Have which state your in mandatory


May 26, 2001
Just think of all the useless post that could be eliminated in the classified section alone ? ( Location ? ) (Where are you so I can price your shipping ? )
great idea

I just dont think it will go thru. It drives me crazy when the poster is selling something for local pick up and he never states the location...
It drives me crazy too. We are all brothers here..Why would you purposely not put your location in ?
yeha i would like to see locations too that really bugs me and most times i dont even feel like asking cuz its not that hard to put your location in
cmon guys this is the internet, when i get my TR you can be damn sure i am not going to even hint where it is parked at night. now if i am using the classifieds, i will gladly give a shipping address, but i will not put my location out there for everyone(good or bad people) to see.
At least your state should be listed...Unless you think someone is going to drive around the whole state looking for your car..
At least your state should be listed...Unless you think someone is going to drive around the whole state looking for your car..
Yeah Really even if somebody were to drive around a whole city looking for it. I think you would have to worry about local theives following you and finding out where it is.