Search results

  1. C

    Synthetics are best

    Whether it is Royal Purple or Amsoil, synthetics are superior in reducing friction. Unless you are racing and trying to alter the "grip" characteristics to improve your racing times use what the factory recommends Dextron III or equivelants. GM spent millions in R&D to reach that...
  2. C

    PTS Blue Plate Special

    Late last year I received my PTS Xtreme 200R4 in its mini-coffin shipping box. I ordered the best-of-everything, absolutely-unbreakable, Bruce-in-a-box model. For the last two months I’ve burned tires, downshifted, upshifted, slipped and slammed and generally tried to gouge the payment up...
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    TCC Polarity--new versus old question

    I have burned out the diodes in original GM TCCs by not knowing that the red wire from the TCC was supposed to be connected only to the plus side of the battery and hooking the red TCC lead to ground thinking, since its DC current, it had no polarity. After this happened twice I simply...
  4. C

    Hey, Bruce & Mark at PTS--casket

    Did you guys get the 2004R I sent you to be rebuilt? I tried to email instructions to PTS on how to open the casket but the email bounced back. Just remove the eight wood screws in the top and then the six nuts--four on the bellhousing and two on the mount. DO NOT try to disassemble the...
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    6PacktoGo -- two out of three?

    Rotating mass, pump helical cut gears appear to be three major factors you identify in trannie horsepower loss. Have you tried ceramic coatings in the pump body and on the helical gears?
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    EGTs/02 sensors & turbosam6 comment

    turbosam6, when you said the wide band was hooked up were you talking about a five-wire 02 sensor? If not could you elaborate? It sounds like the standard O2 sensor could not even be classified as a rich/lean indicator if if was as far off as your comment seemed to imply. Also, what are...
  7. C

    Tranny HP losses -- FWIW

    This has been discussed and I ran across the following info in a totally unrelated websearch. Just in case you're curious, power loss for various auto transmissions: Powerglide 18 hp TH350 36 hp TH400 44 hp Ford C6 55-60 hp Ford C4 28 hp...
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    CK Performance & Cryo

    I received a direct email from CKP after responding on the TB Board to one of his posts regarding the cryoed parts he uses which included prices and availability. I replied and asked for specific test data regarding the durability increase that one can expect from cryoing parts, I never...
  9. C

    Roll bars, rules and the envelop

    I've searched and read most every post and looked at every image of roll bar installations on the board. I want a safe, non-intrusive roll bar that will still allow someone to get into the back seat. As I understand the rules, there has to be a lower cross bar and it has to be welded in...
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    Doug Jacobson's Roll Cage

    Are the bars next to the seat removable? If yes, where did the connectors come from and have any "officals" at the track hassled you about the removable bars? Did you paint the bars outside the car?
  11. C

    LPW Covers and

    Has anyone actually experienced less gear breakage after installing the LPW or similar covers? Interested in verifing LPWs testiomonials with first-hand TB experience. Same question with the LPW axle brace kits. Also, it seems that welding connector...
  12. C

    BOP PowerGlide

    Was someone looking for a BOP PG? If your are, check this link
  13. C

    Wadded panties & board instructions

    I just read the "crappy shifts on a new everything tranny" series of posts. Most of the text related to peoples "feelings". WHAT CRAP! WHAT DRIVVLE! As for BT's dedication to the 200 4R-users anyone who does not know that about can just kiss our collective @$$. We do not need to read...
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    Spool rear end

    What sort of experience has anyone had using a spool rear end? Does it produce better top ends or lower times at the track? How do they handle on the street?
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    Titanium valves

    Is there any down side to using titanium valves?
  16. C

    External-only trannie cooler

    I need a new radiator. I've got a 8" X 12" stacked external cooler mounted in the car's airstream but not the motor fan's airstream--in other words no fan on the external cooler. Will that keep my 200 4R cool by itself? Anyone with actual experience with stand-alone externals? BTW--I did...
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    Valve Body ID Numbers

    Does the number at the end of the painted VB code indicate the year? For example, would a CZF trannie from a 1986 versus a 1987 have a valve body with a code that reads CZ6 and CZ7, respectively? Are the 1986 & 1987 Monte SS trannies the only "good" ones or is the 1985 a "good' one also?
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    I thought you were vacating Bruce!

    You know most people would not consider two days off a vacation. You work for a real SOB don't ya!
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    Missing springs

    Use a piece with all the springs. if you have it. This is a modification not recommended by Bruce @ PTS but used by others.
  20. C

    CZF Kenosha, Wisconsin

    Anyone near Kenosha, WI with an interest in a low-mileage CZF--nearly identical to a BRF--should look at this: I emailed the seller and he said "Here are the Tag numbers: CZF 196 862 CZF 1552" However, do your...