Mom Tasered Repeatedly in Front of Kids, Arrested (Video)

Incidents like this remind us all that the police are becoming increasingly militant and authoritarian. Our constitutional rights have been eroded to the point where essentially every American can be criminalized for activities that harm no one.
So we end up with people being electrocuted because they were talking on a cell phone and doing 5 miles over the speed limit.

It's very disturbing but not surprising to see that police officers condone this type of behavior. After all, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The police expand their powers and their brutality with the justification that their work is dangerous and that any ends to ensure their safety then justify the means.

The fact is, police work is NOT very dangerous. The facts are that being a police officer isn't even in the top ten most dangerous jobs in the United states. Logging, fishing, driving a cab, trash collecting, farming, and truck driving are substantially more dangerous professions than being a police officer. Half of police officers killed annually are killed in traffic accidents, and the majority of those are not in the pursuit of suspects or rushing to a scene.
So for a given year, take 2007, take out traffic accidents and other non-violent deaths, and you’re left with 69 officers killed on the job by criminals that year. That’s out of about 850,000 officers nationwide. That breaks down to about 8 deaths per 100,000 officers, or less than twice the national average of on-the-job fatalities.

Yet despite this fact, police continue to sell the lie that their job carries a level of risk that entitles them to almost limitless discretion in their use of force. This lie has been repeated and beaten into our brains to the point where things like a 1000% increase in the use of SWAT teams since the 70s is not considered unacceptable.
It's been repeated to the point where even the police themselves believe it since most of them do not know any better and there is clearly a big incentive to not try and discredit it. Why would you want to take away an excuse to make your job easier? An excuse that allows you to escalate force without widespread public disapproval?

We are going to keep seeing more of this stuff. As the police take on more roles as tax collectors, their powers will ultimately increase. Organizations always do what they can to increase their strength, scope, and influence.
An excellent example of this is the prison guard union in California who's lobbied for tougher and longer prison sentences for non violent offenders because it ensures job security.

Anyway, it's kind of sad to see what's become of this once great nation where people at one time were free. It was only 150 years ago that the concept of a civilian police force was even barely nascent, and now look how far we've come.
The founding fathers must be rolling in their graves.
like i said.. u never know who is gonna come up with guns blazing... we just lost 3 of pittsburgh's finest...

and california isnt the united states... its a foreign country as far as im concerned.
like i said.. u never know who is gonna come up with guns blazing... we just lost 3 of pittsburgh's finest...

and california isnt the united states... its a foreign country as far as im concerned.

See what I mean? people really believe this stuff. Might as well taser everyone first thing at traffic stop. They might have guns... that is until the police unions are successful in lobbying to confiscate all of them.
use ur brain...rights have changed because 50 years ago people werent blasting at cops like they are now. no, the words havent changed but the unspoken rules have. do u realize the scum they have to deal with today that they didnt 50 years ago? people policed themself and lived by higher community everyone is out for themself. we've all been treated like crap by a cop or two in life BUT i can understand and i'm not gonna cry if technically my right was infringed on.. smart people dont get into a situation like that lady..
. I will agree that she shouldnt have gotten out of the car but she was no threat.
How the hell do you know if she was a threat? If i was an officer and someone got out of their car my taser would be drawn faster than they can blink. Maybe even my gun if there were more than one visible in the vehicle and one looked like they were about to exit. Maybe the officers actions were inappropriate (that could be hashed out in court) but she should have never got out of the vehicle for any reason unless it was life threatening to stay in the vehicle. An officer is not (and should not) wait for someone to get an advantage in a situation like that. Ive seen at least 10 videos over the years where the officer (usually a female officer) is approached by a perp exiting the vehicle and beaten nearly to death. One i can clearly remember the perps child was witnessing the whole thing! Those instances the officer let the perp get a huge advantage where they had no time to do anything to protect themself. Its funny how the media sucks up this BS when an officer is considered disorderly. Cops are assaulted 10000x more than they intentionally use excessive force. I say intentionally because its hard to define what is excessive force in any given situation. Anytime someone resists they open themself up to more force. Tasering is not excessive force in most instances and does not leave any permanent physical damage. You f uck with the bull you usually get the horn.
See what I mean? people really believe this stuff. Might as well taser everyone first thing at traffic stop. They might have guns... that is until the police unions are successful in lobbying to confiscate all of them.

Your last 2 posts are a waste of space. If the police arrested everyone for every law they broke the whole country would be in trouble. Be realistic. They damn well might have guns. They cant take that risk. Guns arent the problem anyway. Its the perps that have guns which are illegal and bought illegally to commit crimes with. Those POS would not have a second thought about killing an officer. They usually have nothing to lose since they already usually have outstanding felony warrants. They arent going to just surrender.
I guess resisting arrest thru the use of verbage warrants the need to use less than lethal force. I dont agree with it but hey...its his job right.

Maybe if you didnt resist you wouldnt have been tasered. Did you ever consider that? If you had no clue about what the officer was detaining you for then you should have just complied because you stated werent under arrest and had no reason to not comply. You made his job harder than it should have been. Looks like Karma stung your ass immediately.
That cop is a douch. The lady could have had better judgement but come on. In my experiences 99% of the cops I have had contact with, are reasonable people. If I got pulled over, I was doing something that I should have been pulled over for. But there is always one a-hole that has to abuse his authority.
I see your point, my opinion is that he wasn't threatened. He was just going to show her a lesson.

There are all kinds of taser videos on youtube. This one is even more hillarious!!!

YouTube - Woman gets tased for being a bitc.......

She was going to kill him with the Cell phone waves????

Incidents like this remind us all that the police are becoming increasingly militant and authoritarian. Our constitutional rights have been eroded to the point where essentially every American can be criminalized for activities that harm no one.
So we end up with people being electrocuted because they were talking on a cell phone and doing 5 miles over the speed limit.

It's very disturbing but not surprising to see that police officers condone this type of behavior. After all, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The police expand their powers and their brutality with the justification that their work is dangerous and that any ends to ensure their safety then justify the means.

The fact is, police work is NOT very dangerous. The facts are that being a police officer isn't even in the top ten most dangerous jobs in the United states. Logging, fishing, driving a cab, trash collecting, farming, and truck driving are substantially more dangerous professions than being a police officer. Half of police officers killed annually are killed in traffic accidents, and the majority of those are not in the pursuit of suspects or rushing to a scene.
So for a given year, take 2007, take out traffic accidents and other non-violent deaths, and you’re left with 69 officers killed on the job by criminals that year. That’s out of about 850,000 officers nationwide. That breaks down to about 8 deaths per 100,000 officers, or less than twice the national average of on-the-job fatalities.

Yet despite this fact, police continue to sell the lie that their job carries a level of risk that entitles them to almost limitless discretion in their use of force. This lie has been repeated and beaten into our brains to the point where things like a 1000% increase in the use of SWAT teams since the 70s is not considered unacceptable.
It's been repeated to the point where even the police themselves believe it since most of them do not know any better and there is clearly a big incentive to not try and discredit it. Why would you want to take away an excuse to make your job easier? An excuse that allows you to escalate force without widespread public disapproval?

We are going to keep seeing more of this stuff. As the police take on more roles as tax collectors, their powers will ultimately increase. Organizations always do what they can to increase their strength, scope, and influence.
An excellent example of this is the prison guard union in California who's lobbied for tougher and longer prison sentences for non violent offenders because it ensures job security.

Anyway, it's kind of sad to see what's become of this once great nation where people at one time were free. It was only 150 years ago that the concept of a civilian police force was even barely nascent, and now look how far we've come.
The founding fathers must be rolling in their graves.

You forgot grocery store clerks. Great post dude.
BTW I love the "you are under arrest for resisting arrest"
Some cops are d!cks that's all there is to it. When you challenge them they feel they feel they have to show you who is boss. They want you to just be a good boy or girl and take what they are dishing out. Notice I didn't say all cops just some. Just like any other profession where you have to deal with the public, some people can handle themselves better than others. This guy obviously has some kind of napoleon complex.
Maybe if you didnt resist you wouldnt have been tasered. Did you ever consider that? If you had no clue about what the officer was detaining you for then you should have just complied because you stated werent under arrest and had no reason to not comply. You made his job harder than it should have been. Looks like Karma stung your ass immediately.

He said VERBAGE,its freedom of speech and if he was tasered for that the cop should have been beat with the taser untill he couldnt walk!!!

Cops need to learn the laws they enforce,ive ran into SO many cops that dont have a clue,those are the sissy boys with a badge...Like what was mentioned before,this is why SO many people just go crazy and kill cops,if they keep acting like this,It wont surprise me to see more and more cops getting killed.....Stop acting like your above the law and just enforce it!!!
So the real story comes out....

Cop pulled her over for useing her cell phone,but he made a mistake as she proved she wasnt by showing the phone and explaining she had her hand to her head but was not useing a phone....But then this is where the bad cop stepped in,He made up a complete lie and said she was going 50 in a 45 to cover his butt,she knew he was lieing and wanted to see the video(completely in her right exspecially when she was 100% right and the cop was a POS...

A good cop would have said he was sorry and let her go immediatly,but this cop was like so many others and wanted to be right and pushed her...He is a dirt bag and I hope he gets street justice!!!
If she would of fought the ticket in court and stayed in the car she would never have been tased.
If she would of fought the ticket in court and stayed in the car she would never have been tased.

Apparently you don't get it. According to the guys who have been posting above.... You are allowed to do anything you want when in contact with the Police. Any action they take will be wrong. The cops are always wrong.

Also, apparently you can draw any conclusion you want, with absolutely no training or knowledge of the law, and know better than any Police Officer.
Incidents like this remind us all that the police are becoming increasingly militant and authoritarian. Our constitutional rights have been eroded to the point where essentially every American can be criminalized for activities that harm no one.
So we end up with people being electrocuted because they were talking on a cell phone and doing 5 miles over the speed limit.

It's very disturbing but not surprising to see that police officers condone this type of behavior. After all, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The police expand their powers and their brutality with the justification that their work is dangerous and that any ends to ensure their safety then justify the means.

The fact is, police work is NOT very dangerous. The facts are that being a police officer isn't even in the top ten most dangerous jobs in the United states. Logging, fishing, driving a cab, trash collecting, farming, and truck driving are substantially more dangerous professions than being a police officer. Half of police officers killed annually are killed in traffic accidents, and the majority of those are not in the pursuit of suspects or rushing to a scene.
So for a given year, take 2007, take out traffic accidents and other non-violent deaths, and you’re left with 69 officers killed on the job by criminals that year. That’s out of about 850,000 officers nationwide. That breaks down to about 8 deaths per 100,000 officers, or less than twice the national average of on-the-job fatalities.

Yet despite this fact, police continue to sell the lie that their job carries a level of risk that entitles them to almost limitless discretion in their use of force. This lie has been repeated and beaten into our brains to the point where things like a 1000% increase in the use of SWAT teams since the 70s is not considered unacceptable.
It's been repeated to the point where even the police themselves believe it since most of them do not know any better and there is clearly a big incentive to not try and discredit it. Why would you want to take away an excuse to make your job easier? An excuse that allows you to escalate force without widespread public disapproval?

We are going to keep seeing more of this stuff. As the police take on more roles as tax collectors, their powers will ultimately increase. Organizations always do what they can to increase their strength, scope, and influence.
An excellent example of this is the prison guard union in California who's lobbied for tougher and longer prison sentences for non violent offenders because it ensures job security.

Anyway, it's kind of sad to see what's become of this once great nation where people at one time were free. It was only 150 years ago that the concept of a civilian police force was even barely nascent, and now look how far we've come.
The founding fathers must be rolling in their graves.

I was going to just ignore this post but I just cant.

You made your statement that Police work is not even in the top ten most dangerous jobs and you used the 2007 stats to "prove" your point. Please when you use these stats include all of them. Lets now include the stats about assaults in these professions. Does anyone even calculate how many assaults take place on loggers, fishermen, trash collectors? I don't think so. Maybe there is a reason for that.

Please get the stats for assaults on Police during 2007. Do your math and then get back to me on how dangerous the job is.

When you get those numbers maybe you will understand why Police Officers aren't so freindly all the time and are on gaurd when having contact with people they don't know.

Sex, size or any other thing is not a consideration when dealing with people. I have seen grandmothers, little (stature) girls and boys, you name it, assault Officers.

I guess in your world Police are required to take the first punch or shot before they react. Is that right?
I was going to just ignore this post but I just cant.

You made your statement that Police work is not even in the top ten most dangerous jobs and you used the 2007 stats to "prove" your point. Please when you use these stats include all of them. Lets now include the stats about assaults in these professions. Does anyone even calculate how many assaults take place on loggers, fishermen, trash collectors? I don't think so. Maybe there is a reason for that.

Please get the stats for assaults on Police during 2007. Do your math and then get back to me on how dangerous the job is.

When you get those numbers maybe you will understand why Police Officers aren't so freindly all the time and are on gaurd when having contact with people they don't know.

Sex, size or any other thing is not a consideration when dealing with people. I have seen grandmothers, little (stature) girls and boys, you name it, assault Officers.

I guess in your world Police are required to take the first punch or shot before they react. Is that right?

Well I would love to have the time to compile a detailed report but unfortunately I don't. Maybe if I find some I will put something together for you. Work + school full time leaves me little time to educate you.

I know it may be hard to accept the facts I have provided given that you have such a strong emotional attachment to the police. So you start grasping at straws. But to address your concern about assaults... other jobs carry the risk of assault, but assault isn't the only way a person can be injured. The majority of dangerous jobs also include the risk of serious injury.
To add insult to this injury, most of these dangerous jobs are very low paying and either provide no health insurance, or nothing even remotely compared to what a typical police officer receives.
What I guess you are ultimately suggesting is that other jobs that are more dangerous are only more dangerous because their injuries are far more lethal.

I think this is a very unlikely scenario considering that the police have far more tools to defend themselves than a cab driver or a bouncer for example. For most situations, even the perception of a threat to a police officer is met with brutal and overwhelming force. This is not the case with a cab driver who can't call for backup or a logger that can't taser an errant log into not falling on his legs. Furthermore, since most police have very good health ins. an injury on the job is ultimately going to be less serious than for someone working a more dangerous job without health insurance.

This discussion reminds me of a couple of traffic officers that came to give a brief to my squadron (USMC light attack helo squadron) and was boasting about how many tickets he can give. He talked about how he doesn't take the excuse that deploying Marines are about to risk their lives in Iraq so he should cut us a break.. his rationale? "I risk my life every day"... Sorry pal, not really. You are hundreds of times more likely to die "in the line of duty" as a Marine than any cop.

in summation, being a cop is not very dangerous. So that excuse for quick escalation of force and the over-use of force is not only unfounded but immoral, even if it were founded. The less dangerous it is for the police the more this country starts to look like a police state. It was probably a pretty safe job being a cop in the USSR for example. Freedom is not without risks, when you try to eliminate them you end up with something less than freedom.
i wish half the people in this thread would DIAF... its too bad so many *******s own turbo buicks...what a waste of good cars. lady got what she had coming for stupidity.
Well I would love to have the time to compile a detailed report but unfortunately I don't. Maybe if I find some I will put something together for you. Work + school full time leaves me little time to educate you.

I know it may be hard to accept the facts I have provided given that you have such a strong emotional attachment to the police. So you start grasping at straws. But to address your concern about assaults... other jobs carry the risk of assault, but assault isn't the only way a person can be injured. The majority of dangerous jobs also include the risk of serious injury.
To add insult to this injury, most of these dangerous jobs are very low paying and either provide no health insurance, or nothing even remotely compared to what a typical police officer receives.
What I guess you are ultimately suggesting is that other jobs that are more dangerous are only more dangerous because their injuries are far more lethal.

I think this is a very unlikely scenario considering that the police have far more tools to defend themselves than a cab driver or a bouncer for example. For most situations, even the perception of a threat to a police officer is met with brutal and overwhelming force. This is not the case with a cab driver who can't call for backup or a logger that can't taser an errant log into not falling on his legs. Furthermore, since most police have very good health ins. an injury on the job is ultimately going to be less serious than for someone working a more dangerous job without health insurance.

This discussion reminds me of a couple of traffic officers that came to give a brief to my squadron (USMC light attack helo squadron) and was boasting about how many tickets he can give. He talked about how he doesn't take the excuse that deploying Marines are about to risk their lives in Iraq so he should cut us a break.. his rationale? "I risk my life every day"... Sorry pal, not really. You are hundreds of times more likely to die "in the line of duty" as a Marine than any cop.

in summation, being a cop is not very dangerous. So that excuse for quick escalation of force and the over-use of force is not only unfounded but immoral, even if it were founded. The less dangerous it is for the police the more this country starts to look like a police state. It was probably a pretty safe job being a cop in the USSR for example. Freedom is not without risks, when you try to eliminate them you end up with something less than freedom.

I found the stats. In 2007 there were 60,851 assaults on Police Officers. Using your number of 850,000 Police Officers that works out to 1 in every 14 Officers were assaulted in 2007. Hmmmm, maybe that explains why Officers escalate force when dealing with unknown subjects who are not compliant.

Now lets move on to some of your immoral or idiotic statements.

I find it not only idotic but immoral to suggest that if a Police Officer is injured in the line of duty it is less of an injury because he has health insurance. Come on, just admit that this is truley just your hatred for the Police and has nothing to do with facts.

I have nothing but respect for the military and would never question or deminish their service so I will not even think of addressing this portion of your argument. Just imagine if I was like you and pulled only certain numbers out and then used them for my argument.

You keep going to freedom. With freedom comes responsibilty. If you conduct yourself appropriately in a free society you have absolutely nothing to fear from Police. The only time you need to fear the Police in a free society is when you exceed those freedoms.