xfi skips frames when logging wot


Staff member
Feb 18, 2006
Trying to tune a car and every time we would do a wot hit the xfi program would stop recording then resume a few frames later. Very frustrating. Miss the entire transition. Any others experience this?

windows 7 laptop
XFI v 2.051


Try changing the logger rate down and make sure you're not logging a HR sensor
It's likely communication errors from noise. The gaps are caused by C-Com timing out waiting for a handshake or data from the ECU. You can also log "ComErrCnt" and see if the ECU is registering any communication errors. You should check your communication cable and make sure it's not near your ignition system or ignition wiring. It could also just be a particular laptop's issue with noise.

I've tuned some cars where an ignition related noise problem would cause my old laptop to reboot while the XFI/XIM was still going strong.
Get the internal logger and use it. You won't have these problems and you can capture a lot more data and at 20 frames per second with no problem.
