Obamas new Air Force 1

I see your new here, you have to get use to all the racism thats posted in these forums.. I laugh it off most of the time like I wish I could meet some of these guys & see if they would be as friendly if they seen that I was a 27yr old Black male.

But Honestly don't take it personal you just have to use this site for what its meant for & thats learning about these wonderful cars.. & as A Brotha I dont take that personal because a real insult would be saying " McCain wouldnt need a puppy for the White house because white people already smell like wet puppies " But who would ever say something like that ;)

See now, thats a racial slur against white people saying that they smell like wet dogs. I dont take offense to it as you shouldnt take offense to black people being call used farm equipment ;)
Yeah Six I just checked out your other post, I respect how you feel & if you think about it , it kinda is what it is.. NO pun intended on above comment, But thats just some of the crazy comments you hear on the other side..

Damn Near 80% of my friends are crazy a** whiteboys & I love every last one of them.. But I correct them alot, Sh*t one told me Man Its like your not even Black you dont act like a black person ? I was like wow.. you dont act like a Red Neck.. lol

I in return took him on a Joy ride through the Hood.. He was like man you know these people I didnt think you hung around these type of people..
I had to let him know they're not these people there my cousins, friends etc..

Its a fine line in it all.. I just try to respect every1 how I want to be respected..

Cool,you know where I'm coming from.

You should have seen how my old girlfriends acted when I brought them to my place! LOL!

I always met them out at the clubs and parties,they had no idea I was a hood rat.HEHE.

I always told everybody when they came to visit that it's all about how you carry yourself. Look scared....be scared.
I dont see how anyone could call the video racist when SNOOP DOG made the movie, bottom line he's poking fun at HIMSELF!!!
See now, thats a racial slur against white people saying that they smell like wet dogs. I dont take offense to it as you shouldnt take offense to black people being call used farm equipment ;)

Man tht was Racist stop hiding behind your keyboard I wanna Fight !!! :biggrin: :biggrin:
Cool,you know where I'm coming from.

You should have seen how my old girlfriends acted when I brought them to my place! LOL!

I always met them out at the clubs and parties,they had no idea I was a hood rat.HEHE.

I always told everybody when they came to visit that it's all about how you carry yourself. Look scared....be scared.

Lol dude your crazy... Ok but check this out theres this kid thats hangs around a couple of my buddies I guess he's what you call A wigga " lol

I mean I call the dude Malcom White. lol He has literally convinced himself that he is Black, Brown, 50 cents brother IDK.. But this Dude drops the N bomb All Day... Like whats Up My N*&&*..

Last week @ the track when I blew my HG he came runnin up to me sayin Damn My N**** you blew your **** up.. Ok I went crazy .. Man your F#&*'n White whats your problem,, I basically let my frustration out on the poor guy... he put his head down & walked away..

Later tht night I told him even though he is white as my walls He'll always be my N****... I think I made his year.

Hince some people just want to be accepted..
Lol dude your crazy... Ok but check this out theres this kid thats hangs around a couple of my buddies I guess he's what you call A wigga " lol

I mean I call the dude Malcom White. lol He has literally convinced himself that he is Black, Brown, 50 cents brother IDK.. But this Dude drops the N bomb All Day... Like whats Up My N*&&*..

Last week @ the track when I blew my HG he came runnin up to me sayin Damn My N**** you blew your **** up.. Ok I went crazy .. Man your F#&*'n White whats your problem,, I basically let my frustration out on the poor guy... he put his head down & walked away..

Later tht night I told him even though he is white as my walls He'll always be my N****... I think I made his year.

Hince some people just want to be accepted..

Man that totally reminds me of a friend of mine, he is always throwin the ng'a word around like he is snoop dre easy e ect.... He's a wigga and the day i was at his house talking to my xgirlfriend on the phone, he comes in yelling "sup my ng'as" Needless to say, she's black, and heard him say it and she immediately asked who what when where and why.

It was all OK once i told her "you will never hear that from me"......

Doesnt mean anything when your friends.

I guess if it affects you then it matters, I care about making money & we all know what color that is.. :biggrin:

S*** My twins are the only two Afro Americans girls in their class & they have to be in diff. classes because their sisters.

Maybe I should Bus them to the Ghetto so They Can get to know their Roots.. :biggrin:

I'm 27 My Dad owns A construction company which we've had for the last
19years, My Mom Is a Ceo Auditor for the state. I own My own Investment company which they helped me start ;)

It's all based on how hard you work , My parents sit back & laugh about how they have a Rolls Royce now & remember when their pinto got repoed''

I cant stand poor people I'm sorry I cant help but to tell the truth Black, white, whatever color... I hate people tht wait for handouts maybe because I know so many.. you guys would be suprised how content people are with their damn $500 on their ebt cards & unfortunently tht attitude carries over to the kids.
Thanks for the support from those who did. It wasnt ment to be racisist, just funny. This just proves one more time how anal this board is. I've been a member here for over 10 years and have never insulted (intentionaly) anyone here. It sure looks like the bruthas here can see it as a joke but the narrow minded white boyz get offended. Hmmmmmm.
If anyone got offended, maybe its because there life is a little closer to whats portraed in the clip than what one would imagine.

Lol dude your crazy... Ok but check this out theres this kid thats hangs around a couple of my buddies I guess he's what you call A wigga " lol

I mean I call the dude Malcom White. lol He has literally convinced himself that he is Black, Brown, 50 cents brother IDK.. But this Dude drops the N bomb All Day... Like whats Up My N*&&*..

Last week @ the track when I blew my HG he came runnin up to me sayin Damn My N**** you blew your **** up.. Ok I went crazy .. Man your F#&*'n White whats your problem,, I basically let my frustration out on the poor guy... he put his head down & walked away..

Later tht night I told him even though he is white as my walls He'll always be my N****... I think I made his year.

Hince some people just want to be accepted..

Yeah,I know the type.

Truth is you don't have to try so hard,just got to be yourself.

I never saw the need to act out in any way to fit in. I was always the crazy white peckerwood on the block. People took me for who I was and always knew where they stood with me.Always spoke like a southern white boy.

FWIW, I don't think there is a nice form of that word,no N'er vs. N'a BS here. Thats the same damn word just bad pronunciation.

I ain't going to say I haven't used it,but you better believe if I feel the need,I am not worried about how the recipient feels about it. That word is reserved for only the most deserving IMHO and not in a nice way either.
I guess if it affects you then it matters, I care about making money & we all know what color that is.. :biggrin:

S*** My twins are the only two Afro Americans girls in their class & they have to be in diff. classes because their sisters.

Maybe I should Bus them to the Ghetto so They Can get to know their Roots.. :biggrin:

I'm 27 My Dad owns A construction company which we've had for the last
19years, My Mom Is a Ceo Auditor for the state. I own My own Investment company which they helped me start ;)

It's all based on how hard you work , My parents sit back & laugh about how they have a Rolls Royce now & remember when their pinto got repoed''

I cant stand poor people I'm sorry I cant help but to tell the truth Black, white, whatever color... I hate people tht wait for handouts maybe because I know so many.. you guys would be suprised how content people are with their damn $500 on their ebt cards & unfortunently tht attitude carries over to the kids.

Hey,I have lived that stuff right there. I know exactly what you mean.

I have also seen that there is money in the ghetto (to quote 2short,hehe).

I've known people who buy food with foodstamps and drive a caddy,got big screen TV's,leather furniture,etc....

There are those that just work the system,making a killing on the streets tax free and still on the cheese. Like you said,it's a cycle and it passes on.
Obama said the U.S. would not quit in Afghanistan, but he made clear that he’s looking for an end to direct involvement in the fight against Taliban and al-Qaida extremists. He drove that point home in meetings with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and his Cabinet in the capital, and in a speech before a cheering crowd of about 2,500 troops and civilians at Bagram Air Field, north of Kabul.
I am black and think that was funny...it reminds me of Kings of Comedy when Cedric the Ent was talking about brothas going to the moon in a G'd out space shuttle. Stereotypes are funny to me. Most of my friends are telling me slap some 22s on the Buick. The last time I had dubs on a Regal it brought a lot of attn from cops and gangsters. They call me the Black Joe Dirt because I have 275's out back LOL. Now that Im sticking with the stockers...I dont get followed by the Sheriffs.
Wow some people need to grow some thicker skin.:rolleyes: If you think thats racist then go watch Chappelle's Show and tell me there isn't any racism, stereotypes, or double standards!

PS...I love the Chappelle show, the man surely pushed it to the edge of TV. And thats why it was so damn funny!

True so true...Chappelle definately pushed the envelope with his show. A lot of the skits were made to bring attn to serious issues that we face everyday. He had to "make fun of it" in order to get his point accros. An example of that is the blind KKK leader who was actually black. That skit told me that behaviors are learned and that people sometimes hate blindly.
this is stupid

Every president gets made fun of. They make fun of all of them. If they are white hicks from Texas they make fun of their speech. If they are african american then they will make fun of airforce one with spinners. When there is a mexican president they will show an airforce one with hydraulics and daytons. When there is a woman president they will post up pics of a pink airforce one with martha stewart decorations. Not racism but freedom of speech. Get over yourself.
When it was made into a double standard it became fair game. If you want to make the rules, live by them.
I'm white as a sheet and I love me some spinners and hydro's!

I would so rock that plane!