"Fall" Fling

October 4th will work too.

When the masses have chimed in we can pick a date and chisel it in stone.
The 4th it is!!

Let's go for the 4th. Late enough to be cool.....soon enough to be power-free.

Spread the word.
OK guys this sounds like fun..........but where are you guys getting together? I may have missed it while reading. I am by Madison, WI. Is this just a get together and look at each others cars or are you guys hitting a drag strip too? Thanks guys sounds like fun........Nick
Its in Chelsea, MI.
A couple of miles from Ann Arbor. Bill will put some directions up well before the Fling

I can give specific directions if anyone needs more than the following:

Exit 159 off of I-94 (Chelsea).
Head north into town.
about 1/2 mile is a stoplight (first one since the highway).

Chelsea State Bank is on the left. Big parking lot hopefully full of turbo-powered GM muscle :)

I will have a black Grand National flag waving.

We can't grill in the lot but it is close to all the fast food.
Is this a car show or just a TR get together.............I just dont want to insult anyone by bringing my not so perfect 85 GN to this...........She isnt perfect but she is my pride and joy;)

Anyone know how far of a drive from Madison, WI to Chelsea MI might be. I will have to whip out the map.

Nick, just a get together for meeting and chatting.

Madison WI? About 380 miles away!!!

Up for a road trip? :)

Chelsea State Bank locations
It has a picture of what you're looking for. =)

Doh, MapQuest link doesn't work. 1010 S Main St; Chelsea, MI 48118-1435 is what you're looking for.

(That looks like the right branch. I'm sure Bill will let me know if it's wrong.)
That's the spot

Cool beans! That is the place. All that parking lot that you see is ours!!! Ours I say!!!

That view is from M-52 has you head north so the corner the camera is in is where my car will be parked.

If you drive by you can either take a left and come in the other entrance or take a right...go throught Polly's parking lot and come across the street (like Todd will most likely do....again......) :)

We are one month out so pass the word around.