
Mr. BuzzCut
Aug 3, 2011
I'm visiting my girlfriend this week in Mission Viejo CA and wanted to get up early this saturday to check out the "famed" Cars 'n Coffee in Irvine. That being said, I don't have an awesome car to show there. I also have been chasing these TR's for a year now, drooling over thems:p, but have never actually been inside. SO, if anybody's going to be in Irvine Sat morning, would want to meet up at C 'n C, and wouldn't mind taking my girlfriend and I for a ride, I'll pay for gas to do so. I'M NOT ASKING TO DRIVE YOUR CAR! My girl doesn't get the whole "love for buicks" thing, and to be honest I don't either considering Youtube and hours of browsing these forums has been my closest contact with GN's, TR's, WE-4s, etc. Just want to know what its like inside the cockpit. Much respect, PM me if you like.

-a couple of dreamin college students:rolleyes:
Where about in central IN are you? There are several on here around Indy. Might post in the midwest section too. Just stay out of the jdpolzin love-fest thread. :eek: I'm up near The Fort.