Rust remover


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2002
Watching Hot Rod tv the other day they advertized a rust remover that requires soaking parts for hours or day with good results. I believe made by Armorall. Checked website couldn't find anything. Anyone know this product and where to find ?
Watching Hot Rod tv the other day they advertized a rust remover that requires soaking parts for hours or day with good results. I believe made by Armorall. Checked website couldn't find anything. Anyone know this product and where to find ?

Eastwood has stuff like that .
I have used Evaporust with good results. I got it from our paint supplier, but have seen it in Auto Zone. It works great for soaking small nuts, blots, brackets, turbo exhaust housing, etc.
use a 3 to 1 mix of vinager (yes)and water I soak my nuts and bolts for 3 to 4 days it works great but it stinks lol. rinse of with clean water and blow dry.cost pennys.
Cheap rust remover

I use toilet bowl cleaner from Home Depot. I don't remember the name but it's blue and a little thick. I've used it to clean surface rust on body panels. I just keep applying, let it sit and wire brush. It takes hours but it cleans the pits right down to shiny bare metal. I wash with water and baking soda and dry with a heat gun. I then prime and fill, sand and paint. The rust doesn't come back.