Mom Tasered Repeatedly in Front of Kids, Arrested (Video)

A warrant is not needed to search a vehicle just consent. A consent to search can always be ended by the owner of the vehicle at any time during the search. A driver can always say NO! to a vehicle search. :)

Not in NY either all they have to say is that they have or had "Reasonable suspicion of what ever BS they make up"

Not if you live in Jersey....:rolleyes:

OR drive in NJ, a lot of NJ tax payer dollars have been wasted on me and my brother.
We got hit and the guy left, then 1 hour later he comes back with the cops and the "cops" turned my brother’s car up side down. My brother said to one of the cops - he ran into us one hour ago We had plenty of time to leave but we did the right thing and waited for you guys to show up and this is how you treat us? after all the cops left and we started to pick up OUR stuff of the floor and the street, one of the cops comes back and gave my brother a list of numbers and two Phone numbers and the cop said The guy that hit you his brothers# is the first one on the list. Hurry up and get out of here.
OR drive in NJ, a lot of NJ tax payer dollars have been wasted on me and my brother.
We got hit and the guy left, then 1 hour later he comes back with the cops and the "cops" turned my brother’s car up side down. My brother said to one of the cops - he ran into us one hour ago We had plenty of time to leave but we did the right thing and waited for you guys to show up and this is how you treat us? after all the cops left and we started to pick up OUR stuff of the floor and the street, one of the cops comes back and gave my brother a list of numbers and two Phone numbers and the cop said The guy that hit you his brothers# is the first one on the list. Hurry up and get out of here.
I don't quite follow ur story?
I don't quite follow ur story?

1-We where at the Brunswick junk yards and this guy side swiped my brothers car.
2-the guy that hit us stopped looked at us and then quickly drove of.
3-We stood their waiting for the cops because we had asked the junk yard guy to call them.
4-Then 1 hour later the guy that hit us comes back being followed by the “cops”.
5-When the cops approached us they told us to get on the ground with our hands behind our backs they searched us and then they turned my brother’s car up side down.
6-After they finished with my brothers car and told us to stand up and they finished asking for about our family tree.
7-My brother said to one of the cops - he ran into us one hour ago We had plenty of time to leave but we did the right thing and waited for you guys to show up and this is how you treat us?
8-Then a few minutes after all the cops left and we had started to pick up OUR stuff (tools and junk) that the cops thru on the floor and the street,
9- ONE of the cops comes back and gives my brother a list of (badge) numbers and two Phone numbers, The cop also said to my brother the first (Badge) is the brother of the guy that hit you. Hurry up and get out of here
At least one cop wasn't a a-hole. Guess your brother got lucky.
At least one cop wasn't a a-hole. Guess your brother got lucky.

This is exactly the problem!!!

Lucky why?
He didn't do anything wrong none of us did. None of us had or has any type of criminal record and all paper work was up to date. There was no reason for them to pull any of that BS. BUT the power they had behind the Badge was too great to resist. Its stuff like this that the good cops fail to understand and except as legitimate reasons as to why some people feel some type of way towards cops. And the worst part is when the good cops condone these types of actions it makes you ask, Good Cops what’s that? Because if I help a criminal I become a criminal. If a cop helps a bad cop he to becomes a bad cop.
1-We where at the Brunswick junk yards and this guy side swiped my brothers car.
2-the guy that hit us stopped looked at us and then quickly drove of.
3-We stood their waiting for the cops because we had asked the junk yard guy to call them.
4-Then 1 hour later the guy that hit us comes back being followed by the “cops”.
5-When the cops approached us they told us to get on the ground with our hands behind our backs they searched us and then they turned my brother’s car up side down.
6-After they finished with my brothers car and told us to stand up and they finished asking for about our family tree.
7-My brother said to one of the cops - he ran into us one hour ago We had plenty of time to leave but we did the right thing and waited for you guys to show up and this is how you treat us?
8-Then a few minutes after all the cops left and we had started to pick up OUR stuff (tools and junk) that the cops thru on the floor and the street,
9- ONE of the cops comes back and gives my brother a list of (badge) numbers and two Phone numbers, The cop also said to my brother the first (Badge) is the brother of the guy that hit you. Hurry up and get out of here
Every PD has sort of internal affairs division. Did you make a complaint?
Every PD has sort of internal affairs division. Did you make a complaint?

He made a complaint but since they didn't even give us an accident report or called in the job, it was our word (my Bro 22, Me 15, and my uncle 25 years old) against 4 cops in front of ACE Auto Wreckers in New Brunswick, NJ. They blew him of and the only thing they would say to him on the phone was that he had to come to the station and do it in person. And after what we just went through with those thugs he decided that it wasn't a good idea to go to the station with out a lawyer. So the way cops envisioned it it’s the way that it worked out. BTW he also called the NJ State District Attorneys Office. And they said no evidence, no witnesses don’t waste our time.
He made a complaint but since they didn't even give us an accident report or called in the job, it was our word (my Bro 22, Me 15, and my uncle 25 years old) against 4 cops in front of ACE Auto Wreckers in New Brunswick, NJ. They blew him of and the only thing they would say to him on the phone was that he had to come to the station and do it in person. And after what we just went through with those thugs he decided that it wasn't a good idea to go to the station with out a lawyer. So the way cops envisioned it it’s the way that it worked out. BTW he also called the NJ State District Attorneys Office. And they said no evidence, no witnesses don’t waste our time.
Well, cops can be just as big ah scumbag as anyone else. Trust me, I am familar with many more then you.

Every profession has their 10%'ers.....
So just holding a cell phone in a car is a punishable offense? PLEASE. If records show she was not using the phone then she wasn't using the phone. He can make up any crap he wants but in this case there is proof-one way or another. Now I'm sure if the record showed she was on the phone Officer Friendly wouldn't have been canned. If you read the posts on the local site there are plenty of writers that have had nasty encounters with that sheriff's deptment or Officer Friendly. He's used his job to abuse people plain and simple.

Sure it is. Holding the phone and having an officer of the law see you doing so while on a public road you may as well be blabbing away because you will get a ticket for it if they want to give you one. Certainly enough reason to pull someone over. Try it some time if you dont believe me. Hold the phone up so the officer can see it while your driving. Let us know if you get pulled over or not.
Its bitches,like you and Billy T, that keep the cops thinking they are above the law(because that cop made you his bitch),and YES I will keep doing the RIGHT thing and challenge them when they are wrong,thats the right thing to do so they dont do what they did to that lady!!

And it seems you have plenty of your" important time" to spend on here disputing every other post,im guessing it would have been better spent on the phone with his superior?

Your a funny guy. Id like to see you call me a bitch to my face or Billy's for that matter. You would then hope that an LE officer was there to protect your ass. Its an open forum. I can spend as much or as little time as i want posting on here. Not disputing. Just not in agreement with your opinions. You keep doing the right thing and see where it gets you. Call in another threat to a police department and see what you get. Id bet the next time you get 20 years. But it would be worth it to you:rolleyes: .
I can respect your stance on the subject. But you know somedays...just like the LE we are discussing...we have bad days when we dont wanna be F'd with. BTW...Oscar Grant was shot execution style in front of numerous witnesses. He was not resisting arrest at all. The cop who assaulted that lady and the one who shot Oscar Grant should of had more training or more mental evaluations before letting them "Serve and Protect". Where Im from...out here in Cali...police have always had issues with over stepping boundries. So my opinion on the subject will always lean towards the "suspect". Ive seen too much and have been through too much to change my stance. But in all honesty I think we all have good points and I wished there was an "easy button" we could press to create an environment that would be the perfect balance.

Good points but what i am saying in my posts to be brief is that LE is assaulted way more than they assault. Sure LE has stepped over the line in certain situations but most of the time they are just absorbing BS form perpetrators who should be locked up. If you look at the statistics it clearly shows that those who are unemployed and have had previous arrests are the most likely to be involved in another incident with LE. Its not just a coincidence either.
Your a funny guy. Id like to see you call me a bitch to my face or Billy's for that matter. You would then hope that an LE officer was there to protect your ass. Its an open forum. I can spend as much or as little time as i want posting on here. Not disputing. Just not in agreement with your opinions. You keep doing the right thing and see where it gets you. Call in another threat to a police department and see what you get. Id bet the next time you get 20 years. But it would be worth it to you:rolleyes: .

I guess you have never met me:cool: I say what I say here or to your face im not hiding behind a computer..
PM sent..
off topic again

I guess you have never met me:cool: I say what I say here or to your face im not hiding behind a computer..
PM sent..
I started a new thread so we dont pollute this one anymore.
The last time I got pulled over about 5 years ago I was doing 34 in a 30 mph zone- On Labor Day while on my way home from work. I kept my hands on the steering wheel and when I was asked for credentials I told them where they were before I reached for them ( wallet in my rr pants pocket and insurance card was in the glove box). The officer actually complimented me for telling him where my info was and letting him know what I was going to show him.........
Sure it is. Holding the phone and having an officer of the law see you doing so while on a public road you may as well be blabbing away because you will get a ticket for it if they want to give you one. Certainly enough reason to pull someone over. Try it some time if you dont believe me. Hold the phone up so the officer can see it while your driving. Let us know if you get pulled over or not.

So NH doesn't have a cell phone law. Many of todays cell phones do a bunch of things other than just be a phone. Someone can be just turning on the music or taking a video of that cop tazering someone for nothing.
Doesn't even have to be a cell phone, just something that resembles one.

Just had a route stepvan driver get pulled for pulling out his order machine to check on his next stop. (He was a sub for the regular driver, so he was checking the machine to find his next stop on the route, which happened to be us).

Cop pulled him over and told him he was going to give him a ticket for talking on his cell phone. When our driver showed the officer what it was he was using, that it had no cell capability, the officer changed his story. Told him he also rolled through a 4 way stop. After going back to his cruiser for about 5 minutes, he came back up to our driver, told him he had an emergency, but he better be more careful next time, and he takes off. Without lights. Guess that was his way of fixing his screw up without acknowledging he was wrong. :confused:
Is it so wrong to admit "Hey, I thought it was a cell phone, we get a lot of people doing that here. My mistake. You can go now." ?