Would you be willing to sell your GN/TR to fund a b00b job for your wife?

Would you be willing to sell your GN/TR to fund a b00b job for your wife?

  • Yes, are you kidding?

    Votes: 11 9.3%
  • No way!

    Votes: 107 90.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Personal preference here but I would rather have a girl with real "cupcakes" than fake cantaloupes.

Fake tits look fake and I don't like fake.
phh, thats crap. she should already come with nice boobs.

Thats like buying a regular regal,then deciding to install a turbo 3.8 later. If you wanted one you should have bought it to begin with, even though you were obviosuly satisfied with the non turbo. And even if you built it to the exact same specs as a real turbo regal, it still would never be a true turbo regal.
She looks fine to me.:biggrin:
I've seen my share of fake boobs at strip clubs and porno. Very few are done well and most look just plain awful.
I would only consider them if there was a medical reason like cancer surgury or something like that.
She looks fine to me.:biggrin:
I've seen my share of fake boobs at strip clubs and porno. Very few are done well and most look just plain awful.
I would only consider them if there was a medical reason like cancer surgury or something like that.

Agreeded, hate fake ones. Vanity, why? I've been married for 18 years and we have two wonderful kids. I've seen them go from nothing to holy cow, are you sure they are yours? My wifes hitting fourty this year, better then ever, although I'm tiried of hearing I'm fat! Shes 5'5 and a size 4!

Your wife is thin and from the picture attractive, a little weight and bingo boobs! Would I sell the toy that's up to you, if it would make her happy, I might. Cause if momma's happy everyone's happy. I'd have her talk to others that have had them and the issues they had. Problem is in twenty years she'll be 63 and her boobs will be 20. I don't think the two would go well together?

My dads wife has them, looked nice and perky 20 years ago, now they are just fake ones on a grandma.


Tel her its hard to get rid of the GN but heres a compromise. I will sell al my go fast goodies make it stock, and you can get 1 tit done lol .If getting fake titties is what makes her happy do it. Just make sure you want to sell it. Because everytime you feel them you will be thinkng about the hot metal you used to touch on the turbo. Seeing them bounce will reminf youof how that boost guage used to shoot up w a blip of the throttle. I really dont know Ood Luck man...
If the GN is not your favorite car, then I would do it in a second! What other cars do you have? Pick the one you like the least and dump it - you will enjoy those titties for years! Think of all the fun you can have with them.:biggrin:
If I had to many cars and my GN was not the favorite of those cars then yes. With that said, my GN is my favorite car out of all of the cars I own and would not let it go to fund a boob job. If I end up marrying my girlfriend I know a boob job will happen in the future as she is already talking about wanting to get a lift after we have kids. My car will still be in the garage and a big jar will be put in the bed room. I will re-arrange some funds and BOTH of us can start filling that jar with money. When the jar contains enough for some boobs she can then go get them. After that, we may as well start filling that jar again and just use it for something else around the house.

Bottom line, my GN stays and I will find other ways to get the boobs. :cool:

Also, she didnt sell anything or give me any money to get the GN. In fact, she didnt want me to get it in the first place. She knew I had owned two others and wanted another one. I talked about them all the time and she finally broke down and let me sell one of my cars and use the money to buy my current GN. When it has a motor in it she likes how fast it is but still cant see why I love that car like I do. So I guess my GN is sort of like my boob job.
Stock wife is safer in the long run....

YEs ,heard to many stories about ladies getting more attention with the boob job,which "could" be very bad for you....:(
Well hell I will help you out I'll give 10 bucks to see the before and after. If everyone here chips in you can get them and keep the car. I bought my wife some
Simple solution sell the wife and keep the car....A well taken care of GN will be faithful forever....:D
When I sold my Ttype, I got my wife's eyes fixed. Thank god she's not crosseyed anymore.
I know of more than a few wives that got their husbands to pay for their boob jobs before trading their husbands off for a more exciting model.

I live in the Texas capital of boob jobs.

If I had to chose between a built stage II motor or a boob job for my wife, I would spend less than a second deciding.

Thanks for all the replies (I like that last one about powder coating!) I have raised the same medical concerns some of you folks have and will be sure to ask more pointed questions when we talk to another PS here pretty soon.

My wife is not out to get the "torpedo" or "casaba melon/porn star" look, just a "fuller" enhancement to a 36D. She is a 36C now, and although she looks good in the photo, much of it is due to the Victoria Secret whiz-bang pushup bra she is wearing. She had an awesome bustline prior to her having our son, but after the preganancy she breast fed. In addition, she has lost 60 lbs. since our son's birth, and the result is a case of (in her words) "the dangling sisters." Yes, I have tried reassurance and so forth, but I can tell that despite how good her lower body looks it has affected her self confidence.

In our discussions with the PS, we learned that because of her weight loss and so on the skin has only so much elasticity, so she can't really acheive the "Pam Anderson" or "super perky 18-year old" look. We were given samples of the various implants (saline & silicone) and the PS figured the max he could go given the lift he'd be doing at the same time was about 10cm in diameter and 300-350 mg, for you medical types out there.

The big turn off to me was looking through the doctor's portfolio. :eek: There wasn't ONE patient in the photos that wasn't severely overweight or flat out obese, so there were no "Before" and "After" photos on slim & fit patients like my wife to get a really good comparison. In all honesty, there were some Before & After photos that proved "You can't put tits on a pig" or, in a couple of cases, a buffalo.
.....Yes, I have tried reassurance and so forth, but I can tell that despite how good her lower body looks it has affected her self confidence.

IMHO and along this subject;
Her self confidence is very much related to "how many guys will look" at her and her womanhood. And it does not matter how may times you told her how good she looks ….. You are supposed to tell her that which reduces the effectiveness ……… But I bet if some “player” did that, and other guys positively commented on her looks when she is out, THAT she may belief and it would increase her self confidence and esteem.

Lack of esteem can sometimes people get into "extra curricular" relationships to "feel good" about themselves .......... The "I still got it" – “feel good” kind of thinking. The rack sometimes just helps to get into one sooner. :eek:

The performance enhancing parts are a band aid for an underlying concern. Like a dripping faucet that will keep dripping, even with a gold pan underneath it. :eek:

Sometimes, we need to "reprogram the ECM" and not add performance parts.
No matter how many "performance parts" you add, things will never be right until you change the program. :(

Best wishes with your decision.
I cannot speak for anyone but me. For me, my wife comes before any car or any other item for that matter. Some of the comments I see in this thread lead me to believe that I know why those realtionships failed and it had nothing to do with her or b00bs. I celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary this year because we care deeply about each other and know what is important in our relationship. She bought me a T-Type a couple years ago because she thought I should have another one. If new B00Bs (oe whatever) were important to her and we talked it out, that car would be gone in a heartbeat if thats is what I had to do for her. The question is: what would she do if the role was reversed? If she would do it for you, post the for sale ad
Just my .02