Tired of Everything Made in China!


Dec 6, 2005
Is it me, but nowadays, just about "everything" is made in China!

I can't stand it already! grrrrr..... :mad: I mean, I went to use a washcloth today, there's a big tag on it, says very proudly- "Made in China"

So many other different things lately are just all made in china. I'm really sick and tired of it. So many thing used to be made in the good ole USA and even Japan for that reason, but now it seems everything under the Sun practically is made in China.

If you go to Walmart to buy anything, just about everything is made in China. Just about all my kids toys for Christmas- yeah, you got it, Made in China! So much stuff...

I guess there's some things still made in the USA. There should be a website devoted to items and goods still made in the USA. I have to do a google search and see. If anyone has some they use, let me know.

Also, it seems that they're so proud everything is made in their GoshDarn'd Country. The labels seem like they're getting bigger and prouder.

Communists, Opportunists!
The sad fact is that making stuff sucks as a job.

The guy assembling toys isn't dreaming of the day when his kid follows in his footsteps, but instead hoping his kid gets a dreaded "service" job like doctor or lawyer.
I agree, a couple weeks ago we bought a new broyhill dining room table from nebraska furniture mart. I got it home unpacked it & guess what? Thats right, MADE IN CHINA.
Well then don't buy it. Honestly people complain when prices are to high, but when they are cheap they complain that it is made in China. You cannot have your cake and eat it to. The only way for things to change is for you to do soemthing about it. Get large numbers of americans to boycott Chinese goods(i am talking tens of millions) and buy American made only products. You know what it will never work because as americans we want it better, we want it cheaper and we want it yesterday. It is our own greed that has lead to this fleecing of america.
The american dream effectively rules out manufacturing jobs. Sure 50-60 years ago they were great jobs but today they do not pay enuff to support what we deem as the american dream(big house, nice cars.) If we were less greedy and more ready to support our own people v. cheap products, this country could be completely idependent of all foreign nations. The problem now is that we have become so dependent on the rest of the worl our chances of being truly independent has a slim to none chance of occuring.
well said.seeing the big picture.I agree,hard to turn it around or even slow the momentum.
It's all part of their Ultimate agenda.

When I was in the AF we were taught about Chinas' ultimate plan. This is something that you do not hear about in the media or read about in the papers. They are not our friends, as much as some people would like you to believe, their ultimate goal is one of global domination, utilizing Communism and Dictatorships. Basically what it boils down to is this, It's an example of Economic Terrorism. Just one more way for them to invade our shores and slowly take over our economy by not only putting hard working Americans out of work by taking away our jobs with cheaper labor and even more cheaply made products, but by putting us in even more debt. If the American public really knew the whole picture, you would be shocked.
I could go on, but I'll stop there. I will leave you with this tid bit of info tho.
Get to reading this book guys and gals.
It was written and edited by two Chinese People's Liberation Army Colonels way back in 1999. Translated and republished in 2002.

Amazon.com: Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America: Books: Qiao Liang,Wang Xiangsui


Patrick bows his head in a moment of silence...

And one more worthy read.

Amazon.com: The China Threat: Books: Bill Gertz

When the day finally comes, I can only pray that the Good Lord will be with us. The public has no idea....
Now lets not forget our Governments hand in this mess. They tax the **** out of companies making it cheaper to move abroad. Then you got the EPA and Osha busting their nuts on top of it. My favorite is the Tarift law or how ever it's spelled. It's designed to protect American companies from cheaper imported goods. This went out the door back in the 80's and allowed Japan to pump our country full of cheap cars. Sure these cars run great and last but look what we have to show for it....2/3s of the Big Three about to go under. So now we're working and shelling out money to help stop them from going under. It's Chess game...they got our Queen on the run and we're wasting moves trying to protect her while their advancing. It's just a matter of time till "check mate" and there isn't anything we can do about it except pray.
anadaron you hit the nail on the head!!! I try my best to buy American, when I need something I try to buy the best so I only have to buy it once. I wish more Americans would do the same to help save our country. I needed 2 trailer tires when I went & bought them all they had were "made in china" ones, I was desperate so I bought 2 well within 1,000 miles one blew out. I called my tire store up I told him I didn't want no china crap. you know he could not get a "trailer tire" that was made in the USA? I will be needing to replace all the tires on that trailer in the next month & I will be going to a LT tire verses a china trailer tire.
The other problem with China made is they are making knock off stuff that is just plain crap. Counterfiting is no big deal to them. They don't care about patents or intelectual property. Walmart and such sells alot of China made stuff because it's "cheap". In the end we will be very sorry that we went cheap vs more money but American made. I hand make teeth for living. I design, make and keep the quality. I hate it when I hear people complain about the cost. I'm making the best quality possible for them. They want to save a few bucks and get something made of shore.:( There goes my job to some kid that will work 6 days a week for $30. Buy American when you can! I try to, although it's difficult to...
Well then don't buy it. Honestly people complain when prices are to high, but when they are cheap they complain that it is made in China. You cannot have your cake and eat it to. The only way for things to change is for you to do soemthing about it. Get large numbers of americans to boycott Chinese goods(i am talking tens of millions) and buy American made only products. You know what it will never work because as americans we want it better, we want it cheaper and we want it yesterday. It is our own greed that has lead to this fleecing of america.
The american dream effectively rules out manufacturing jobs. Sure 50-60 years ago they were great jobs but today they do not pay enuff to support what we deem as the american dream(big house, nice cars.) If we were less greedy and more ready to support our own people v. cheap products, this country could be completely idependent of all foreign nations. The problem now is that we have become so dependent on the rest of the worl our chances of being truly independent has a slim to none chance of occuring.


Everyone wants to bitch about jobs going oversees as they waddle their fat asses through Wal Mart wearing their O.C.C. shirts made in China buying whatever is on sale, which inevitably is not American made.

Until Americans realize that they cannot demand unrealistic wages for doing a monkeys job we will gradually become even more dependent on foreign labor.

As far as quality goes, anything cheap is going to be of poor quality, regardless of what country it was made in. But when it comes to larger ticket items (automobiles, electronics, etc.) I think its safe to say the Japanese have it all over us, sadly.
I, like alot of people really frowned on the Camrys entering into NASCAR this year. Interesting quote from DW during the pre-race show. The Camry is the only entry actually made in America.
Monte Carlo - made in Canada
Fusion - made in Mexico
Charger - made in Canada
Camry - made in Kentucky to the tune of half a million a year.
I, like alot of people really frowned on the Camrys entering into NASCAR this year. Interesting quote from DW during the pre-race show. The Camry is the only entry actually made in America.
Monte Carlo - made in Canada
Fusion - made in Mexico
Charger - made in Canada
Camry - made in Kentucky to the tune of half a million a year.

I read that somewhere, but important to note is that all the profits from those toyotas is going home, not staying here.
Made in USA at Walmart!

Hoorayyy! I went out earlier today, and I could hardly believe it. I bought some really nice drinking glasses, and guess what folks?

These have a label that says, Made in USA! Woo Hoo! Nice.


Hey listen. I'm not saying that I oppose everything that's made in China. I believe in free enteprise, but it just seems like just about everything under the sun lately is outsourced to China.
Hoorayyy! I went out earlier today, and I could hardly believe it. I bought some really nice drinking glasses, and guess what folks?

These have a label that says, Made in USA! Woo Hoo! Nice.


Hey listen. I'm not saying that I oppose everything that's made in China. I believe in free enteprise, but it just seems like just about everything under the sun lately is outsourced to China.
thats just the box made in U.S.A,the glasses are from china:)
Ha Ha Haa! That was a good one, Tommy. :D

( You know, you made me go look at the glasses including the bottom of them. It doesn't say made in China, but then again it doesn't say anything on the glasses ?? ya never know... )

I really just wouldn't trust "chicken soup" from China. Or a fur coat from that area of the world. (recent news story regarding dog fur substitutes)

You just may end up eating and/or wearing -
your friendly neighborhood dog, or cat! yikeees! :eek:
One of my friends owns midwest auto parts .he told me he was at a seminar. and they told him as long as 37% of product is made in the usa they can put made in usa on box:eek: and yes that included the carton. we are all screwed. hope you all like egg rolls . chinese food gives me a headache:mad:

:biggrin:BUY AMERICAN!:biggrin:
One of my friends owns midwest auto parts .he told me he was at a seminar. and they told him as long as 37% of product is made in the usa they can put made in usa on box:eek: and yes that included the carton. we are all screwed. hope you all like egg rolls . chinese food gives me a headache:mad:

:biggrin:BUY AMERICAN!:biggrin:

Thats kinda like what they do to cars. I think as long as it's 70% assymbled in the US they can call it American made or something like that.
If they could-
They would make American Apple Pie in China, and ship it over here and put made in china on the box!