Makes me sick (New Orleans victims)

southern boost said:
1st off lets place some of the blame where it need to be local goverment they could have help evacute the hosptials and nursin homes and elderly ,but chose not to,also the mayor and the govenor need to take the blame for alot of the mistakes made. I've watch the news seen buses in N.O. under water and other means of transport own by state local goverment underwater ,so with that said some people chose to stay that was there problem,looters need to die simple except when tryin to survive. I believe that until you come down here don't judge ,if it weren't people in the my county and others we would have lost some of our elderly who had no water ,no medicine, no electric,no oxygen for breathin treatmemts, so to hear you guys talk let them die DOWN WITH THE WEAK it there fault trees tore down powerlines detroyed roads . We have it good in central Miss. don't get me wrong i got power Sat. at 2.30 and soon i did i took my genator to a couple who need it for oxygen ,but like you guys said it there fault they need oxygen right some of you need to wake up some people lost loves ones lost all of there belongings and you poeple have the freakin nerve to judge .


I saw one thing a man who who couldn't get off the coast he said the water got ,so high they on the roof of there house and a wave come through and took his wife off the home has he struggled to hold on to her she said "it to late i love you let me go and take care of the children .

So why dont you SOB judge what the hell would you have done cried like a baby i figure.

Finally i know N.O. has problems ,but don't forget about the people in Miss. on the coast we have lose of life and major destruction .

P.s. the levee broke in 3 places local goverment knew flaws never fix them!

Randy Alexander

Randy, What you are saying is most likely why there will be so much loss of life in New Orleans. Since 300,000 people didn't evacuate when they could have, the elderly and the dirt ass poor people who went to community shelters like the superdome and hospitals (less than 50,000 people) were pushed aside when they loud mouths who who could have left, but chose to ride the storm out in their houses started showing up, demanding to be evacuated.

The devastation of property in Mississippi coast is far worse than NO or even the tsunami from last year.

But as Matt Drudge complained last Sunday night at 11:00 PM eastern time, with the Hurricane 8 hours from landfall, the headline of the NYT (which most media outlets structure their newcasts around) was still "Cindy Sheehan" and her crusade for peace. With NO going under water on Tuesday, they played reruns of fear factor for prime time. Only nightline had a special on it and they were 12-24 hours late.

When I lived in South Carolina, even for a Cat 3 we were going at least 50 miles inland, because the governor ordered it 2-3 DAYS in advance. Where was that in this case?
i got some more great news. they have brought a bunch of the refugees (i dont' have a number) to colorado. just want we need.

i also heard another intresting thing. frontier the denver based airline sent a plane down there and was willing to take as many people as the plane could hold to denver and pay for one months hotel stay for all the peole on board. wanna guess how many people took up this offer? come on, take a guess. 18.

so what do you make of that? i would guess these people want handouts from the gov. not a private company. then again i guess its possible no one knew about it, although i doubt that a company that big would forget to let the word out.

i found that intresting...
I can't even begin to tell you guys what effect this storm has had on everyone in this area. You guys could not imagine. I'm 25 miles away from N.O. I wish I had time to type it all.
smokin'6 said:
I'll tell you, this is one ignorant board! Im sure people who could leave did, are many of you aware how poor this part of the country is? Many of these people dont have cars, dont have a big bank account, didn't have anywhere to go. This country has never seen a storm like this in its history! Im sure they didn't think it would be this devistating, I dont give a **** what NOAA said, they were going off of past hurricanes. As far as looting, steal to eat, fine, steal for a tv, shoot em in the head, and these rapes and gangs and SOBs with guns, shoot em TWICE! But give me a break, take away your car and your bank account and tell me how your geniuses would get out of town with no help? What a bunch of *******s on this board.

and here's how stupid we look to the rest of the world with our incompetent Republican run government.

these people dont have feet? IF YOU STAY YOU DIE, let me think... lose everything, house, all belongs OR start walking? lose everything BUT my LIFE!!! my grandmother lived one block off of Burbon St, cousin started driving from chicago, grandma KNEW ( because of the DEATH WARNINGS yes DEATH WARNINGS ) walked for 4.5 to 5 hrs where by cell calls she met my cousin in a small town north of the Easy. if the rest of the LAZY skcuf would have walked or rode a bike north they possibly got north of the flooding and the only rescuing would have been shut in's/ hosptials/ retierement homes, not stupid bastards that thought i can ride it out. where is Bono? all of these celebritys that had to give releif to the tusamni, what about HERE! govenment CANNOT do everything, they should have went to every door and asked them to leave? YOU WILL DIE, YOUR ODDS OF LIVING ARE VERY LOW. a casino boat is in the city now....burried up to the 3rd floor! things like that do not get moved. you have walls allaround to "protect" from flooding, 10' below sea level, you live on the OCEAN! death due to flooding is a factor you live with for living there, and no crap about they dont have the means, look at the picture, death or moving, they can get food stamps or welfare anywhere not JUST in Lousinana.
denn454 said:
i got some more great news. they have brought a bunch of the refugees (i dont' have a number) to colorado. just want we need.

i also heard another intresting thing. frontier the denver based airline sent a plane down there and was willing to take as many people as the plane could hold to denver and pay for one months hotel stay for all the peole on board. wanna guess how many people took up this offer? come on, take a guess. 18.

so what do you make of that? i would guess these people want handouts from the gov. not a private company. then again i guess its possible no one knew about it, although i doubt that a company that big would forget to let the word out.

i found that intresting...

Like I said before in one of my posts.Don't complain until you have them coming to your area.

Now You know what I mean.
Where's P. Diddy? He skowered the land with his 'Vote or Die' BS because it benefited HIS Agenda.

Why didn't he help his people with 'Leave or Die'? :confused:
i just heard about them shooting at the contractors in town to help rebuild. luckly the police or whomever shot back and killed 6 people. i have to wonder if its just a few of them minority making th emajority look bad. in all honesty that is very possible, probably not the case but very possible.

so why not just fill in the whole area, blow the levies and call it new orleans bay? sure theres a lot of historical things there that would be a shame to lose but you have to learn from mistakes made in the past. as for the poeple, let them figure it out. those who can make a living and contribute back to the community (the good ones) will do just fine, they will find jobs and rebuild their lives. as for the rest, they will either kill themselves or end up in jail or who knows what but they won't last long. it might be cruel but this is real life not day care.

and even those people don't have cars and live 30 minutes (by car) away from me i still keep a gun by my bed.
pontiac69fb said:
Remember you might recieve assistance from tax payers when you start collecting social security.

Hell yeah I will if its still around because I'll have paid in more by the time I reach 65 (if I make it that long) than I'll ever get back out of it. I've paid the MAX a person can pay into SS for the last 5 years (and I still have 29 years to go before I can start claiming it) do you still think SS is a free handout like govt assistance for folks too lazy to work?? NEWFLASH..its my own dam money!!
Totally different than welfare....

oh one a side note.... looks like there is going to be tons of work to do in LA...think any of the folks bused out of there are going to be going back to help with all the work to rebuild the city?? :rolleyes:
Rob,its useless,some will never understand it until they live among it.

I grew up around these types,and they never change.Now alot of cities will have to deal with them.
i know what you mean sixgun

everyone has a bicycle in the ghetto, you can easily travel insane distances on one even if you are out of shape. Theres no excuse for able bodied individuals to have not left the city.

I went through Hurricane Andrew which until this, was the costliest disaster in US history. My house was destroyed, it took something like 3 months before we had electricity, and I ended up lving in a trailer in my front yard for 6 months while my house was recontructed.

No one knew it would be as bad as it was, but guess what, not many people stuck around either! We were in an evactuation zone and we evactuated. Even then, when people had grown complacent there were still a myriad of ways of getting out of danger areas, all kinds of public transportation, helpful friends and neighbors... etc

The strongest part of the storm didnt even hit N.O., im amazed at all the trees standing in the area. It looks like just a big flood. Heaven forbid if the winds were actually strong in that area like they were here during andrew or in mississippi... nothing was left standing, pine needles impaled on tree stumps, etc

So as one hurricane surviver I can say I'm tiredof hearing about lazy ass people demanding we help them every step of the way.
Pablo, mega dittos. Subsitute what you just said with Hurricane Ivan and I have the same thoughts.

IMO, people claming racism are making themselves out as fools to the general public. Oprah had done a lot of good for some people and made herself pretty rich in the process so I have some respect for her. However, after what she said yesterday she can kiss my big fat WHITE ass. She said the whole government should apologize the the people in the Astrodome..

WTF :confused: The GOVERNMENT payed for their food, housing, and education. The GOVERNMENT evacuated them from the Dome in less than a WEEK. The same Dome they were told they would be in up to a MONTH at minimum. Please :eek:
I was watching CNN for a few min. & they were interviewing 3 preachers that were @ the astrodome. they said these people are heroes. I can not believe they said that, the heroes are the ones rescuing the people that stayed.
bishir said:
She said the whole government should apologize the the people in the Astrodome..

She shouldn't have said the Whole Government, but could have said "your state and local government" and I would be OK with that. Initially it looked like they were going to skate away blame free, why the media pounced on the Feds... but as the truth starts to emerge, the state and local government are going to get more and more of the blame (deservedly so).

Maybe this will clean up the Louisianna corruption once and for all.
UNGN your last line is what I had in mind as well. I don't want to tick anyone off, but I tend to do that when I weigh in on something like this. Those that aren't offended by the Bible (and if you are, then you have issues to deal with) will quickly see this as something of a devine cleansing. NO is known around the world for it's corrupt and ineffective government consumed with self service, questionable lifestyle acceptance, and total lack of any moral qualities.
Wipe the slate clean, build a new city on higher ground and return the land once known as New Orleans back to the wetlands it was prior to man's intervention. I would think at this point the enviromentalist would be shouting loud and clear what "they" want.
Opher's a left wing liberal with a dose of race pimp thrown in. What would you expect? You see what happened when Bill Cosby tried to tell his people to pull themselves up and not blame others. Liberals have to blame others because as you can see, 50 years of the welfare state in New Orleans led them to DOOM.
A Bullseye!

This was just sent to me and couldn't have been written any better:

This is an article from "The Intellectual Activist" which probably has the most accurate take you will see on the hurricane's aftermath in New Orleans

An Unnatural Disaster: A Hurricane Exposes the Man-Made Disaster of the Welfare State

by Robert Tracinski
Sep 02, 2005

by Robert Tracinski

It has taken four long days for state and federal officials to figure out how to deal with the disaster in New Orleans. I can't blame them, because it has also taken me four long days to figure out what is going on there. The reason is that the events there make no sense if you think that we are confronting a natural disaster.

If this is just a natural disaster, the response for public officials is obvious: you bring in food, water, and doctors; you send transportation to evacuate refugees to temporary shelters; you send engineers to stop the flooding and rebuild the city's infrastructure. For journalists, natural disasters also have a familiar pattern: the heroism of ordinary people pulling together to survive; the hard work and dedication of doctors, nurses, and rescue workers; the steps being taken to clean up and rebuild.

Public officials did not expect that the first thing they would have to do is to send thousands of armed troops in armored vehicle, as if they are suppressing an enemy insurgency. And journalists--myself included--did not expect that the story would not be about rain, wind, and flooding, but about rape, murder, and looting.

But this is not a natural disaster. It is a man-made disaster.

The man-made disaster is not an inadequate or incompetent response by federal relief agencies, and it was not directly caused by Hurricane Katrina. This is where just about every newspaper and television channel has gotten the story wrong.

The man-made disaster we are now witnessing in New Orleans did not happen over the past four days. It happened over the past four decades. Hurricane Katrina merely exposed it to public view.

The man-made disaster is the welfare state.

For the past few days, I have found the news from New Orleans to be confusing. People were not behaving as you would expect them to behave in an emergency--indeed, they were not behaving as they have behaved in other emergencies. That is what has shocked so many people: they have been saying that this is not what we expect from America. In fact, it is not even what we expect from a Third World country.

When confronted with a disaster, people usually rise to the occasion. They work together to rescue people in danger, and they spontaneously organize to keep order and solve problems. This is especially true in America. We are an enterprising people, used to relying on our own initiative rather than waiting around for the government to take care of us. I have seen this a hundred times, in small examples (a small town whose main traffic light had gone out, causing ordinary citizens to get out of their cars and serve as impromptu traffic cops, directing cars through the intersection) and large ones (the spontaneous response of New Yorkers to September 11).

So what explains the chaos in New Orleans?

To give you an idea of the magnitude of what is going on, here is a description from a Washington Times Story:

"Storm victims are raped and beaten; fights erupt with flying fists, knives and guns; fires are breaking out; corpses litter the streets; and police and rescue helicopters are repeatedly fired on.

"The plea from Mayor C. Ray Nagin came even as National Guardsmen poured in to restore order and stop the looting, carjackings and gunfire....

"Last night, Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco said 300 Iraq-hardened Arkansas National Guard members were inside New Orleans with shoot-to-kill orders.

" 'These troops are...under my orders to restore order in the streets,' she said. 'They have M-16s, and they are locked and loaded. These troops know how to shoot and kill and they are more than willing to do so if necessary and I expect they will.' "

The reference to Iraq is eerie. The photo that accompanies this article shows National Guard troops, with rifles and armored vests, riding on an armored vehicle through trash-strewn streets lined by a rabble of squalid, listless people, one of whom appears to be yelling at them. It looks exactly like a scene from Sadr City in Baghdad.

What explains bands of thugs using a natural disaster as an excuse for an orgy of looting, armed robbery, and rape? What causes unruly mobs to storm the very buses that have arrived to evacuate them, causing the drivers to drive away, frightened for their lives? What causes people to attack the doctors trying to treat patients at the Super Dome?

Why are people responding to natural destruction by causing further destruction? Why are they attacking the people who are trying to help them?

My wife, Sherri, figured it out first, and she figured it out on a sense-of-life level. While watching the coverage last night on Fox News Channel, she told me that she was getting a familiar feeling. She studied architecture at the Illinois Institute of Chicago, which is located in the South Side of Chicago just blocks away from the Robert Taylor Homes, one of the largest high-rise public housing projects in America. "The projects," as they were known, were infamous for uncontrollable crime and irremediable squalor. (They have since, mercifully, been demolished.)

What Sherri was getting from last night's television coverage was a whiff of the sense of life of "the projects." Then the "crawl"--the informational phrases flashed at the bottom of the screen on most news channels--gave some vital statistics to confirm this sense: 75% of the residents of New Orleans had already evacuated before the hurricane, and of the 300,000 or so who remained, a large number were from the city's public housing projects. Jack Wakeland then gave me an additional, crucial fact: early reports from CNN and Fox indicated that the city had no plan for evacuating all of the prisoners in the city's jails--so they just let many of them loose. There is no doubt a significant overlap between these two populations--that is, a large number of people in the jails used to live in the housing projects, and vice versa.

There were many decent, innocent people trapped in New Orleans when the deluge hit--but they were trapped alongside large numbers of people from two groups: criminals--and wards of the welfare state, people selected, over decades, for their lack of initiative and self-induced helplessness. The welfare wards were a mass of sheep--on whom the incompetent administration of New Orleans unleashed a pack of wolves.

All of this is related, incidentally, to the apparent incompetence of the city government, which failed to plan for a total evacuation of the city, despite the knowledge that this might be necessary. But in a city corrupted by the welfare state, the job of city officials is to ensure the flow of handouts to welfare recipients and patronage to political supporters--not to ensure a lawful, orderly evacuation in case of emergency.

No one has really reported this story, as far as I can tell. In fact, some are already actively distorting it, blaming President Bush, for example, for failing to personally ensure that the Mayor of New Orleans had drafted an adequate evacuation plan. The worst example is an execrable piece from the Toronto Globe and Mail, by a supercilious Canadian who blames the chaos on American "individualism." But the truth is precisely the opposite: the chaos was caused by a system that was the exact opposite of individualism.

What Hurricane Katrina exposed was the psychological consequences of the welfare state. What we consider "normal" behavior in an emergency is behavior that is normal for people who have values and take the responsibility to pursue and protect them. People with values respond to a disaster by fighting against it and doing whatever it takes to overcome the difficulties they face. They don't sit around and complain that the government hasn't taken care of them. They don't use the chaos of a disaster as an opportunity to prey on their fellow men.

But what about criminals and welfare parasites? Do they worry about saving their houses and property? They don't, because they don't own anything. Do they worry about what is going to happen to their businesses or how they are going to make a living? They never worried about those things before. Do they worry about crime and looting? But living off of stolen wealth is a way of life for them.

The welfare state--and the brutish, uncivilized mentality it sustains and encourages--is the man-made disaster that explains the moral ugliness that has swamped New Orleans. And that is the story that no one is reporting.
The real disaster existed before the hurricane even hit. Yet there was nothing done to deal with the majority of the people living below poverty level. Just like the tsunami, no one was talking about how to solve the mass poverty and lack of help before the thing even hit. So when the disasters strike and all of the garbage media portrays such a horrible disaster, they make their money, we will deny the fact that no one was trying to help these people in their daily, horrible lives... any disasters aside. It seems this country is becoming more divided as the middle class diminishes. So lets go drive our buicks, have fun, and guzzle gas; just like before. It is human nature to be self serving - those who can hurdle this are the real heros.

PhilM said:
The real disaster existed before the hurricane even hit. Yet there was nothing done to deal with the majority of the people living below poverty level. Just like the tsunami, no one was talking about how to solve the mass poverty and lack of help before the thing even hit. So when the disasters strike and all of the garbage media portrays such a horrible disaster, they make their money, we will deny the fact that no one was trying to help these people in their daily, horrible lives... any disasters aside. It seems this country is becoming more divided as the middle class diminishes. So lets go drive our buicks, have fun, and guzzle gas; just like before. It is human nature to be self serving - those who can hurdle this are the real heros.


You can speak for yourself about not helping the people from this disaster. Millions are helping. We've already sent a bunch of stuff and our friends are helping at the local shelter. There are over a million people displaced by the storm, maybe 15%-20% of these are dirt the ass poor, featured so prominantly on TV. The rest (and by far the majority) have skills and were looking for new jobs on Tuesday.

These dirt ass poor people have received government handouts for the last 30 years. It hasn't been a lack of money that has kept them poor. It also isn't "racism" or even "the man" keeping them down.

It's not even us driving our buicks, buying new cars or "having fun" that keeps them poor. You see, those activities cost us rich, white people money. Money that provides jobs for people that make it possible for us rich, white people to drive our Buicks, buy new cars and have fun. The Government also heavily taxes our driving of Buicks, buying new cars and "having fun" so they can spend $50 Billion dollars rebuilding corrupt cesspools that allowed 15-20% of it's citizens to be kept in poverty for 30+ years.

The solution is pretty simple. You eliminate poverty by having a zero tolerance policy on crime, every crime, including government corruption and illegal drugs. Make even truancy from school a crime. If you don't, You end up with poverty as far as the eye can see. Businesses and jobs stay away from crime. Until the crime is gone, the jobs will stay away and the poverty will remain.

I know Liberals think this won't work, but 30 years of throwing money at it has worked real well, too.

Maybe they will fix this in New New Orleans. Somehow, I doubt it.