fwd roller and non roller cam parts in gn motor


Dec 2, 2004
details,modifications and pictures coming soon.
and hundreds of dollars cheaper!:D

I gave Blazer406 detailed instructions on this procedure for his motor.If anyone else is
interested post your comments.parts already proven in one of our club member's car.
working flawless with no problems and valvetrain is just as quiet or more than aftermarket roller kits for gn.
I'm interested because I want to see what you done to get "a" cam sensor working.:D
fwd cam parts

it is easier to forward pm. then to post.
please feel free to post comments on how we can make this set up better.
I use to retail parts for 10yrs and know that the price for these roller cam parts is over priced,so that's why we came up with using fwd roller and non-roller parts that are more easier to afford and readily available for the budget
minded racers.
I thought you were actually using a roller cam made for a FWD engine. Guess that's what get for thinking...
I'm interested because I want to see what you done to get "a" cam sensor working.:D

Actually our club member is running a fwd roller cam in his gn with these fwd roller cam parts.He had the front of cam modified for cam sensor,etc.