New thread to pick date for Midwest Meet.


Oct 12, 2006
I spoke with Cook County and the cost for a picnic permit at Busse Woods for 50 or so cars and 125 or so people is $110.00.

We would have the area from sunrise to sunset. We can request a shelter when applying online.

We cannot have a swap meet or spend a huge amount of time viewing each others cars (we'll still do this) since they consider that a safety risk with traffic passing thru.

If we decide on Busse Woods we need to choose a date so I or anyone can get the permit online or in person at their River Forest office. If others want to do a different location then let us know others potential gathering locations.

Do we want July 14th, 21st, or 28th...?
Great news! Any of those weekends sound great, lets vote on it. Also We should get someones Paypal account so we all can pitch in the cash now for the permit, and or the food.
Hard to pick a date, they all sound fine to me. There's the annual July 4th car show where the local Buicks meet up so maybe to spread things out do it on the 28th?

July 28th works for me. What location???

I was hoping more people would chime in on this new thread.
I also think that since we have our Buick brothers coming form Wisconsin and Iowa, The Busse woods be a central location for them to access.

I say Busse 100%. Nice scenery, in a nice neighborhood, easy to get to on main roads, etc.

Looks like we're leaning towards Busse on the 28th unless anyone has something to say.
28th Im cool with that.

Thats a Saturday, if Im right, so who is collecting the money for the permit. Lets make sure that nobody is putting up a substantial amount by themselves. Im thinkin $5 from everybody initially, and the carry over will go right into the "eats" category. By the way the whole car show concern on the permit is just so people dont get hit by a car when they are looking. The Police actually drive by and will ask u not to stand in the main roadway within the Preserve. Not a big deal at all.
Busse Woods on July 28th

I'd be happy to apply for the permit online & then people can paypal me their portion.

Here is a map of Busse Woods:

Once we decide on a Grove location I'll reserve the spot (assuming it's available.

Looking at the map I am thinking Grove # 2, 4, 28, 29, 30, or 31. They all have shelters and can accomodate the turnout we are expecting.

Post up your thoughts and let's make this official.
I think 31 would be nice so we can be near the water and maybe get the cars lined up and snap some nice pictures with the scenery.
Very good, I know we pitched in $10 per person the last few years. Does that sound sufficient for permit, food and misc.? Let us come up with an amount.

Pickin the spot has to be done in person.

Someone is going to have to drive over there and eyeball the spot. Im sure things havent changed on weekends so that place will be packed with cars on our date. Im thinking we should be in an out of the way spot where we wont have the Ricer kids getting in the way. If anyone wants to meet me there, to scope out a spot call me. 708-670-8981. Gary. I just want someone to take the blame with me incase we pick a lame spot!:D Im about 20 minutes away with light traffic, and would be available to about 3pm today incase someone wants to go today before the game.
Brer Rabbit, I'd meet you there but I believe it is gated & closed for the winter. I drive past it every day on my way to work.

I agree to scope it out before we choose the location. I'll see what I can do today or tomorrow and will report back.

Phil, do you want to post you Paypal addy for all of us to pitch in for the permitt. I don't want to see anyone getting shafted this year. I think we all should pitch in now for the permitt, we can do something later for the drinks and food. Then we can list the names of the guys/gals who paid..........
Thanks Nick
Nick and others,

I'd be happy to apply for the permit online and then have everyone paypal me. Are we all in agreement that the date will be 7/28/07 in Busse Woods? Not many people have chimed in so like Gary said I would hate to get the permit and then have others want a different meeting or grove location.

Once we settle on the location and which grove I'll get the permit and post my e-mail addy.

I'll be traveling tomorrow and Tuesday but should be able to log on remotely.

Seems like we just need to pick the grove, location, etc and tell others the specifics...but that's just my thought.