Reynolds hotel

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Good Grief!!!! This started with a guy wanting to know about hotels. Now its turned into this mess. This should have been on a diffrent trend or even better yet, thur pms. I thought this was the Buick , FAST WITH CLASS board, not a mustang, viper, teenager trash talking board. I read the mess over on turbo buicks board and was hoping that trash would not get over here! The first post there was overboard for sure about what to wear, not to wear, etc. I would hope that the members that have the code of fast with class would just use common sence anyway sheeeeeesh. I for one will have my family with me and I wouldn't go to your house wearing something trashy, its just common respect!! I am not a big fan of gsca or this RRR thing, not a member of either for sure BUT they ARE setting this up for us each year and I am thankfull somebody does it!! They are giving the buick guys a chance to get together and bullsh#$ with each other, make new friends and just have a good time. I know some people just have to be the fastest, talk the most trash, etc but remember guys one thing. This is suppose to be FUN!! We all love these cars and have a ball with them. I don't have any problem at all asking Shane to lock this. Not only has it gotten way off topic but this bickering just makes us all look bad guys! Now before you start flaming me, read this again!!!!! If you want a fight, go to the club and be a jerk, I hope you all come to renolds! This is a once a year thing guys and I for one love seeing a ton of turbo buicks there and every year I have made new friends and got to meet great people. Thats what its really all about isn't it! This is a hobby to most of us so lets enjoy this event and just have a good time sheeeeshl
off the soap box now
Daniel Ray

>>> Well said..........IMO it's threads like this that make angels cry.

I am looking forward to next weekend and catching up with some friends and mending some fences.

Safe travels to all.

I threw a number down last time I was out 2 years ago, unlike your lackluster showing on the national stage 2 weeks ago. You really showed the world what Cal Hartline and Hartline Performance is all about.:rolleyes:

The local guys at the event thought you were still running a stock V6 in the car, they had a hard time believing it was a V8 with a huge turbo

Why do you always act like a b!tch?
LOL! Backed into a corner? :rolleyes: If this or any other thread gets locked, it won't be because I have asked them to do it. We'll see who bitches up when Reynolds rolls around.

Oh yeah, Happy Anniversary. The traditional 2nd year gift is Cotton. Unfortunately, he doesn't want to be around you either :eek:


We can keep this up as long as you want. My business doesn't get hurt if yours doesn't lets keep it going by all means.

As far as needing Hartline, Cotton or anyone else for that matter around I have my core group of guys and we do GET IT DONE unlike Hartline Performances miserable showing the past few weekends.

Like I said before I got it done before and after dealing with you I DON'T NEED YOU AROUND so get over it!
You sure know a lot about that event, stalker. FWIW: One of my customers was low qualifier, set the ET record, and clinched the NMCA points series at that event.

I went 147 mph with a nearly stock engine that was put in just as a mock up engine. The car was blowing through the Neil Chance converter and running low boost. The next day after the event, I sold the unbroken engine FOR MORE THAN I HAD INTO IT!
You don't leave much doubt, as to who is the real embarrassment to the Buick Community.

BTW: Kereny went 9.46@146.37 mph, yes 146.37 mph, tonight @22psi.

Nothing but excuses about YOUR piss poor performance there typical:rolleyes:

Another typical Cal Hartline move jump on the nuts of success yet run and hide when you FUK up like blowing Teds motor and your killer blow up tune on Kerneys motor at BPG.
Well I guess I was wrong. I thought this died yesterday:frown:

This stops now!

Cal is defending himself and his business as I suggested he do, please blame me for that not him. I thought that might end this on going mess. I guess I was wrong..... I apologize to Cal for that.

Everyone that has looked at the boards in a year knows what happend with Ted. I fell sorry for Ted and I think he had a legitamate gripe with FAST, I would have too. He got the short end of the stick no dought.... However there is no need for this to come up in every thread.

This is over!
WOW, I'm really getting a warm fuzzy feeling about attending Reynolds.
An undercover Halloween costume now sounds like a good idea. WTF !!! :rolleyes:
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