Lost my little girl today

Sorry for your loss but be glad it went quick.
I lost my 9yr old female boxer in Sept. within a few days she went from being normal to not eating and not getting up. After many blood tests, Xrays, MRI and about $3,500 in vet bills:mad: :mad: :mad: I made the decision to put her down:(
The last blood test came back after we put her down positive for some kind of virus caused by ingesting the urine of a rabbit,squirrl, ect that has the virus:confused: Maybe she ate the grass??
I now only have my 12yr old male boxer and its only a matter of time:frown:
Oh yeah I lost my 11 yr old cat a month before my dog due to a blood clot:frown:
So sorry to hear of your loss. Perhaps you might get some comfort from this, as I like to believe it to be a true account of things to come.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

very nice....
Sorry to hear this. People who dont have a dog dont realize how close they become to you and how they become like another one of your kids.
It is truely a sad day when one looses their best and most trusted friend. :(
Our Candy (my avatar) is 11 now, which is "old" for a boxer, so we are trying to prepare ourselves mentally for what we know must come sooner than later.
Sorry for your loss.

I have two labs, one black and one yellow. They will be missed but I know they are in a very loving home now. While your pain may be great right now, please keep in mind that these wonderful animals are put down in shelters every day:( We had to put one of our cats down a few years ago. About a week later we found ourselves at a shelter picking out another one. It's hard, but we have the ability to give them a wonderful life.
I have two labs, one black and one yellow. They will be missed but I know they are in a very loving home now. While your pain may be great right now, please keep in mind that these wonderful animals are put down in shelters every day:( We had to put one of our cats down a few years ago. About a week later we found ourselves at a shelter picking out another one. It's hard, but we have the ability to give them a wonderful life.

yep, both my Labs are rescures from a shelter.. i think they love you more, due to you saving them..

Lightning 3 1/3 years old.. rescure him at 5 months old from a Maryland shelter.

Minnee is 1 1/2 years old.. rescure her at 8 weeks old, her mom had the litter out on the streets. Cali shelter..

i don't even know what to do if i loss one of them right now :frown: .. once again i feel your pain..
Very sorry to hear. I am a huge animal lover with 2 pups and 3 cats at the moment. I've lost a dog and 2 cats in the past 6 years or so. Each one has tore me up, so I know what you are going thru. It gets better day by day. The first couple weeks will suck though. Best wishes...
If/when you get another, make sure you consider adopting...
Sorry for your loss. I lost two in a six year period, gone but never forgotten. Their is not a day that goes buy that I don't think about them. If I'm lucky will get to see them again. Keep the faith your life is better because you shared it with your friend.
Sorry to hear:(. Not sure how I will cope when that day comes for me. I cant have kids so my dog is everything to me.
That sucks. I know how you feel. it is like losing a brother.My dog Major passed when i was 13 and till this day i think about him. My puppy turbo is 7 years old today.We all love this dog.He lives like a king. I know someday i will be back in that mess.Thats why I say dogs live short little lives. So spoil them. It takes time and lots of it to move on .You will always remember the good times.take care and god bless
Sorry to hear this. People who dont have a dog dont realize how close they become to you and how they become like another one of your kids.

In my case your absolutely right. Just saved my dog from the pound, she was on her last trip to the Pet Adoption Day. She would probably have been put down because she had stayed there almost 3 months. But now I do understand what it would be like to lose a pet........it would hurt for awhile.:frown: The longer the relationship the harder it will be. Best Wishes saywin.
Tough it out dude. The irony with pets is we have all these great times and happiness with them..all knowing that those times set us up for heartbreak when they pass on.

Remember those times now. :)
Had to put my female down a few days before christmas this year. She had cancer and was in pain. I knew it was the right thing to do but it just killed me inside. I was a total wreck for a few days. I feel for you buddy, you don't realize how much you get attached to these guys until they are gone. Daniel Ray
I'm sorry to hear about your dog, I bet it is hard to deal with. Gosh I'd be lost without my lil' killer mini pin Fiesta. The pic of your dog and the black one together look like my dogs Biscuit(yellow lab also) and Lady or Katy(my 2 black lab mixs) If you want Biscuit you can have him, he's a good dog, just pees on everything(sometimes my leg included if I stand still long enough!) J/K, but I will say, without a doubt, a yellow lab is probably one of the most, if not the most, mentally balanced dogs you could ever have. Very loyal, friendly, great with kids, even small ones. Never a biter. I feel for your loss :frown:
I am sorry for your loss. I lost a couple of my girls a Rott an a Dobie a few years back. It was terrible. I ended up rescuing a rott from a local no kill shelter and found my 3rd dog tied to a stop sign where some idiot left him to die.

Be happy that you were able to give this animal a good home and if you are able, find another needy soul who needs a good home.
Chad that really sux. Sorry to hear about that, especially since it happened so fast. I keep thinking any day my Girlfriend pup..yes for those that don't now my pup is named Girlfriend.. will pass any day with her health issues, but she keeps hangin in there for the past year..even chases a squirrel every once in a while.. She been with us 12 years, BigMan the cat been here 14 years too.
Think of all the good times and what a great home you gave her, after some time you'll want another one.
Nice weather is just around the corner, we need to get out for a cruise some time. I'll have the TTA at the Autorama next month, give me a call if you need passes to get in.
I feel ur pain cause I just had to put my dog Lady {Springer Spaniel} down yesterday She weighed 30lbs when I found her full of quills Took her to the vet got her to 80lbs We had her for 12 yrs Dont know how old she really was She came up the stairs & collasped Once my rottie goes thats gonna be it for me
I am so sorry for your loss friend. Try and keep your head up as brighter days are on the way.

Man, you had to say Lab, let alone any dog of the family. I also have a "just turned 3-year old yellow lab" and my family I know would be crushed if something happened to him. He is just like a son in my family and actually obeys me more than the kids do.

Take Care and Stay Strong:) :) A plan is already in place for you.:wink:
