Syd goes under the knife


Staff member
May 25, 2001
You know, Its almost like there is someone in the woods with a deer on a leash and just at the right moment they let them loose so they can run across the road right in front of your Buick so you can hit them... :mad:. Oh well, at least it happened on faucette lane in Burlington so I could at least get it to RC's so his body man could look it over.... So now that the insurance adjuster came out syd will go under the knife next week to get a facelift and some new paint!! RC's body man is used to alot of black, not too much blue;)
I know the feeling Clint, i hit a deer a few years back in my grey car!:frown: Insurance took good care of me and had it fixed. I just payed a little extra out of my pocket and had the whole car painted while they was at it. I hope you get Syd back on the road soon!!
Sorry to hear that Clint, I am sure he is in good hands :cool:
Look at the brightside, it couldn't have happened at a better place;)
I was at Richard's last night, to drop some parts off, and two young fawns were standing in the parking lot. I am always amazed on how many deer I count when I go up there and return home late.