RIP Carroll Shelby


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Staff member
May 27, 2001
I know the guy wasnt a big deal in Buick-land but he was a performance legend and has a pretty good chili mix.

RIP Carroll
The performance world has lost another legendary icon.
Too bad. He sure had a good run though especially when doctors expected him to die as a youngster due to heart problems.
just seen it and called the wife, i could hear her crying over the phone, truly a sad day for any real gear head.
Wow! I thought he was going to live damn near forever :(. He will be missed! A true legend!

RIP to a legend
Sad day indeed. Losing all the legends. Still remember the day I saw Jim Inglese's 427 Cobra coming thru downtown Madison back in the late 70's. Heard it first and then I saw it. Will never forget that. Actually arranged a photo shoot of the Cobra years later for Popular Hot Rodding magazine when I was buds with Steve Reyes the photographer.

Was just at a friend's house Wednesday and he had a signed poster of Shelby for an event that took place at Lime Rock back in 1992. Also has an NHRA banner signed by a bunch of older NHRA drivers and we were going thru them to see who was still with us. Now two days later Shelby is gone.:(

He did a lot with a little. Fastest chicken farmer ever! Drive fast and take chances because we all leave the same.

You'll like this if you are a Shelby fan... My favorite are the Daytona coupes that aren't even complete yet!

His cars is what got me into cars back in 65. Owned a lot of his "creations" over the years. RIP. Mr. Shelby :(

RIP Mr. Shelby,my fears with all the legends we have lost lately is their is nobody to fill their shoes.:(
