Sex Sent Me to The ER!


New Member
Dec 18, 2007
No Not Me, Its that New Show on TCL Has Anyone Seen it Yet?
Sex Sent Me To The ER" is an all-new series documenting the real-life and often hilarious stories of what happens when passion turns to panic and leads to the ER! here's a clip
I haven't seen it yet, but I plan to be on the show sometime after valentine's day....

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Yeah I seen it, that girl had a 3.5 hour trip to heaven, lol, and she couldn't even walk. It was pretty funny. that's some kind a condition to make you have involuntary orgasams, and have that good feeling run your life. I was like: shut up no way. And I was literally laughing out loud when the boyfriend was in the waiting room and everyone was congratulating him cause they herd his women screaming all the way out there, thinking she was having a baby.
I had to quit watching when the guy fell out of the tree and twisted his stuff into a mangled mess. Ouch!
I had to take a girl to the ER once after sex... her mouth got stuck open and she couldnt close it.


Talk about embaressing
Good job!!!! Now, Can I have her number???

I can send you to her Facebook page :)

That would be cruel tho... she's married with kids now and Im sure doesnt need that reminder. That was almost 30 years ago. You shoulda seen that ER doctor yanking on her jaw trying to get it to release.
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I had to take a girl to the ER once after sex... her mouth got stuck open and she couldnt close it.


Talk about embaressing
WOW, Sounds like lockjaw....hope you didn't kiss her!
I think it's catchy! :D