Mom Tasered Repeatedly in Front of Kids, Arrested (Video)

Good post but the same can be said for the civilian.
When of duty leave your badge and gun at home. If you dare?? I personally have a few friends that would occasionally leave their gun but wouldn't get caught dead with out their Badge. I wonder why? And when I ask them they say "once I pull out my Badge no body phucks with me" including other cops. So does he know what’s it like dealing with bad cops or the "poor cop having a bad day" NO and most don't. I also know a few retired cops that don't leave the Badge out of sight. I wonder why?
Cops see things one way, their way.
Civilians see things one way, our way.
The key is to strike a balance.
And to punish improper behavior.
Civilians violate another persons rights they go to jail.
Cops violate another persons rights they too should go to jail.

21 gun, no badge off duty...ever.
That's quite an impressive pedigree you have there.

I'm curious. This is at least the second time you have mentioned your a former Marine. How would your fellow Marines feel about the contempt and disrespect you are showing here for the Police?

I ask because any contact I have had with anyone from the military they are always curteous and respectful. Something I have not seen from you in this thread.

Would your fellow Marines be proud of your conduct here?

Whoa stop the presses, I've said it twice now. Must be bragging.

The Marine Corps is like any other organization, you have people from all walks of life and beliefs, ages, etc. You also have a lot of people that don't give a crap about anything really. There are plenty of Marines that hate the police just like there are plenty of them that grovel at their knees. Courteous and respectful is not the same as obsequent and subordinate. It sounds like you have the two confused.

And I honestly don't care what other Marines think of me considering that being a Marine does not exempt you from being an *******, a moron, a theif, a liar, etc. I don't care what the opinions are of people like that. I think your problem is that you have this idealized view of organizations like the police and the military. As if they are a homogenous group of viewpoints, honesty, integrity. I call it the sham. It's a slap in the face that first time you get royally screwed over by another Marine or your stuff is stolen. So much for that band of brothers thing.

Despite all that, I would say a good majority question why police are constantly harassing people for no good reason. The police here harass Marines the same if not worse than anywhere else. Its funny you ask about this actually because this has been a regular topic at work so I have a fairly recent gauge on a cross section of opinions.
A lot of the Marines and former Marines (working for the USMC) I know despise what is happening with our govt and the expanding power they and the police keep seeking. Every single person I know has been pulled over for some BS reason in the past year. Some don't like it but they just bend over and take it.
As an example of this harassment, a good buddy of mine was pulled over right after he got back from Iraq because his car exhaust "Smelled funny" and that the cop had reason to believe (because of "special training")that he had "illegal modifications". He was then coerced into a warrant-less search of his Camaro looking for these illegal modifications. Nice welcome home eh? Despite the fact that his car is registered in Michigan and he has a Michigan license he was still harassed. He was eventually let go when the cop couldn't find whatever he was looking for.
The same thing happened to another friend, an infantry combat vet, pulled over in his trans am. Detained on the side of the road for over an hour while the cop called in a smog referee that handed him a pile of tickets for bs things he found during a warrant-less search. As if not having a CARB e.o. sticker on an ignition is hurting anyone, much less the environment. He was coerced into consenting aswell. He also didn't break any traffic laws that prompted the stop.
Same thing happened to my friend who was a huey mech/door gunner with his Honda.
Or my buddy right now (a huey/cobra avionics tech) who was charged with a MISDEMEANOR (exhibition of speed) for spinning his tires in an old beat up 5 series BMW while leaving a stop sign with no one around. The cop yelled at him for awhile telling him how unsafe he was and how many people he could have killed. Yes, for spinning the tires on an old BMW 4 door sedan. He had to pay 1500 for a lawyer to plea bargain it down to "disturbing the peace". And this guy is one of the most shy people I know, he's a figure skater for Gods sakes. No hes not gay either. He probably just sat there barely able to say anything the whole time
I could go on and on, ask any of these Marines or former Marines how they feel about the system and they will tell you the same things I'm telling you and probably more.
It doesn't help when cops come to the squadron and give you a brief essentially telling you that they can ticket you for anything and they will if you rub them wrong. Or how they don't give a **** who you are or what your deployment status is.
Bear in mind I don't hang out with trouble makers, these guys I've mentioned are honest, moral, and smart. I would say they are all above the average IQ of enlisted Marines. I don't have much to talk about with morons.
I ask because any contact I have had with anyone from the military they are always curteous and respectful. Something I have not seen from you in this thread.

Pablo, does this guy have a personal grudge with you or something? I don't always agree 100% with your thoughts or opinions, but I've never read anything that was disrespectful. :confused:
Pablo, does this guy have a personal grudge with you or something? I don't always agree 100% with your thoughts or opinions, but I've never read anything that was disrespectful. :confused:

No grudge Stack 1. I just don't like the answers he has been giving in this specific thread. Read his respones to mine and others posts. You should be able to see it.
A warrant is not needed to search a vehicle just consent. A consent to search can always be ended by the owner of the vehicle at any time during the search. A driver can always say NO! to a vehicle search. :)
Considering this happened around my area of NY, I'll throw in my 2 cents.

I've had good stops and bad stops. One thing I can say consistently makes the difference between the two are the officers doing the stop. NYS troopers, for the most part, have been good stops. I've never had a trooper yell at me, try to bully me into anything, talk down to me like he was a superior form of life, or waste my time going over my car with a fine tooth comb hunting for something he could write me up for. I've even been charged with a misdemeanor by a NYS trooper. He was nice to me, and treated me like a fellow human being. He even listened to my explanation of how I had no idea I was driving on a suspended license, and made suggestions as to what I could do to clear up the paperwork mess.
However, the locals (town/county/city/etc) on the other hand, are just the opposite. I got stopped for doing an illegal left turn in an area I was unfamiliar with, at night, and kinda lost. You would have thought I had just robbed a bank by the guys attitude with me. I was nothing but nice to him, but he intended on calling me a moron, how could I not see the sign... did I get my license from a cereal box...etc.

The counties here in upstate are hurting for money. So there have been a lot of bogus stops. The ones I hear about are mainly DOT, since I am a warehouse receiving manager. I've had guys getting tickets for violations on a truck that the cops argue is 2 feet longer than it actually is. (How they can argue a set measurement is beyond me...) The kicker, is that they know the major trucking company doesn't want to waste its time defending a "supposed" minor equipment violation, and they will just pay the fine. I've had a few sales people come in, and get ticketed for minor things, like rolling through a stop sign, which they didn't do. But because they are not from the area, and generally would have to take an unpaid day off work to come here and defend themselves, they will usually just pay it. In a couple instances, when the sales guys asked how much the fines would be, they were told "Hey, you drive a nice car, you can afford it".
Just knowing the area where this happened, and noticing it happened on the last day of the month, doesn't surprise me that the officer would try a bogus ticket stop like that.
What is to stop officers from generating random tickets for anything? What do they have to lose? Nothing. Unless its a speeding ticket clocked by radar, its based upon statements and observations only. Worst case is their ticket gets contested and thrown out. Oops, I guess you weren't talking on your cell phone.. too bad you had to lose a days pay taking off from work, and spending the time in court to defend yourself against some bogus BS.
I have a scanner at home, and you wouldn't believe how many out of state cars get stopped by the locals near the end of the month. You can be sure if you run through NYS with an out of state plate on your car, you have a target already painted on you, no matter what you do or don't do. Just like a nearby town has their trap, and they get tons of revenue from it. Its a major highway leading out of town, the buildings disappear and the scenery turns to grass on either side. The lines go from the double yellow of the town to a dashed yellow. The surprise is, that the speed limit is still set at 30 for the next 1/2 mile of that road. Its like shooting fish in a barrel.

The woman in the video is a moron for getting out. In NY, you should know enough not to do that. But the officer should have called for backup. Rolling around with a tasered person in the middle of the road is asking to get hit by a passing car. He put his own safety at risk, as well as hers, by taking her down in an unsafe place without any assistance. She's an idiot, and he showed poor judgment on his escalation of force. Once she was back in the van, he should have called for assistance instead of yanking her out into the middle of the road and jolting her, while no one else was there to watch for traffic or block the road off. Was she really that much of a flight risk at that point?
Certainly looks like a lack of training on the officers part. The locals here just don't have the needed situation skills for stops like that. If it were a state trooper doing the same stop, the outcome would have been much different.
I bow down to NO MAN. I also know how to pick my battles. The suspect he was looking for was mexican...ahhhh....Im black lol. He had no right to detain me for questioning. Yeah his little taser stung a bit.....but his boys got is worse. This first vid is karma for the second vid. Now tell me, was Oscar Grant resisting arrest? That cop killed him in cold blood.

I know nothing about Oscar Grant or the shooting nor wll i watch it. Also whatever happened to him even if wrong is the stupidist reason anyone else would give LE a hard time. So im white but could be mistaken for black at times. If a cop points a taser at me im going to do what he says till he realizes he has the wrong guy. An aggressive non conforming stance is the worst one could take when dealing with LE.
So if someone pat you on the shoulder you would give them hell? You should ease up on the Dianabol/Oxandralone/Stanozolol or whatever stack you are on. It's affecting your mood. It's also illegal.
Coincidentally I knew someone (not a friend) who was slammed on the ground and arrested for patting a cop on the shoulder.

Look, I'm not sure what you are trying to insinuate, but if you are trying to suggest that I am low class or a low life, think again pal. Sorry to rain on your parade but no I have never been arrested. I'm not terribly upset about anyone I have known having been arrested. I'm a former Marine, honorably discharged. Secret clearance. My father, an MP in Vietnam, his father an infantryman in WWII. My mom a teacher, her mother, a teacher who earned a masters from NYU in 1952, my sister, a neuroscientist almost done with her phd... so please, don't come with this bullcrap insinuation that I'm from low class stock.

and yeah, I got the Mexico reference. News flash, I'm not Mexican. My family is of European ancestry. Despite your limited understanding of geography, history, and human anthropology, not all people with Spanish names are Mexican anymore than Conan O'brien and Shaquille O'neal are Irish. Yes I understand your concept of Mexico revolves around the migrants of indian ancestry that mow your lawn, but believe it or not there are quite a few highly educated and wealthy white european folks there in Mexico. Yeah I know, shocker.
And considering that my wifes family (who is german/italian) owns a very nice home there, I'd say we'd be ok if I had to live there. Not that I'd want to. I'm an American and proud of it. That's why I'm pissed about us losing the freedom so many died to secure. The constitution is becoming nothing more than toilet paper. The police may be here to stay but it was only 150 years ago that they didn't even really exist in this country. Amazing how the USA went it's first 100 years without them. Think about that for a bit. Look how far we've come since then.Maybe in 100 years we'll be fined for even thinking about committing a crime. Sounds insane, but I'm sure an American in 1790 would have thought you insane if you told them that in 200 years you needed a government issued note (a driver's license) to legally travel via the most common conveyance of the time.
I never said you were low class or anything of the sort. Only used Mex city as an example because its the closest. There are plenty of other examples around the world. Trinidad is another example of a corrupt shi t hole. IMO you have a negative attitude toward LE. The laws in this country and the freedom that is here is defended by our military and LE. My point to you was to go live somewhere where you cant have anything nice because of the lack of proper LE. Maybe you would be more grateful. As far as Dianabol/Oxandralone/Stanozolol . Nope , nope, nope. As shown by your post you have little clue about those. I like how you think you know it all. To be honest i havent lifted a weight in over 2 months so much as used a supplement:rolleyes:
We used to just have a stick or a gun back in the day when I was on patrol. The taser is a MUCH better solution to a non-compliant individual than the stick is. Now that being said it sure worked as intended when it was used.

The officers nowadys will automatically reach for that taser ALOT quicker than we would have reached for our stick. The ill effects of the taser are over as soon as the current is shut off. The stick effects will last a little longer...

Did the officer do the right thing? Well it was his call and his traffic stop alone. Only his superiors or the court system will answer that question. Every officer handles his or her call using their own judgement at that time.

MY 2 cents.

There's a lot to be said about a stick. Maybe if we start beatin' the **** out of people again, there won't be such a HUGE RASH of stubborn people. It's a freakin epidemic now. Why? Cuz they know the cop will get in trouble if he's too hard nowadays. I know a lot of desperate people, that will take an ass whoopin, just to get the settlement at a later date. I bet, once the first generation of those "let that cop try to beat me with that stick" hardasses die off in 50 or so years, and we get to go back to the way it was back in the 50's, there will be less instances where the cop even has to draw that stick to begin with...
I just got back from leave here about 2 months ago, and had a nice day in paris, en route back to this ****hole, and let me tell you, it was the same way that it was in Frankfurt International Main back in 93. 2 roving patrols of 1 man & 1 woman. The guy had a 150lbs shepherd, and the chick had the MP5 sub machinegun. Both had pistols, and beatdown rods as well. The patrols in the german airport were police. These patrols in france were french military.
Tell ya what. Let a.... well, "troublemaker", talk about "You can't hit me with that stick! I ain't doin ****! **** you pig!" in one of those airports, and see how quick the Polizei or Genderarmerie beat that ass senseless. And I assure you you aren't suing anybody either.
The first 2 people I showed my passport to, when arriving in France, were two guys about 6 foot 2, both wearing SIG PRO 9mm's and beat down rods.
Try that ghetto ass **** there, and see how many micro seconds elapse, before you get one of those sticks against the side of your nugget..

I wonder why you never see any bull**** in those places.......
OHHHHH that's why, cuz you know what's going to happen. MAN have we let **** go here..... :(
I know nothing about Oscar Grant or the shooting nor wll i watch it. Also whatever happened to him even if wrong is the stupidist reason anyone else would give LE a hard time. So im white but could be mistaken for black at times. If a cop points a taser at me im going to do what he says till he realizes he has the wrong guy. An aggressive non conforming stance is the worst one could take when dealing with LE.

I can respect your stance on the subject. But you know somedays...just like the LE we are discussing...we have bad days when we dont wanna be F'd with. BTW...Oscar Grant was shot execution style in front of numerous witnesses. He was not resisting arrest at all. The cop who assaulted that lady and the one who shot Oscar Grant should of had more training or more mental evaluations before letting them "Serve and Protect". Where Im from...out here in Cali...police have always had issues with over stepping boundries. So my opinion on the subject will always lean towards the "suspect". Ive seen too much and have been through too much to change my stance. But in all honesty I think we all have good points and I wished there was an "easy button" we could press to create an environment that would be the perfect balance.
There's a lot to be said about a stick. Maybe if we start beatin' the **** out of people again, there won't be such a HUGE RASH of stubborn people. It's a freakin epidemic now. Why? Cuz they know the cop will get in trouble if he's too hard nowadays. I know a lot of desperate people, that will take an ass whoopin, just to get the settlement at a later date. I bet, once the first generation of those "let that cop try to beat me with that stick" hardasses die off in 50 or so years, and we get to go back to the way it was back in the 50's, there will be less instances where the cop even has to draw that stick to begin with...
I just got back from leave here about 2 months ago, and had a nice day in paris, en route back to this ****hole, and let me tell you, it was the same way that it was in Frankfurt International Main back in 93. 2 roving patrols of 1 man & 1 woman. The guy had a 150lbs shepherd, and the chick had the MP5 sub machinegun. Both had pistols, and beatdown rods as well. The patrols in the german airport were police. These patrols in france were french military.
Tell ya what. Let a.... well, "troublemaker", talk about "You can't hit me with that stick! I ain't doin ****! **** you pig!" in one of those airports, and see how quick the Polizei or Genderarmerie beat that ass senseless. And I assure you you aren't suing anybody either.
The first 2 people I showed my passport to, when arriving in France, were two guys about 6 foot 2, both wearing SIG PRO 9mm's and beat down rods.
Try that ghetto ass **** there, and see how many micro seconds elapse, before you get one of those sticks against the side of your nugget..

I wonder why you never see any bull**** in those places.......
OHHHHH that's why, cuz you know what's going to happen. MAN have we let **** go here..... :(

You should move to France then.

Seems to suit you.


France seems to suit me?
What, accountability for your every action? Yea I know. My kind (respect for authority) here seems to be a dying breed.
A warrant is not needed to search a vehicle just consent. A consent to search can always be ended by the owner of the vehicle at any time during the search. A driver can always say NO! to a vehicle search. :)
Not if you live in Jersey....:rolleyes: