Crank Killer 400 destroys big $$$ LS2

I'm not a lawyer but I've read up on patent laws pretty carefully, and talked with at least one lawyer, and from all that the above statement is not correct. Selling has nothing to do with determining infringement, it only affects the size of the damage awards. It is the act of constructing the device that creates the infringement, not whether you keep it or sell it or give it away. You can construct a patented device for the purpose of studying it, but as soon as you stop studying it and just use it you are in violation (and no jury is going to believe you are simply studying something pass after pass after pass :)). Besides, I think Lonnies point is really that if they file suit in a practical sense you have already lost because now you have to spend thousands of $$ for a lawyer just to respond to the suit, even if you ultimately win. So might be a good idea to be real carefull with terminology and to read FB's patent to make sure your method is not covered.

To file a lawsuit, you first must understand the amount of money in damages you’re entitled to and prove that there was substantial damages. For a one-off breadboard hardware that was independently developed, I'll take my chances.

I’ve with patents before and had to take yearly training since the company I worked for was very diligent in protecting its intellectual property. I familiar with this teritory.
Allan G.
Besides, I think Lonnies point is really that if they file suit in a practical sense you have already lost because now you have to spend thousands of $$ for a lawyer just to respond to the suit, even if you ultimately win. So might be a good idea to be real carefull with terminology

This was my only point. No need to ask me how I know. You can figure it out.