Madonna Tosses Grenade At President

Two Lane

New Member
Feb 24, 2002

A final shock scene in the video of AOLTIMEWARNER recording artist Madonna's upcoming release -- is that of the singer throwing a grenade in the lap of President Bush!

"It is not me being anti-Bush, it's me being ironic and tongue in cheek," Madonna explains to NBC's ACCESS HOLLYWOOD this weekend.

"My kind of wish for peace and my desire to sort of turn a weapon of destruction, which is a grenade, into something that is completely innocuous."

Madonna uses a Bush look-alike in the final scene of AMERICAN LIFE. The "president" picks up the lit grenade that Madonna throws at him -- and lights his cigar with it!

The image is "my wish to find an alternative to violence to war and destruction," the singer says.
Madonna, yeah.:rolleyes: Her opinion means almost as much to me as Martin Sheen and that obese hog Michael Moore.
She's a hype artist. That's one way to get people to talk about her. She's been doing the same thing for years. SHOCK value! Buy now she knows that her career is in the toilet.

After this idea tubes, she'll probably make a video of her giving a BJ to Saddam's corpse.
This from a broad who walked naked down the street to "shock" us, married sean penn, slept with dennis rodman, slept with half the worlds sports starts, had her 1st kid out of wedlock, thinks she's Evita Peron. OK whatever she says has zero relevance.....take the grenade and shove it up your a$$.

Just my two cents on Madonna.
I'm still waiting to wave bye-bye to Rosie, since Pres Bush was in fact elected.

There words are as meaningless as their actions.

Even in the rare moments that one of the Hollywood types do something, for the good of humanity, it's just for the PR.

What hollow lives they must lead, lots of money, but confused by reality. Or maybe just so used to role playing they just don't know who they are. Maybe someone should have an auction on eBay specializing in *clues for the stars*.
Originally posted by Buicksx2
This from a broad who walked naked down the street to "shock" us, married sean penn, slept with dennis rodman, slept with half the worlds sports starts, had her 1st kid out of wedlock, thinks she's Evita Peron. OK whatever she says has zero relevance.....take the grenade and shove it up your a$$.

Just my two cents on Madonna.

Wow---hadn't thought about it---but you are pretty accurate:cool:

Actually her greatest hits album isn't half bad. ;)

Performers I ignore in real life, same with sports stars etc.

Makes it much easier to watch them when they are actually doing their jobs that they are good at.

Well Ozzy is an exception I guess but he is rather good at comedy. :D
Too bad she did'nt do it for real, then the Secret Service could have blown her away ;)
Some stars arent so bad.... FYI Bruce Willis tried to Enlist when the war started... They said he is too old tho..