that dont work toward your opinion in the trash. Even if it was 1 out of 100 it is still way more than it should be. From what i normally hear and read on a daily basis those that have problem with the police are those who have been arrested (and of course its never their fault) or know someone who has been arrested and they are spiteful because of it. You know what to fukking bad. The police are hear to stay. Move to Mexico city where there are not enough police and a very high % of police are corrupt and see how many nice things you can own there. You will have nothing because it will be stolen or vandalized in short order.
The bottom line here is cops are people. There are good people and then there are idiots. This cop is an idiot. Sure the lady was wrong too. But was she a threat? No. This is a classic example of killing an ant with a sledge hammer. What is this guy going to do in a real hostile situation? He is going to get somebody injured or worse.
My friend got pulled over 15 years ago. He was drunk.He found out whos freedom they were protecting.After kicking the crap out of two cops the third one kicked the crap out of him.The freedom they were protecting was his.He did 11 of those 15 years.So I would say obey and listen to the police.Same goes with k-9 police. Touch the dog and it is like punching a cop. Cops have a dangerous job .The danger differs from town to town. A cop in elmhusrt il would never go to the southside of Chicago to work.Read up on englewood on the south side of Chicago and then say their job is not dangerous.
Maybe if you didnt resist you wouldnt have been tasered. Did you ever consider that? If you had no clue about what the officer was detaining you for then you should have just complied because you stated werent under arrest and had no reason to not comply. You made his job harder than it should have been. Looks like Karma stung your ass immediately.

I bow down to NO MAN. I also know how to pick my battles. The suspect he was looking for was mexican...ahhhh....Im black lol. He had no right to detain me for questioning. Yeah his little taser stung a bit.....but his boys got is worse. This first vid is karma for the second vid. Now tell me, was Oscar Grant resisting arrest? That cop killed him in cold blood.
Funny you mention police dogs, here's a situation that happened in Ohio.

The Columbus Dispatch : Threat to dog leads to serious charge

Unfortunately I was a victim of this police department. They illegally conducted a warrentless strip search on me when I was 20. I was too young and intimidated to stand up for myself. I wish I would have filed a lawsuit to make sure they didn't do the same thing to others.
Perhaps many of you don't feel as I do. However, in my very humble opinion, until you walk a mile in a cops shoes, you have little clue about the things they actually experience and how they view the world moment to moment. Without that experience, there is no way any of you could comprehend what goes through the mind of cop. And without that understanding, I don't know how any of you could Monday morning quarterback the split second decisions they make.

Oh sure, it's easy for you to judge their actions while watching a video from the comfort of you home or office. You can tell everything from a video tape. You know exactly how the officer felt the moment of his every move. Give me a break.

I'm done but I'd like to leave you with a little quote from my friend Colonel Jessep who said, " I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said "thank you," and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest that you pick up a weapon and stand a post."
Last time I saw him, Col. Jessep was mumbling incoherently and being led off to end up in prison because he thought he was above the law. Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
Why would anyone with any mentality touch an officer or anyone they didnt know? If some a$$hole intentionally touched me for no reason he would have a problem. You start referring to statistics then make a stupid comment that throws the stats that dont work toward your opinion in the trash. Even if it was 1 out of 100 it is still way more than it should be. From what i normally hear and read on a daily basis those that have problem with the police are those who have been arrested (and of course its never their fault) or know someone who has been arrested and they are spiteful because of it. You know what to fukking bad. The police are hear to stay. Move to Mexico city where there are not enough police and a very high % of police are corrupt and see how many nice things you can own there. You will have nothing because it will be stolen or vandalized in short order.

So if someone pat you on the shoulder you would give them hell? You should ease up on the Dianabol/Oxandralone/Stanozolol or whatever stack you are on. It's affecting your mood. It's also illegal.
Coincidentally I knew someone (not a friend) who was slammed on the ground and arrested for patting a cop on the shoulder.

Look, I'm not sure what you are trying to insinuate, but if you are trying to suggest that I am low class or a low life, think again pal. Sorry to rain on your parade but no I have never been arrested. I'm not terribly upset about anyone I have known having been arrested. I'm a former Marine, honorably discharged. Secret clearance. My father, an MP in Vietnam, his father an infantryman in WWII. My mom a teacher, her mother, a teacher who earned a masters from NYU in 1952, my sister, a neuroscientist almost done with her phd... so please, don't come with this bullcrap insinuation that I'm from low class stock.

and yeah, I got the Mexico reference. News flash, I'm not Mexican. My family is of European ancestry. Despite your limited understanding of geography, history, and human anthropology, not all people with Spanish names are Mexican anymore than Conan O'brien and Shaquille O'neal are Irish. Yes I understand your concept of Mexico revolves around the migrants of indian ancestry that mow your lawn, but believe it or not there are quite a few highly educated and wealthy white european folks there in Mexico. Yeah I know, shocker.
And considering that my wifes family (who is german/italian) owns a very nice home there, I'd say we'd be ok if I had to live there. Not that I'd want to. I'm an American and proud of it. That's why I'm pissed about us losing the freedom so many died to secure. The constitution is becoming nothing more than toilet paper. The police may be here to stay but it was only 150 years ago that they didn't even really exist in this country. Amazing how the USA went it's first 100 years without them. Think about that for a bit. Look how far we've come since then.Maybe in 100 years we'll be fined for even thinking about committing a crime. Sounds insane, but I'm sure an American in 1790 would have thought you insane if you told them that in 200 years you needed a government issued note (a driver's license) to legally travel via the most common conveyance of the time.
LOL Reminds me of that one guy in the police acadamy movie. What was his name? YOU WILL PUT THE CIGAR OUT NOW MR.
WOW! This has really gone on!!! :biggrin:

I had an encounter with a local Officer today and thought of this thread when I pulled away so here it is- PERFECT EXAMPLE OF A NICE OFFICER!!

Today the wife, son and I were going out to eat and driving down a buisy local 4 lane road with No dividers, The traffic was all flustered and really slow then I finally spotted why, There was this White GMC newer small pic up in front of people going WAY TOO SLOW (50mph limit) well as some people managed to get buy it I managed to get closer. As we got closer we couldn't believe our eye's! This truck was swerving ALL OVER THE ROAD for about 7-10 miles so bad that people were actually afraid to pass!! Well I finally got right next to it while passing and this Girl looked TOTALLY BLITZED!!! and as I passed a motorcycle followed me and as he passed her she weaved into his lane so far that he blew his horn and I looked in the mirror and her passenger tire was completely in his lane!! :eek: So we continued until we seen a officer (LEO) he was pulling into this car wash area to radar. I whipped into the lot, drove right up next to him and quickly stopped and put the truck in park and got out, As I walked around the back of my truck I also heard him get out. He said " Can I help you?" Then I told him what this truck was doing and we were afraid of her hitting someone head on and she was swerving ALL OVER THE PLACE! The small truck drove passed and I pointed it out and he said "Thank You!" and speed off to catch up with the truck. My wife was curious if he caught up to it so we drove down the road to see and sure enough he had her out of the truck and in handcuff's when we finally drove past! Nice guy and Nice attitude for how I drove up. Looks like we might have saved someones innocent life tonight!! Wife was happy she was off the road...

All of us 'men' know better to stay in the car. We all have much experience getting pulled. I bet she doesn't. I also would like to hear the audio version that most of you must have to come to your conclusions.

The officer was already at her window talking with her before she gets out. She says she got out to see the vid. Who knows what he said to her before she got out. She didn't look threatning at all. The taser shouldn't be used unless they are poising to get physical. Not a mom with kids in the car. A little verbal isn't resisting arrest. She got back in the car because she's probably never been told "you're under arrest". Just a scared reaction imo.

I think most would agree to get pulled for going 5 mph over is weak. Cell phone too. Especially late January in New York.The officer was having a bad day or he's just a douchebag.

X2 The officer must have been having a bad day on this traffic stop.

A mother with her 2 kids in the mini van and he tasers her almost instantly because she didn't react fast enough to his commands. She most likely didn't know not to get out of the vehicle, nor did she know that she had to make a written request to see the video and she probably didn't know about any articles of obstructing justice by getting out of a vehicle when pulled over.

I wonder what would have happened if it had been her husband driving, would this officer had shot him with his revolver? I think they need to take a serious look at this officer to see if he is mentally fit to be out on patrol alone and also maybe look at his past traffic stops to see how they were conducted.

TURBOTWIN2, "Last time I saw him, Col. Jessep was mumbling incoherently and being led off to end up in prison because he thought he was above the law. Please, correct me if I'm wrong.

...waiting on a phone call

...Ring, ring...Yeah, you're right he was carted off to jail. For what it's worth, my post was intended to shed some light on how some of us judge others. It really has little to do with the police. I'm just attempting to convey the idea that things aren't always as they seem and more so when you have little experience in dealing with such situations. Do the police violate the rights of others...yes! Are the police subjected to abuses themselves...yes! But we have to agree, that unless you can put yourself in the mind of any individual at the momemt they appear to act irrationally, you should refrain from passing judgement.

When was the last time you really understood why someone committed suicide? You really can't know unless you've been there.
So are there any Police Officers that are members to this buick site? I'm sure a few own a GN:cool:
Your wrong because she may have just put the phone up near her ear and not had the call connected yet and removed it and ended the call when she noticed the officer and it wold never show up on a bill.

So just holding a cell phone in a car is a punishable offense? PLEASE. If records show she was not using the phone then she wasn't using the phone. He can make up any crap he wants but in this case there is proof-one way or another. Now I'm sure if the record showed she was on the phone Officer Friendly wouldn't have been canned. If you read the posts on the local site there are plenty of writers that have had nasty encounters with that sheriff's deptment or Officer Friendly. He's used his job to abuse people plain and simple.
Perhaps many of you don't feel as I do. However, in my very humble opinion, until you walk a mile in a cops shoes, you have little clue about the things they actually experience and how they view the world moment to moment. Without that experience, there is no way any of you could comprehend what goes through the mind of cop. And without that understanding, I don't know how any of you could Monday morning quarterback the split second decisions they make.

Oh sure, it's easy for you to judge their actions while watching a video from the comfort of you home or office. You can tell everything from a video tape. You know exactly how the officer felt the moment of his every move. Give me a break.


Good post but the same can be said for the civilian.
When of duty leave your badge and gun at home. If you dare?? I personally have a few friends that would occasionally leave their gun but wouldn't get caught dead with out their Badge. I wonder why? And when I ask them they say "once I pull out my Badge no body phucks with me" including other cops. So does he know what’s it like dealing with bad cops or the "poor cop having a bad day" NO and most don't. I also know a few retired cops that don't leave the Badge out of sight. I wonder why?
Cops see things one way, their way.
Civilians see things one way, our way.
The key is to strike a balance.
And to punish improper behavior.
Civilians violate another persons rights they go to jail.
Cops violate another persons rights they too should go to jail.
So if someone pat you on the shoulder you would give them hell? You should ease up on the Dianabol/Oxandralone/Stanozolol or whatever stack you are on. It's affecting your mood. It's also illegal.
Coincidentally I knew someone (not a friend) who was slammed on the ground and arrested for patting a cop on the shoulder.

Look, I'm not sure what you are trying to insinuate, but if you are trying to suggest that I am low class or a low life, think again pal. Sorry to rain on your parade but no I have never been arrested. I'm not terribly upset about anyone I have known having been arrested. I'm a former Marine, honorably discharged. Secret clearance. My father, an MP in Vietnam, his father an infantryman in WWII. My mom a teacher, her mother, a teacher who earned a masters from NYU in 1952, my sister, a neuroscientist almost done with her phd... so please, don't come with this bullcrap insinuation that I'm from low class stock.

and yeah, I got the Mexico reference. News flash, I'm not Mexican. My family is of European ancestry. Despite your limited understanding of geography, history, and human anthropology, not all people with Spanish names are Mexican anymore than Conan O'brien and Shaquille O'neal are Irish. Yes I understand your concept of Mexico revolves around the migrants of indian ancestry that mow your lawn, but believe it or not there are quite a few highly educated and wealthy white european folks there in Mexico. Yeah I know, shocker.
And considering that my wifes family (who is german/italian) owns a very nice home there, I'd say we'd be ok if I had to live there. Not that I'd want to. I'm an American and proud of it. That's why I'm pissed about us losing the freedom so many died to secure. The constitution is becoming nothing more than toilet paper. The police may be here to stay but it was only 150 years ago that they didn't even really exist in this country. Amazing how the USA went it's first 100 years without them. Think about that for a bit. Look how far we've come since then.Maybe in 100 years we'll be fined for even thinking about committing a crime. Sounds insane, but I'm sure an American in 1790 would have thought you insane if you told them that in 200 years you needed a government issued note (a driver's license) to legally travel via the most common conveyance of the time.

That's quite an impressive pedigree you have there.

I'm curious. This is at least the second time you have mentioned your a former Marine. How would your fellow Marines feel about the contempt and disrespect you are showing here for the Police?

I ask because any contact I have had with anyone from the military they are always curteous and respectful. Something I have not seen from you in this thread.

Would your fellow Marines be proud of your conduct here?
The words you spoke in 5 seconds cost you thousands and much humiliation. Looks like the patriot act got you. Words arent only words anymore. Was it worth it? ...And believe me im no proponent of that patriot act

Like I said they have not messed with me 1 time since,they know not to mess with me inside or outside the courtroom,so id say yes it was worth it...Alot more humiliation was presented upon them,if you knew the whole story of course...Something had to be done after 15 times of stoppage asking to do a safety check everytime,now I show them my middle finger everytime and they just keep going..
What he did does not make him a bad cop. Maybe an a$$hole but not necessarily bad. Fortunately guys like Billy T and i have much more important things to do with our time than to report any BS that will not change a damn thing. Ive been pulled over for speeding (long ago) when i know for a fact i was not. He had no radar or any other means of clocking me since he was in a patrol car about 15 cars behind me. He pulled me over to break my balls then when he got my license and insurance card and came back to the car he said i was lucky and that he had an emergency to go to. He left with no strobe lights on and did not leave in a hurry. BS he had an emergency. Maybe his bitch needed some tampons or something:rolleyes: About an hour later i didnt really give a s hit anymore. Ive got much more important things to concern myself with. Keep challenging authority and see where it gets you. Forgot you already know.

Its bitches,like you and Billy T, that keep the cops thinking they are above the law(because that cop made you his bitch),and YES I will keep doing the RIGHT thing and challenge them when they are wrong,thats the right thing to do so they dont do what they did to that lady!!

And it seems you have plenty of your" important time" to spend on here disputing every other post,im guessing it would have been better spent on the phone with his superior?